Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

according to pakistani economy exfaaaaaaart, who claim their documented economy is near 370 billion but undocumented economy near 700 billion....i think we should also double our GDP. our documented economy is near 3.8 trillion, so undocumented economy for sure near 7 trillion dollar😂😝. but this is in nominal GDP term. if we look in PPP GDP term, we r near 14 trillion undocumented economy will be 28 trillion dollar🥶🥶.
we r very near to cross america ppp gdp of 29 trillion dollar. congrts guys for soon becoming second biggest economy.
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Pakis coping because they are an failed country due to their mullah behavior. The Day we stop bullshitting started to build ourselves properly Pakis will go mass suicide.
Since when have mainland Ms started deepthr**ting trashmiris? They are generally apathetic to their plight, no?
Could be a diasporoid in gulf high on sem2sem churan. Coz I don't have reasons to believe it to be replying to Indian libcucks' Hindi tweets and not a single post in Koshur.
is'nt that their own JKP?? :bplease: :bplease:
Yes it is a J&K Policeman, but who cares when you're residing in the slums of Ghaziabad posting shit on your people thinking the we wuzzers across the globe will consider him as their own.

Why do they always respond with "Cope", "Pajeet", "Cow urine"!? Goreys use the "Pajeet" term for South Asians in general but these Katuas want to portray themselves different from others South Asians. Their whole world is crumbling. They're isolated, hated, segregated. No shame at all.
They never have a decent argument.
Why do they always respond with "Cope", "Pajeet", "Cow urine"!? Goreys use the "Pajeet" term for South Asians in general but these Katuas want to portray themselves different from others South Asians. Their whole world is crumbling. They're isolated, hated, segregated. No shame at all.
They never have a decent argument.
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Pajeet was made because most Indians in Canada being Indian Punjabis carry "Jeet"-ending names. And also refer to others as Paajee (elder bro), that's how the word was created. Now, typical porki inbreds lacking self awareness throw the word pajeet as insult not knowing that Punjabis are majority of paki population, and most Punjabis are muslims.

Paki calling us a Pajeet is like an Azerbaijani calling a Turkish guy a "Turkroach", a guy from Austria calling Germans as German Shepherds, kangladeshi calling Indian Bengalis as "malauns", a Lebanese xtian calling Saudis as sandn!ggers, a Somalian calling Nigerians as N!gger or an Afghan calling arabs as goatfukker and so on.
Paki calling us a Pajeet is like an Azerbaijani calling a Turkish guy a "Turkroach", a guy from Austria calling Germans as German Shepherds, kangladeshi calling Indian Bengalis as "malauns", a Lebanese xtian calling Saudis as sandn!ggers, a Somalian calling Nigerians as N!gger or an Afghan calling arabs as goatfukker and so on.
Woah thax for increasing my e- vocabulary
Btw I knew this pajeet origin it came from 4chan.
It was initially poojeet Jeet from Punjabis naming but pajee(bro) being popular then people started using the later version.
I don't understand how can khalistanis use this against us.
Paki calling us a Pajeet is like an Azerbaijani calling a Turkish guy a "Turkroach", a guy from Austria calling Germans as German Shepherds, kangladeshi calling Indian Bengalis as "malauns", a Lebanese xtian calling Saudis as sandn!ggers, a Somalian calling Nigerians as N!gger or an Afghan calling arabs as goatfukker and so on.
Btw fyi sandnigers are camel fukers and not goat fukers they don't have them enough. Afgandus also prefer donkeys btw
Btw fyi sandnigers are camel fukers and not goat fukers they don't have them enough. Afgandus also prefer donkeys btw
I am talking about racist stereotypes, many americuck nashnulists call all brown muslims as goatfukkers, although the origin of the meme was a viral EO footage of an American UAV recording afghan taliban fighters having intimate moments with goats.
Pajeet was made because most Indians in Canada being Indian Punjabis carry "Jeet"-ending names. And also refer to others as Paajee (elder bro), that's how the word was created. Now, typical porki inbreds lacking self awareness throw the word pajeet as insult not knowing that Punjabis are majority of paki population, and most Punjabis are muslims.

Paki calling us a Pajeet is like an Azerbaijani calling a Turkish guy a "Turkroach", a guy from Austria calling Germans as German Shepherds, kangladeshi calling Indian Bengalis as "malauns", a Lebanese xtian calling Saudis as sandn!ggers, a Somalian calling Nigerians as N!gger or an Afghan calling arabs as goatfukker and so on.

They cope as they are descendants of Turks, Pathans, Mughal, Arab etc.
(((muh fellow Lunjabi one-god-worshipping-birader))) is only used to deceive your actual -jeet, -preet, -meet walas
Pajeet was made because most Indians in Canada being Indian Punjabis carry "Jeet"-ending names. And also refer to others as Paajee (elder bro), that's how the word was created. Now, typical porki inbreds lacking self awareness throw the word pajeet as insult not knowing that Punjabis are majority of paki population, and most Punjabis are muslims.

Paki calling us a Pajeet is like an Azerbaijani calling a Turkish guy a "Turkroach", a guy from Austria calling Germans as German Shepherds, kangladeshi calling Indian Bengalis as "malauns", a Lebanese xtian calling Saudis as sandn!ggers, a Somalian calling Nigerians as N!gger or an Afghan calling arabs as goatfukker and so on.
This post should be archived as a historical record.

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