Future Main Battle Tank & NGMBT

You do know your GOD LEVEL Challenger 2 tank that is winning war in Ukraine too don't have that.
Only if you're LazerPig, LMAO. And guess what?? Arjun has far FAR worse armor protection than even the Challenger 2 as well.

The blow out panels which you all love so much.

And what kind of a brain dead logic is that?? Just because another dude sucks at something, somehow that makes it perfectly acceptable for me to suck at that as well??!!
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Only if you're LazerPig, LMAO. And guess what?? Arjun has far FAR worse armor protection than even the Challenger 2 as well.
That's another diarrhea product of too much listening to western so called channels whose tanks are getting ass-kicked in Ukraine and not reading from beginning the DFI thread on Arjun.

And I can again report you too to admins for Aaj ka Clown meme but I know I am dealing with KID.
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That's another diarrhea product of too much listening to western so called channels whose tanks are getting ass-kicked in Ukraine and not reading from beginning the DFI thread on Arjun.
Sigh... At least try to make some sense when you decide to reply to someone.
GOD LEVEL Challenger 2 was also used as justification for the rifled gun on the arjun lol.

It is there that I had the good fortune to meet Gen Israel Tal (the famous Israel Armor Commander). It was during this meeting he gave me some advice which became my strategic for the ARJUN Project development. Let me quote this conversation verbatim as under: –

“Gen I am informed that you are handling the Tank project for India if so, let me give you some advice from my experience of making our MARKAVA Tank. Never attempt to make a PERFECT TANK."

From here, do read it, and if read in past, read it again and try to understand.
GOD LEVEL Challenger 2 was also used as justification for the rifled gun on the arjun lol.


It was their experience with the Centurions, that prompted the IA to opt for a rifled gun but yeah, it's pretty moot in the grand scheme of things. Just thought I should mention it for the record.

It was their experience with the Centurions, that prompted the IA to opt for a rifled gun but yeah, it's pretty moot in the grand scheme of things. Just thought I should mention it for the record.
I meant the forum walas.. Whos line of argument boiled down to "This tank is good and has X this and arjun has the same so it must be good.
I am uninterested in re hashing these almost decade old points. Right now the germans don't have the engine for the arjun so even that token number of mk2s are not getting built. So arguing anything is moot.
I meant the forum walas.. Whos line of argument boiled down to "This tank is good and has X this and arjun has the same so it must be good.
I am uninterested in re hashing these almost decade old points. Right now the germans don't have the engine for the arjun so even that token number of mk2s are not getting built. So arguing anything is moot.
Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. In that case, you were 40000 percent on point.
There are some guys out here who think they have learned about Arjun more than even the Liason officers who were with Arjun tank development when it development started.

And please don't come with "just because he is in Army and high ranking officer doesn't mean a thing", yeah, your thinking is important.
His points in his article which is written after a long time when Arjun tank project was finally over per se is not important, right? Atleast for History read it.

For those lots, please do again read this.
I got banned on DFI for pointing out that Arjun is pretty shit .. mind you this was of Arjun without the blowout panels and that meme level apfsds it had at the time.

Arjun Mark 1 was pretty oversized & crudely designed... but so was Merkava Mk1.
There was no need for so much extra shit to be hurled. All will were banned were banned for how they were making their points, not what the points were.
Arjun Mark 1 was pretty oversized & crudely designed... but so was Merkava Mk1.
But the thing is, the Israelis actually learned from their mistakes and kept addressing the shortcomings throughout the successive trenches which finally culminated into the now awesome Merkava Mk4M; something which never came about in Arjun's case and that's where all the contention lies - that we, as a people, are so averse to admit to our failures, let alone work towards learning from and finally rectifying them. A lot of us just refuse to learn from our mistakes, there by missing out on the chance to grow from them.

There was no need for so much extra shit to be hurled.
There was very serious need for it in light of all the made up bs that were flying around, which often times rose to the point of blatant and unadulterated lies. All things considered, we didn't lambast it hard enough, as those same misleading made up bs is still going rampant to this day.
All will were banned were banned for how they were making their points, not what the points were.
Ummm.... not really, not for me anyway. I got banned primarily because of the owner of that GodOfParadoxes handle on X. Somehow, my pointing out the shortcomings of this utter travesty of a tank rubbed him the wrong way and he jumped in guns blazing, to defend the honor of the nation or something, it got heated in no time, one thing led to the other and ezsasa handed me that ban for insulting a reputable member (which was just me calling him a shriveled up mummy AFAIK), while completely disregarding all the vitriol and ad hominem he had hurled at me.

Fun fact, up until that point, the guy didn't even know what a NATO triple heavy target actually meant, LMAO!! 🤣🤣

But you should remember all that, you were present right there. Heck, it was you who later advised me not to repeat the same once I had come back!!
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