Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

You will be surprised to know that most Pakistanis, even to this day, think that the difference between India and Pakistan in terms of industrial and economic capabilities is 19-20.
I won't be. I encounter such clowns daily. That's exactly what sem2sem means.
I know of people with relatives in Tier 4&5 towns in India who've married muslim girls with parents of both sides not only aware of it but willingly participated in the wedding. There was also no conversion to Islam . On the contrary those girls converted to Hinduism.

At the same time I'm also aware of plenty of cases of Muslim boys marrying Hindu girls whether with the explicit acknowledgement of their parents or otherwise & of course conversion to Islam . Also true of Muslim girls marrying Hindu boys getting the latter converted to Islam instead of the other way around.

This doesn't prove anything I'm afraid & probably represents not more than a percentage point as far as total marriages in either communities of people opting for partners of the opposite faith . I'd prefer it remains like that for in my experience chances of a Hindu converting to Islam whether boy or girl is higher than the other way around.
yes...coz secularism teaching is most found in hindus. nd its by design by our enimies, to make hindus sleep deeply. most hindus r happily singing "ya ali raham ali", "kun faya kun", "kafirana ishq" etc many momin religioious/related songs by mixing with entertainment. meanwhile opposite (hindu religious songs) example is very rare nd most momin know its haram song. they dont sing it.
so for many hindu family, muslim things isnt alien thing. they consider it their own society part. thats why they easily make relationship with momins nd also accepted their cult. although it should be happened opposite, due to hindus majority. but they brainwash/teach their children from childhood, they r different (superior) than others. thats why very less momin convert in other inferior religion. same case with second middle east dessert cult comverts.
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what so breaking is here?? what can pakistan provide to indonesia, except umma ka chumma. if i m not wrong indonesia helped (dont know directly or indirectly) pakistan in 1965 war, coz they want Andaman nicobar islands in Indonesia. if anyone know about it properly, plz explain for knowledge.
yes...coz secularism teaching is most found in hindus. nd its by design by our enimies, to make hindus sleep deeply.
True, Hindus don't have a F-king sense of crisis. If Hindus get replaced, it wouldn't be without any reason, they clearly lack any sense of self-preservation.

Edit: You can coexist with people who also want to coexist peacefully. However, when you have two ideologies existing together, where one of them seeks the complete destruction of all other ideologies except itself, there is no possibility of coexistence unless:

1. One of those ideologies is destroyed.
2. Those ideologies are segregated.
3. The latter ideology abandons its goal of eliminating all others and begins to accept and live peacefully with others.
4. A much more powerful external threat emerges, forcing them to work together temporarily until the danger subsides.
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what so breaking is here?? what can pakistan provide to indonesia, except umma ka chumma. if i m not wrong indonesia helped (dont know directly or indirectly) pakistan in 1965 war, coz they want Andaman nicobar islands in Indonesia. if anyone know about it properly, plz explain for knowledge.
AFAIK Indonesia is US vassal, also economically dependent on chinese. Its a Signaling done by uncle sam to say we are the boss here and we call shots. We had to write letter for it not to happen.. We need a much stronger economy to get away from this bullying. I could be wrong though, pls feel free to correct me!
what so breaking is here?? what can pakistan provide to indonesia, except umma ka chumma. if i m not wrong indonesia helped (dont know directly or indirectly) pakistan in 1965 war, coz they want Andaman nicobar islands in Indonesia. if anyone know about it properly, plz explain for knowledge.
They threatened to occupy Andaman and Nicobar Islands during the war. To apply some context though, this took place at a time when Sukarno had pulled out of UN after throwing a fit over Malaysia gaining independence while keeping all of the British possessions of the region since Indonesia hoped for the then British territory in Borneo to be ceded to them so that they could completely hold Borneo for themselves. They turned their entire foreign policy on it's head, reversed many of their Non Alignment Movement policies and did everything they could to appease the Chinese to form a bloc to oppose the British and the Malaysians.

That whole year is full of bizarre decisions on the part of the Indonesians, both domestically and geopolitically. So much so that Sukarno faced a coup just 2 months after the 1965 war (which failed) and basically prompted Suharto (who was then in a top military position) to start conspiring against him and eventually had him overthrown 2 years later.

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