Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


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they took psy ops as reality

sorry little offtopic, here this same guy and his friend also did psy ops for china before

on railway station Chinese were scanning opaque bottles
this guy is saying "yeh technologically itne advanced hai ki yeh bottle ko scan kar ke bata dete hai alcohol hai ki nahi"

if he is a real doc how can an opaque bottle content can be scanned/spectroscope
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Realistically, I don't see Pakistan lasting beyond a couple of decades. Forget about everything else, it's their population that's going to destroy them. They are expected to hit 400M by 2050 and they simply don't have the resources to sustain that population. The resulting food crisis alone will kill them. They're already importing massive amounts of flour btw

It will more or less resemble Syria/Somalia with various non state actors taking control and tearing each other apart.

In fact, I'd argue that the whole reason Pakistan even survived till now is due to 2 important events. The first being the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the second being the global war on terror. Both wars allowed them to whore themselves out to the Yanks and receive 100's of billions of aid $$ for many decades

Their only trump card is providing some kind of access to Afghanistan, either their airspace or through some other means. That's pretty much gone now with with world having given up on Afghanistan.

As long as they find pimps/patrons/donors they will survive a 1000 years

Their awaam is high on the nasha of mazhub and has 0 material wants or expectations from their Govt

The Marshall Race overlords always manage to maintain their control on their piglet awaam and maintain whatever passes for parity with ebul Endia.
sorry little offtopic, here this same guy and his friend also did psy ops for china before

on railway station Chinese were scanning opaque bottles
this guy is saying "yeh technologically itne advanced hai ki yeh bottle ko scan kar ke bata dete hai alcohol hai ki nahi"

if he is a real doc how can an opaque bottle content can be scanned/spectroscope
Yup saw some of his LaWhore vIog, retard saying that Indian metros don't have PSDs which LaWhore metro has even though majority of lines have it in India and those who don't were built decades ago like red and blue lines of DMRC while LaWhore metro is the ONLY metro line they have which they got like 3/4 years back.

He's trying to be sensationalist.
Yup saw some of his LaWhore vIog, retard saying that Indian metros don't have PSDs which LaWhore metro has even though majority of lines have it in India and those who don't were built decades ago like red and blue lines of DMRC while LaWhore metro is the ONLY metro line they have which they got like 3/4 years back.

He's trying to be sensationalist.
View attachment 15743

Did anyone say PSD?


We make them in India.
From a demographics perspective India's future looks good with a very large population of young. China's isn't looking all that bright courtesy of their 1 child policy. But in a few decades it will be India's turn to face the music and at that time, if our neighbors have a demographic advantage on us (and we have two very pesky ones - porkistan and kangaldesh), we will be in a very dicey situation. For us to avoid that future, and I am not sure what plan our great governments and administrators are coming up with to address the demographic decline we will likely phase (i doubt the thought even enters their minds), the only option is to ensure our pesky neighbors don't grab an advantage, they need to be broken up.
I don't know if Kangaldesh has any form of internal separatist movements to take advantage of, but kangalstan has some and we need to push it. We have to break up that country so that in the future they arent capable of leveraging their demographic advantages. We cannot afford to wait and watch. The only way to keep kangalstan in a perpetual state of undonkeymated ikanamee is to break it up. Balochis need to get their own country not just an autonomous region inside Kanglustan. And if the telebunnies can take over the pashto regions across the Durand line, that would be the best possible outcome for us. After that, a downsized Pakistan with a new hostile neighbor (Balochistan) and continued internal strife in Gilgit Baltistan and utterly incompetence in Islamabad will ensure India will ride out what ever demographic problems we will face.
I won't consider Nepal, Bhutan and SriLanka as pesky neighbors in this regards.
Myanmar has a potential to cause issues in the north east, but that is more of being a staging point for insurgeries in north east and I don't see any active interest by their junta or former demo govs to leverage the situation to their favor. They have enough issues as is without having to take on India now or in the future.
Kangaldesh is my big concern, we don't have anything to leverage vis a vis to cut them down into multiple states. They have the threat of getting drwoned but so do our coastal areas and if and when they do drown, their populations will flood our lands and that is a dangerous situation for us. What we need is to break up kangaldesh and I just don't see any way of doing it. I don't mean occupy portions of Kangaldesh, that will never work in our favor what with international pressure and the internal guerilla resistance they will mount up.
Maldives will be another thorn on our side but they cannot influence us in terms of demographics, just being a thorn by providing the Chinese military access to our immediate neighborhood. The one way we can counter them is to continue to foster good relations with them, there are still a significant portion of Maldives people who support India.

Anyway, my point is, break kangalstan soon. We cannot let this opportunity slip by. Balochis need to breakaway as a separate country and telebunnies need to man up and take the pushto lands now.
Yup saw some of his LaWhore vIog, retard saying that Indian metros don't have PSDs which LaWhore metro has even though majority of lines have it in India and those who don't were built decades ago like red and blue lines of DMRC while LaWhore metro is the ONLY metro line they have which they got like 3/4 years back.

He's trying to be sensationalist.
View attachment 15743

Typical Pajeet. He wants to create a subscriber base of Paksitani.

Got his ass handed to him in Burkino Faso.
Tomorrow he will crawl into depths of hell and will ask why Indian embassy isn't rescuing him.
Another day... another attack! 1000, kuts backfired badly!

Allah is punishing Pakijeets... Allah is with Hendus! :target: :target: :target:

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View attachment 15651

Another day... another incident! Another SEVEN Pakijeet policemen kidnapped! :lol:

1000 Kuts backfiring each day but Pakijeet will NEVER learn! This time Freedom Fighters will use Pakijeet's ass :kissass: and send them after OK TESTED stamp up their sad Pakijeet ass.
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