Babus stay for decades. The entire top bureaucracy joined in 1970s, 1980s or 90s. BJP has been like barely for 10 years. What can BJP do? Go Erdoggy way of Weeding out 1000s overnight? Do you think that's possible with present Economical Challenges, Oil Dependency, Semiconductor Dependency and our highly divided states in terms of Ideology? Big biradher would not hesitate to jump in and act against us by imposing Sanctions.
Turkey could do it because they can arm twist NATO and USA+EU here is reverse cock-blocked. We couldn't even fire a lazy low level Municipal Worker without their danda aka Union getting in, doing Dharnas and creating Chaos. Forget about touching Modern Feudal Babus. You know this is not even for counting the biggest OBSTRUCTION aka Supreme Court. They would even shield minute low level Gobermint Employees. Do you think our babus would let go of their cushy jobs easily? They don't even need to do dharnas, they would just file case in court. That's it and its any effort by Gobermint gonna stall easily. Its by design and not a bug.
As some other person commented, most Nationalists & RW Gang are braindead idiots in terms of political gameplay. Libbu gang know how to play long term game, how to tame the system.