Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

Dont all developing economies have this undocumented economy? there has to be indicators that the govt. already takes into account right? like sale of FMCG, money in circulation provided they have control over who prints.

Paki middle class is literally non existent, its either wealthy(in their country) or dirt poor.
Dont all developing economies have this undocumented economy? there has to be indicators that the govt. already takes into account right? like sale of FMCG, money in circulation provided they have control over who prints.

Paki middle class is literally non existent, its either wealthy(in their country) or dirt poor.
Their logic always revolves around fancy real estate being present in the biggest cities of paxtan hence its GDP can't be this low.

Every failed state has a very huge diaspora which invests in fancy real estate back home. Paki diaspora sends $35 billion approx annually to paxtan, where do you think such a huge number ends up in?

This is in somalia, some fancy real estate built and owned by somali diaspora...


Somalis posted such things few weeks back during the e-lafda to prove how they are not as poor as people think they are.

This is in Afghanistan


Data is supreme, it speaks for itself. That's what scares them the most.

This is called lack of self awareness which pakis show a lot.
Their logic always revolves around fancy real estate being present in the biggest cities of paxtan hence its GDP can't be this low.

Every failed state has a very huge diaspora which invests in fancy real estate back home. Paki diaspora sends $35 billion approx annually to paxtan, where do you think such a huge number ends up in?

This is in somalia, some fancy real estate built and owned by somali diaspora...


Somalis posted such things few weeks back during the e-lafda to prove how they are not as poor as people think they are.

This is in Afghanistan


Data is supreme, it speaks for itself. That's what scares them the most.

This is called lack of self awareness which pakis show a lot.

tell these SOWs every country has it's undocumented economy , if we take into account drug sales in US it would add trillions to it's economy , that does'nt mean their living conditions thrive of people indulged.

whereas more importantly if shadow economy is that high then it generally translates into lower prices and higher job growth which is not shown in case of porkistan so it's a high chance they have even less GDP than on paper.
Their logic always revolves around fancy real estate being present in the biggest cities of paxtan hence its GDP can't be this low.

Every failed state has a very huge diaspora which invests in fancy real estate back home. Paki diaspora sends $35 billion approx annually to paxtan, where do you think such a huge number ends up in?

This is in somalia, some fancy real estate built and owned by somali diaspora...


Somalis posted such things few weeks back during the e-lafda to prove how they are not as poor as people think they are.

This is in Afghanistan


Data is supreme, it speaks for itself. That's what scares them the most.

This is called lack of self awareness which pakis show a lot.

informal economy of countries , even India has bigger shadow economy than porkies that does'nt mean we are already an upper middle class income country.
Pakis will never state metrics like child mortality, maternal mortality, life expectancy etc when comparing QOL. Literally the only metric that accurately shows your country's lifestyle and development. Pakistan's infant mortality rate is 2 times higher than India.

This is what I was afraid of . Paxtanis registering themselves on online matrimonial apps means less cousin marriages which in turn means less inbreeding which in turn means less idiotic musings which in the larger run can mean a more progressive Paxtan.

This is where our espionage & cyberspace capabilities & capacities are found wanting. If we were truly geared up for the threats we face at least in the neighborhood we'd have hacked into these apps & engineered algorithms such that each & every individual registered on such apps matches only & ONLY with his or her cousin.
Since we were discussing real estate kanging of them, here's some interesting stuff.

All these so-called middle class and high end housing socieites in paxtan don't even house more than a million or two people, which includes their military personnel, their families and other employees allotted by pak fauj.

Less than 0.5-1% of their total population. But interestingly, the entire land mass of these projects are built upon is absurdly huge. Bahria Town Karachi alone is like more than 200 sq km, huge for such a tiny population.

DHA Lahore alone is like 10% of entire Lahore's landmass with just 1% of it's population.

The entire land owned by them could be as high as 1000 sq km if the data from those paki sites are correct. That's absurdly huge for a million or two people. Obviously landgrabbed.

Which is why most of the stuff in the projects are just greenery, empty farm land, parks, roads that are cheap to build when land is not paid for and a few bungalows here and there.


It's obviously going to give a false sense of prosperity to anyone visiting or viewing it, when irl it doesn't generate shit economically compared to say a highrise apartment complex housing similar population in just a few sq km area with minimal roads and urban planning needed.

Pakis will never state metrics like child mortality, maternal mortality, life expectancy etc when comparing QOL. Literally the only metric that accurately shows your country's lifestyle and development. Pakistan's infant mortality rate is 2 times higher than India.

on paper india has wealth disparity much higher than pakistan , 70 something whereas porks have it in 30 something. so if we take their one of the lowest per capita in terms then does'nt it means they have their population equally "bhukka nanga"?.

Their rich class buys cars that even our upper middle class can afford.
they can only dream of packages guys in IT industry (don't know about other industry) are getting , that too are people from tier 2 , tier 3 clgs not their "1 pc rich population" claim.
all these startup owners had very humble beginnings and now are billionaires that these donkeys does'nt have had a single since independence.
coming to the startup post , these fuck3rs think internet and population is plus point for us:bplease::bplease:.
how these idiots can be that delusional.

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