Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

It’s perfectly allowed in islam.

WARNING: If you are weak hearted, skip whatever written below.

The necessity for washing [ghusl] does not depend on the emission of semen; rather when the head of the penis disappears inside the vagina, washing is obligatory for the man and the woman. There is no disagreement on this today, although there was disagreement among some of the Companions and those after them, but then all convened on what we have mentioned and evidence of this has been presented. Our companions have said that if the head of the penis goes into the rear of a woman or the rear of a man, or the vagina of an animal or its rear, washing is obligatory whether the one penetrated is alive or dead, small or grown, whether it was intentional or absentminded, and whether it was by choice or compulsion; or if a woman inserts a man’s penis into herself while he is sleeping, whether the penis is erect or not, and whether it is circumcised or uncircumcised. Washing is obligatory in all of these instances, for the one doing it and the one getting it done to them, except if the one doing it or the one getting it done to them is a young boy or young girl, in which case it is not said to be obligatory, since the young boy is not yet responsible for his actions, although it can be said that he has become sexually impure, and if he is of the age of discernment it is obligatory for his guardian to ask him to wash, just as he asks him to perform ablution.

Al-Nawawi, Al-minhaj fi Sharh Sahih Muslim [Open Path in Exposition of Sahih Muslim], The book of menstruation, Section: substantiating that in sex at the beginning of Islam, washing [ghusl] was not obligatory unless semen was discharged, and substantiating that this was abrogated and that washing is always obligatory from sex

Do any nasty thing and just wash your 🍌
Look at the scenarios mentioned!

Man or woman
Vagina or rear
Animal 🦒 🦓 🦔 🐸🐭🐱🐰🐨🪿🦅🐨🐻🐷🐻‍❄️🐼🐰🪱🦉🐺🦇🐗🐴🐞🐌🪰🐜🦋🐛🦂🐍🐢🦖🐙🦑🦕🦐🐡🦀
DEAD or alive
Grown up or small baby 👼🏻🧑🏻‍🍼👩🏻‍🍼🙇🏻‍♀️👶👧🏻🧒🧒👦🏻
Rape or not..

Those who knows Arabic, can refer it here.

Animal sex in islam. Inshallah!
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