With so much insurgency in Pakistan with daily dozens upon dozens of people dead on daily/weekly basis. It is getting terrorism lesson in reverse which for the past 30 years it was inflicting on India.
Aren’t the people in India glad and concerned that once a prosperous country of fifties and sixties is in the dump. It is always Kashmir policy it has followed. In last 30 years they have followed a terror policy against India to bring it to its knees. The reverse has happened with Pakistan at the knees with a begging bowl in hand and huge insurgency on Afghan border and Bulochistan.
Blame it on India, which is their easiest excuse. But economy in the dustbin the people are restive and want to dump both the government as well as the Army out.
In fact, it is the Army which has lead to this state of affairs. They spend more than they can afford and create trouble in neighboring country who have every right to reverse the situation back into Pakistan.
There is nothing the Pakistani government can do except to beg the money to finance Pakistani military’s expensive tastes. Now they are equipping themselves with cheap Chinese stuff which works occasionally. Hence, they have nothing else left to do except settle with India.
Right, settle with India is the only alternative left with them. That will slowdown excessive military expenditure, open with India for trade, make friends with the West again and most important of all, dump the excessive Islamization in the country. Already, Islamization is in trouble in Europe. They will discourage excessive Islam discourses in Europe.
The most urgent thing they can do to prove they wish to move away from a troubled state is to handover control of their nuclear weapons to the Americans. They will safeguard them and prevent Islamists from capturing these. Today the conditions are right for a bunch of Islamic officers in the Army to capture these and threaten the world.