
We will then be dependent of Germany for maintenence and parts supply of our subs, and being dependent of a hard-core leftist country whoes politicians hate us for being right wing is not a good idea, currently Germany is in bad state and will willingly help us, but once they recover they will go back to their usual antics.

Simplistic reading of the situation, we have got more ungli from them during the """centre-right""" hag (((Merkel)))'s tenure than during Scholz, who has given a "special status" in regards to arms imports recently mostly due to their economic issues.

Secondly we have a class of German subs called Shishumar from the 80s, these have not faced any drama regarding spares supply and all afaik and in 2023 and 2024 are slated to undergo MLUs by ThyssenKrupp, same vendor hawking the new subs for Project 75i contract.

They are not as hassle free as say France but they are not fully retarded either, and each year India's economic heft increases, their retardation viz us should decrease.

The carrot of (((follow on orders))) can also be dangled infront of them to get good behaviors like we are buying additional 3 scorpene subs from the French.
Neither Germany or India are left or right wing states nor is friction between too is related to political leanings.

Germany is a NATO state whose antipathy towards India comes from a European worldview and is so in general.

Germany is essentially a US client state like Britain but stronger than Britain, a capitalist state, not certainly left except its post modernist woke politics. Going the random rhetorics printed in random news articles to actual national administration policies, India being a right wing state is as much weightful argument as US is being fourth Reich, China being fascist, bla bla, street teenage revolutionary nonsense.
Finally someone who understands it. Was tired of people basing everything on news articles and twitter bullshit!
Back to normal bs again.

Angela Merkel:
“I followed with concern the reports that, since Modi had taken office, an increasing number of members of other religions, predominantly Muslims and Christians, were being attacked by Hindu nationalists,” Ms. Merkel continues in her memoirs, adding that when she broached the subject, Mr. Modi “vehemently denied it and emphasised that India was and would remain a country of religious tolerance”.
German media is focused on asking whether India is moving “towards a Hindu Dictatorship”, he says and the perception is that groups “invoking the support” of the Modi government are not curbed as they partake in violence, campaigns of “love jihad” and “cow vigilantism”, or spread “conspiracy scenarios” about minorities. In particular he says the reports deal with “Modi’s policy of strengthening national self-confidence and emphasising Hindu culture”, even as he says Mr. Modi is “celebrated like a popstar, a saviour”, assuming office as PM three times.
Back to normal bs again.

Angela Merkel:
Don't consider her words anything more than just shock marketing. She has been rambling along in her book and no one is taking her seriously here. Mutti just wants people to buy her book so that she stays relevant after bringing this country down to its knees.
Yes, this thing shouldn't be even discussed as it will give more publicity to her flop book. She was and is the most hated German ruler maybe even more hated than Hitler as even Hitler have handful of supporters now.
Don't consider her words anything more than just shock marketing. She has been rambling along in her book and no one is taking her seriously here. Mutti just wants people to buy her book so that she stays relevant after bringing this country down to its knees.
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Don't consider her words anything more than just shock marketing. She has been rambling along in her book and no one is taking her seriously here. Mutti just wants people to buy her book so that she stays relevant after bringing this country down to its knees.

When I was living there I thought she was a sensible leader. The way she handled Greek crisis and Germany's ability to bounce back from 2008 financial crisis proved she was competent leader who can navigate tough situations. But boy ever since I read up on her, now that when I look back on her past you get a far better perspective retrospectively speaking. Before she became Chancellor she was a Environmental minister and she opposed vehicle emission controls proposed by EU. Both major parties SPD and CDU were balls deep with Auto industry and used to get lot of funding and that is why they were called "Auto Kanzler".

She was basically status quo Chancellor in my opinion. She rigidly stuck to "Schwarz null" without making much needed investment. Now that has come to bite them in their backsides. Deutsche Bahn had trains running on time now it is a shit show. Their obsession with maintaining "Schuldenbremse" is not helping either. Nearly everything is expensive now. By making the country to get hooked on Russian gas to opening up borders for millions of illegal immigrants she has now gone down as the one of the worst chancellors in the mind of Germans. Funny, how Germans have nothing to say against China who are literally running concentration camps for Uyghurs. We need to make it very clear to Germans, they can either do business with us or they can lecture us on human rights. They can't do both.
When I was living there I thought she was a sensible leader. The way she handled Greek crisis and Germany's ability to bounce back from 2008 financial crisis proved she was competent leader who can navigate tough situations. But boy ever since I read up on her, now that when I look back on her past you get a far better perspective retrospectively speaking. Before she became Chancellor she was a Environmental minister and she opposed vehicle emission controls proposed by EU. Both major parties SPD and CDU were balls deep with Auto industry and used to get lot of funding and that is why they were called "Auto Kanzler".

She was basically status quo Chancellor in my opinion. She rigidly stuck to "Schwarz null" without making much needed investment. Now that has come to bite them in their backsides. Deutsche Bahn had trains running on time now it is a shit show. Their obsession with maintaining "Schuldenbremse" is not helping either. Nearly everything is expensive now. By making the country to get hooked on Russian gas to opening up borders for millions of illegal immigrants she has now gone down as the one of the worst chancellors in the mind of Germans. Funny, how Germans have nothing to say against China who are literally running concentration camps for Uyghurs. We need to make it very clear to Germans, they can either do business with us or they can lecture us on human rights. They can't do both.
Forget Ughyers.. not a pip squesk on Bangladesh. This should be enough for Indians to disregard gaslighting by any country. IG saw the same during East pakistan genocide - and she and Indian media synced together to thrash western propaganda - so better that today we have tons of Artciles archives detailing atrocities and Indian Pov on Bangla creation.

I am not so sure about events happening today will get Indian perspective reflected in history enough in the future. Indian Media is Indian in name only and just sings to the tune of highest bidder /influencer
which german party/coalition has highest chances to become the ruling party/coalition?
Its too complicated right now. Depends on the voting patterns tbh. They will not go with AfD for sure. CDU will be leading no matter which one happens.
This is a state prediction, but central coalition will most likely look like this! You can swap Linke with the Greens here If FDP gets enough votes then this table will shuffle with FDP in between.
Its too complicated right now. Depends on the voting patterns tbh. They will not go with AfD for sure. CDU will be leading no matter which one happens.
This is a state prediction, but central coalition will most likely look like this! You can swap Linke with the Greens here If FDP gets enough votes then this table will shuffle with FDP in between.
View attachment 17330
OH yeah.
About AFD, they are always called "far-right" Wing.
How right they are compared to our BJP?
Also I heard that German media is dominated by left, which is kind ironic beacuse this will prevent their elections from being "free and fair" it will only be free but unfair.
Kinda like Turkish elections where erdogan dominates the media.
Also I heard that German media is dominated by left, which is kind ironic beacuse this will prevent their elections from being "free and fair" it will only be free but unfair.
Absolutely is and it absolutely will be unfair. And since we pay the Radio tax for the media to be "fair" its infuriating to see that. There's one controversy about this going on as we speak.
This is Frau Miosga who is supposed to be Apolitical since she is from the state media and this is from her recent interview videos!
Left and Centre face - When talking to Habeck and Scholz
Right - When talking to Lindner who was fired by Scholz which led to the breakup of the current coalition forcing early elections

About AFD, they are always called "far-right" Wing.
How right they are compared to our BJP?
BJP would be considered Right Leaning centrists when compared to AFD. They definitely are close to being the modern day NSDAP, however since they have to target multitude of voters, they try and just skirt those borders. However, the party members also include Nazis/White Nationalists. Whenever that side of the party comes to public light, they are quick to officially declare that they did not know and had nothing to do with them.
AfD is not at all stupid to go with the "Sabka saath sabka vikas" stupidity. They are more Yogi Adityanath style politics mixed with White Nationalism.
Absolutely is and it absolutely will be unfair. And since we pay the Radio tax for the media to be "fair" its infuriating to see that. There's one controversy about this going on as we speak.
This is Frau Miosga who is supposed to be Apolitical since she is from the state media and this is from her recent interview videos!
Left and Centre face - When talking to Habeck and Scholz
Right - When talking to Lindner who was fired by Scholz which led to the breakup of the current coalition forcing early elections
View attachment 17333

BJP would be considered Right Leaning centrists when compared to AFD. They definitely are close to being the modern day NSDAP, however since they have to target multitude of voters, they try and just skirt those borders. However, the party members also include Nazis/White Nationalists. Whenever that side of the party comes to public light, they are quick to officially declare that they did not know and had nothing to do with them.
AfD is not at all stupid to go with the "Sabka saath sabka vikas" stupidity. They are more Yogi Adityanath style politics mixed with White Nationalism.
So Germany has major far left parties that dominates the media and a significant minor far right party which is gaining popularity.
Which parties are more central? Central left and central right
Absolutely is and it absolutely will be unfair. And since we pay the Radio tax for the media to be "fair" its infuriating to see that. There's one controversy about this going on as we speak.
This is Frau Miosga who is supposed to be Apolitical since she is from the state media and this is from her recent interview videos!
Left and Centre face - When talking to Habeck and Scholz
Right - When talking to Lindner who was fired by Scholz which led to the breakup of the current coalition forcing early elections
View attachment 17333

BJP would be considered Right Leaning centrists when compared to AFD. They definitely are close to being the modern day NSDAP, however since they have to target multitude of voters, they try and just skirt those borders. However, the party members also include Nazis/White Nationalists. Whenever that side of the party comes to public light, they are quick to officially declare that they did not know and had nothing to do with them.
AfD is not at all stupid to go with the "Sabka saath sabka vikas" stupidity. They are more Yogi Adityanath style politics mixed with White Nationalism.

I will not be surprised if they get 30% of the vote in federal elections. SPD for all intents and purposes is a dead party. The day they tied up with CDU it became impossible for people to tell them apart. Even in 2021 elections they barely had a difference of 9 seats. Since no party will tie up with AfD, AfD is now the defacto opposition. As Mark Twain said history doesn't repeat it rhymes. Hitler's NSDAP also was getting 30-40% vote share until all other parties in Germany had enough and tied up with him to form the government in 1933. Lot of people outside Germany think Germans elected Hitler which they did not. He came to power with the help of other parties in Jan 1933. The other parties thought they could control him. And as we know the rest is history.

Now in the recent elections in Thuringia AfD got 33% vote. And all the other parties are ganging up against AfD to deny them the chance to form the government. The question now is how long can you keep ignoring the 30% voters? It is very clear even the people who vote for CSU and to a certain extent small portion of CDU voters also want strict immigration policies. It is a matter of time the threshold will be crossed. Germany will have more old people by 2035. Pension burden will only increase. Things are not looking that good for Germany in the coming years.
d all the other parties are ganging up against AfD to deny them the chance to form the government. The question now is how long can you keep ignoring the 30% voters?
AFD knows what they are doing. they have a clear game plan. they are preparing for 2029 elections. Unless the supreme court and parliament outright bans them, they will definitely win.
Germany will have more old people by 2035. Pension burden will only increase. Things are not looking that good for Germany in the coming years.
The system here is broken and crumbling. Avoiding this country for the next decade would be a good idea. Get whatever you can out of them as long as you can.
Which parties are more central? Central left and central right
CDU/CSU - the only one's you could call as central right
SPD/FDP as central left. Maybe BSW too but she keeps swinging on both sides.
However its tough to label parties here so if you would like to understand how Germany is as a whole, @Indx TechStyle explained it the best

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