Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

Nope it comes from their book.
Believer is superior to Infidel

It's another thing that they are mawalis who's descendants were pro at only bending the knee to whichever Green conqueror passed by...
But I see the pignat folk especially the angloids behave in the same way as porks. Is it because they're the porks of jewrope?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Just saw that post lol. Even took a screenshot to post here.

View attachment 22092

:bplease: ???

GDP per capita? It can't be that because ours is twice theirs...
What kind of chummah my ummah logic is this?

They lie to each other to mentally reinforce the mawalis wavering in their delulu.
It doesn't have to make sense, and woe to the infidel that buys their lies and trickery
44 Pakistanis died in the Mediterranean last month.

44 died again this week.

Much more to come, as high Paki fertility rates continue, and Europe becomes stricter in letting in groomers.

They haven't even found most of the dead Pakistani bodies from last month's drowning.

These dumbasses got a 98% Muslim country and did not even have to deal with Hindu-Muslim issues like we do. Yet what an unmitigated disaster of a nation and inbred people.

That's not even their rocket, I think US gave them those sounding rockets
Even their cope about "hum aage thay unse, SUPARCO pehle bani" is hugely misconstrued. ISRO was indeed created 8 years after SUPARCO, but ISRO is a successor organization or even can be said as a rebranding of an earlier organisation called INCOSPAR which was set up in 1962 (a year behind SUPARCO 1961) which is in itself a successor to a space research department with in the Department of Atomic Agency (dating to mid to late 1950s). We had research institutions and labs dating to 1947 that started work on astronomy and space studies (radiation etc) started by Sarabhai himself (in his own residence before moving to bigger facilities). The only area they claim "first" is launching a sounding rockets earlier than us but even that was a derivative of the amreeki Nike series of sounding rockets (dont know how much was built in porkiland - but from what I gathered it was either completely assembled in pakiland, or some bits were manufactured and most of it was imported before assebly). I don't know how much of India's first sounding rocket (launched a year after pakis "own sounding rocket") was our own design/manufactured and how much was imported.

All their cope of "hum aage thay, hum first thay" is built on the usual lies and half truths their awam is fed.
What is to be jealous about or obsessed about a country of inbred subhumans who can't make a 70cc Engine?

Do these fucking morons really think we give a fuck about Porkistan? If I am thinking about them at all I am only thinking when will these cancer cells are wiped out from the land.
Look at the LOS and figure out the rest.

What is to be jealous about or obsessed about a country of inbred subhumans who can't make a 70cc Engine?

Do these fucking morons really think we give a fuck about Porkistan? If I am thinking about them at all I am only thinking when will these cancer cells are wiped out from the land.

Pakis are basically the "IM IGNORING YOU" chick

What is to be jealous about or obsessed about a country of inbred subhumans who can't make a 70cc Engine?

Do these fucking morons really think we give a fuck about Porkistan? If I am thinking about them at all I am only thinking when will these cancer cells are wiped out from the land.
We had a pakistanisms thread on DFI discussing exactly that. All of them are pre-programmed with tropes and opinions which are commonly found in every single one of them. And that includes "Indians are badly obsessed with us", "paxtan is wealthier than India", "Indian girls are dying for inbredistanis" and "all of India's money is in Adani's bank account". I've never in my life seen such mass-scale brainwashing that happens there through media by individuals who are delusional and narcissist w.r.t other countries.

Some retired General yaps "India wasting money in space, ports and weapons creating arms race in region instead of eradicating poverty and feeding it's people especially when billionaires in India have all the wealth" and the inbred believes it easily and spams it everywhere.
We had a pakistanisms thread on DFI discussing exactly that. All of them are pre-programmed with tropes and opinions which are commonly found in every single one of them. And that includes "Indians are badly obsessed with us", "paxtan is wealthier than India", "Indian girls are dying for inbredistanis" and "all of India's money is in Adani's bank account". I've never in my life seen such mass-scale brainwashing that happens there through media by individuals who are delusional and narcissist w.r.t other countries.

Some retired General yaps "India wasting money in space, ports and weapons creating arms race in region instead of eradicating poverty and feeding it's people especially when billionaires in India have all the wealth"
and the inbred believes it easily and spams it everywhere.

Half of what you've said is produced in India itself by their Aman ka Tamasha bum-buddies.
It is no surprise then that they repeat those things everywhere.

Librandus and Pakis both say that Chorgress was better for India than Modi's BJP for e.g

It's like their Eastern brozzers getting all gassed up by Shukr Coupta hyping their GDP per capita, rest of the darbari media repeating it and the end result is "O Pojeet, hom jyoda omeer hobe!"

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