Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

INDIAN Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent comments to an American podcaster regarding the Pakistan-India relationship are detached from reality and reflect a highly selective reading of the history of the nearly eight-decade-old dispute.

While the relationship has been marked by great complexity, with mostly lows and a few highs since partition, Mr Modi painted Pakistan as the villain of the piece, with India the innocent victim of Islamabad’s conniving schemes. The reality is quite different. Mistakes have been made by both sides, but in the recent past it has been India that has been resisting Pakistan’s overtures for peace. As the Foreign Office put it, the Indian PM’s remarks were “misleading and one-sided”.

Mr Modi seemed ‘hurt’ that Pakistan had engaged in a ‘proxy war’ against his country, and that Islamabad replied to his personal attempts to mend fences with “hostility”. Interestingly, while the podcast appeared to be nothing more than an attempt at Pakistan-bashing and reimagining history, the Indian leader offered no way towards peace.

It is clear, therefore, that it is not Pakistan but India that is not interested in harmony in South Asia. This country has been advocating dialogue, while India refuses to even play cricket in Pakistan, as the recent debacle over the Champions Trophy illustrated. Pakistan indeed has its flaws, and mistakes have been made by the state in the past, such as letting certain groups indulge in cross-border adventurism. But times have changed, and these are matters of the past.

Moreover, it should be remembered that India has also encouraged cross-border terrorism in Pakistan, particularly targeting Balochistan through its malign activities. And Pakistan is not alone; the Indian security apparatus has spread its tentacles to the West, deploying assassins in Canada and the US to target Sikh activists.

Therefore, Indian foreign policy, particularly under the BJP’s watch, is not exactly guided by ahimsa, but by active meddling in the affairs of sovereign states. Mr Modi should also have recalled the role of his own intelligence operatives in destabilising Pakistan while blaming this country for not playing nice.

The truth is that from sabotaging Saarc and trying to isolate Pakistan diplomatically to constantly raising the bogey of cross-border terrorism, it is India that has rebuffed Pakistan’s efforts to make peace. Instead of criticising Pakistan publicly, India needs to revisit its own negative approach.

If New Delhi is sincere about bringing peace to South Asia, let it agree to an unconditional dialogue with Islamabad about all irritants. If India has plaints against Pakistan, this country also has a long list of grievances against its eastern neighbour. The only way to bring lasting peace is to launch uninterrupted and uninterruptible dialogue to address all issues. Is India ready?
"unconditional dialogue"


INDIAN Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent comments to an American podcaster regarding the Pakistan-India relationship are detached from reality and reflect a highly selective reading of the history of the nearly eight-decade-old dispute.

While the relationship has been marked by great complexity, with mostly lows and a few highs since partition, Mr Modi painted Pakistan as the villain of the piece, with India the innocent victim of Islamabad’s conniving schemes. The reality is quite different. Mistakes have been made by both sides, but in the recent past it has been India that has been resisting Pakistan’s overtures for peace. As the Foreign Office put it, the Indian PM’s remarks were “misleading and one-sided”.

Mr Modi seemed ‘hurt’ that Pakistan had engaged in a ‘proxy war’ against his country, and that Islamabad replied to his personal attempts to mend fences with “hostility”. Interestingly, while the podcast appeared to be nothing more than an attempt at Pakistan-bashing and reimagining history, the Indian leader offered no way towards peace.

It is clear, therefore, that it is not Pakistan but India that is not interested in harmony in South Asia. This country has been advocating dialogue, while India refuses to even play cricket in Pakistan, as the recent debacle over the Champions Trophy illustrated. Pakistan indeed has its flaws, and mistakes have been made by the state in the past, such as letting certain groups indulge in cross-border adventurism. But times have changed, and these are matters of the past.

Moreover, it should be remembered that India has also encouraged cross-border terrorism in Pakistan, particularly targeting Balochistan through its malign activities. And Pakistan is not alone; the Indian security apparatus has spread its tentacles to the West, deploying assassins in Canada and the US to target Sikh activists.

Therefore, Indian foreign policy, particularly under the BJP’s watch, is not exactly guided by ahimsa, but by active meddling in the affairs of sovereign states. Mr Modi should also have recalled the role of his own intelligence operatives in destabilising Pakistan while blaming this country for not playing nice.

The truth is that from sabotaging Saarc and trying to isolate Pakistan diplomatically to constantly raising the bogey of cross-border terrorism, it is India that has rebuffed Pakistan’s efforts to make peace. Instead of criticising Pakistan publicly, India needs to revisit its own negative approach.

If New Delhi is sincere about bringing peace to South Asia, let it agree to an unconditional dialogue with Islamabad about all irritants. If India has plaints against Pakistan, this country also has a long list of grievances against its eastern neighbour. The only way to bring lasting peace is to launch uninterrupted and uninterruptible dialogue to address all issues. Is India ready?
I think today is the BEST has ever India-Pakistan Relations been. India doesn't need Pakistan. It can go to hell all alone. I think there should be even less interactions. Best is to completely ignore. Best praise to think of

"Therefore, Indian foreign policy, particularly under the BJP’s watch, is not exactly guided by ahimsa, but by active meddling in the affairs of sovereign states. Mr Modi should also have recalled the role of his own intelligence operatives in destabilising Pakistan while blaming this country for not playing nice."
If New Delhi is sincere about bringing peace to South Asia, let it agree to an unconditional dialogue with Islamabad about all irritants. If India has plaints against Pakistan, this country also has a long list of grievances against its eastern neighbour. The only way to bring lasting peace is to launch uninterrupted and uninterruptible dialogue to address all issues. Is India ready? Is India ready?
Nope! :bplease:

Moreover, it should be remembered that India has also encouraged cross-border terrorism in Pakistan, particularly targeting Balochistan through its malign activities. And Pakistan is not alone; the Indian security apparatus has spread its tentacles to the West, deploying assassins in Canada and the US to target Sikh activists.

Therefore, Indian foreign policy, particularly under the BJP’s watch, is not exactly guided by ahimsa, but by active meddling in the affairs of sovereign states. Mr Modi should also have recalled the role of his own intelligence operatives in destabilising Pakistan while blaming this country for not playing nice.

Wow! Grape!! 🍇 🍇
Cricket more than sport, it's political tool. Australia and New Zealand players visiting kumbh, ram temple and taking part in Puja.
Major Shift happening, they are putting their confidence in upcoming Indian century.
Looks like in half a decade Australia and Polynesia will move toward Bharat. Indian ocean will become Indian influence ocean.

Recently saw NZ PM doing cricket Nautanki. At the end of the they need to deal with baniya Piyush. Did NZ get anything from us.

On the other hand, Australia is West's Indonesia. Till an decade back digged coal for China, now it is for us. Mahindra is exporting cars there. Hope TATA wake from sleep and start some export.

Nope! :bplease:

Wow! Grape!! 🍇 🍇

Basically in summary.

Saar Saar Saar, Please follow Ahimsa saar. South Asia peace saar. South Asia superpower Pakistan,plumber nijjer killed by India saar. Balochistan boiling due to India Non Ahimsa saar. Kashmir UN Resolution saar.

For fellow paki, here is the famous quote from Nuclear Bapu.


INDIAN Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent comments to an American podcaster regarding the Pakistan-India relationship are detached from reality and reflect a highly selective reading of the history of the nearly eight-decade-old dispute.

While the relationship has been marked by great complexity, with mostly lows and a few highs since partition, Mr Modi painted Pakistan as the villain of the piece, with India the innocent victim of Islamabad’s conniving schemes. The reality is quite different. Mistakes have been made by both sides, but in the recent past it has been India that has been resisting Pakistan’s overtures for peace. As the Foreign Office put it, the Indian PM’s remarks were “misleading and one-sided”.

Mr Modi seemed ‘hurt’ that Pakistan had engaged in a ‘proxy war’ against his country, and that Islamabad replied to his personal attempts to mend fences with “hostility”. Interestingly, while the podcast appeared to be nothing more than an attempt at Pakistan-bashing and reimagining history, the Indian leader offered no way towards peace.

It is clear, therefore, that it is not Pakistan but India that is not interested in harmony in South Asia. This country has been advocating dialogue, while India refuses to even play cricket in Pakistan, as the recent debacle over the Champions Trophy illustrated. Pakistan indeed has its flaws, and mistakes have been made by the state in the past, such as letting certain groups indulge in cross-border adventurism. But times have changed, and these are matters of the past.

Moreover, it should be remembered that India has also encouraged cross-border terrorism in Pakistan, particularly targeting Balochistan through its malign activities. And Pakistan is not alone; the Indian security apparatus has spread its tentacles to the West, deploying assassins in Canada and the US to target Sikh activists.

Therefore, Indian foreign policy, particularly under the BJP’s watch, is not exactly guided by ahimsa, but by active meddling in the affairs of sovereign states. Mr Modi should also have recalled the role of his own intelligence operatives in destabilising Pakistan while blaming this country for not playing nice.

The truth is that from sabotaging Saarc and trying to isolate Pakistan diplomatically to constantly raising the bogey of cross-border terrorism, it is India that has rebuffed Pakistan’s efforts to make peace. Instead of criticising Pakistan publicly, India needs to revisit its own negative approach.

If New Delhi is sincere about bringing peace to South Asia, let it agree to an unconditional dialogue with Islamabad about all irritants. If India has plaints against Pakistan, this country also has a long list of grievances against its eastern neighbour. The only way to bring lasting peace is to launch uninterrupted and uninterruptible dialogue to address all issues. Is India ready?

Paki opinion detected, opinion rejected.

I am totally smitten by the bravery of this woman, never seen anything like this. Conservative society and the movement is spearheaded by women, draws support from the old and the young, men and the women. Can't crystal-gaze but Pakistan has lost Balochistan as of today.
I think they will have to kill her.
Paki opinion detected, opinion rejected.
Modi has made peace with the fact that there can be no peace with Pakistan .

Pakistan can only be subjugated..Until we become that strong ( in 15 years? ) to make Pakistan bend to India's will, it's cold war

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