Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

So Coast guard intercepted Porki ship and rescued Indians that were kidnapped by them

You forgot depth
“Strategic stability”
sorry little offtopic, here this same guy and his friend also did psy ops for china before

on railway station Chinese were scanning opaque bottles
this guy is saying "yeh technologically itne advanced hai ki yeh bottle ko scan kar ke bata dete hai alcohol hai ki nahi"

if he is a real doc how can an opaque bottle content can be scanned/spectroscope
He is ”Chinese Doctor”. He was not able to qualify NEET and thus went China/Russia way. How much worth his Medical education is in his own eyes can be judged by his choice of becoming a Youthuber and not a practitioner.
Pakistan is an irrelevant country now, the world dynamics have changed and No one needs Pakistan for their strategic location and blah blah. Chinese are themselves fed up with bunch of losers . People are more worried about this uneducated and extremists population in this country. US wants their Army to stay to control these bunch of lunatics roaming on the streets of Lahore and Rawalpindi. This is the actual reality of Pakistan. They need to be disarmed with all the nuclear devices provided to them.
"Rice has played a significant role in boosting overall food exports. In the first four months of FY25, rice exports surged by 52.53pc year-on-year to $1.08 billion. Notably, the quantity of basmati rice shipments rose by 47pc and its value by 66pc.

Exports of non-basmati rice increased 55.11pc in value and 47.78pc in quantity in 4MFY25.

Due to a sustained surge in export figures over the past two years, the average price of basmati rice has surged to Rs400 per kg from Rs150, restricting buying from domestic consumers."

Their entire awam is divided into two groups. For one group their time is reserved for kissing the rear ends of anyone with 5$s. IMF, US, China, Arabs, you name it, they will kiss it.
The other group will spend their time kissing their leaderaan's rear ends, army, PPP, immi.
For this guy his time is spent kissing the army's rear, it seems, hence no time to kiss immi's rear (vis a vi protests)
Nice. The frontiers are collapsing or rather closing gradually onto the capital or core areas with every passing day.

Paxtan's or rather Paxtanis's situation in these core areas is like a frog in a cauldron on slow simmer. It takes time to reach boiling point . Initially you ignore it , then you think this too will pass & by the time you realise the intensity it's too late.

Areesh is a prick. In order to prick him someone should post the news & write this "inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un " below the news with the comment saying since both the killer & killed were momins this ayah applies to them both .

Alhamdulillah !
ഇന്നില്ലാഹി ഇന്നലെയും ഇല്ലാഹി പാക്കി മൂഞ്ചിയൂൻ.

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