GTRE GTX 35VS Kaveri

While an afterburning Kaveri might produce 75kN, that is not enough thrust for it to be used in Mk1A, ,is it? More of a development exercise with no application than a useful engine.
It's just the first of the latest iteration - K 10. If this one clears testing & is duly certified , another iteration will be built tweaking it upwards till we get to ~ 55 KN Dry Thrust & ~ 82 - 85 KN Wet Thrust thereby getting it closer to GE F -404 TF output.

That's the final goal & we're a long way from it .
While an afterburning Kaveri might produce 75kN, that is not enough thrust for it to be used in Mk1A, ,is it? More of a development exercise with no application than a useful engine.

We gotta crawl first before we can walk and we gotta walk before we can run.
We gotta crawl first before we can walk and we gotta walk before we can run.

Its like someone wants their crawling baby to walk fast. But are too stingy to buy a walker for baby. They take their baby to Russia for diagnosis and the doctor their recommends walker sessions to check if baby responds. After few expensive Wal ker sessions doctor says baby is good can crawl may be take first steps in time, if given practice and nourishment. make our baby crawl.

But the parents come vack still don't buy walker and also keep baby malnourished on one hand - on other hand worry why baby is not walking. So after some 5ime they again devise plan - they plan again to take baby abroad to France paediatrician for checkup to know why it's not walking which in turn it recommends give nourishment, make baby crawl first and then use walker.
While an afterburning Kaveri might produce 75kN, that is not enough thrust for it to be used in Mk1A, ,is it? More of a development exercise with no application than a useful engine.


Kaveri with 80 Kn will be nearly equal to F404 with 89 KN. Indian Standard Atmosphere is ISA+20 at 150Feet elevation.This means a reduction of nearly 10% thrust to the so called ISA sea level thrust. F404 thrust is for that condition while Kaveri is for Indian conditions. Thats means if Kaveri is certified in same category as F404, its equivalent thrust will be nearly 88 KN.
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Kaveri with 80 Kn will be nearly equal to F404 with 89 KN. Indian Standard Atmosphere is ISA+20 at 150Feet elevation.This means a reduction of nearly 10% thrust to the so called ISA sea level thrust. F404 thrust is for that condition while Kaveri is for Indian conditions. Thats means if Kaveri is certified in same category as F404, its equivalent thrust will be nearly 90 KN.

Most likely it will only be a tech demonstrator on a twin engine aircraft. Dont think they will fit it on any service aircrafts.
While an afterburning Kaveri might produce 75kN, that is not enough thrust for it to be used in Mk1A, ,is it? More of a development exercise with no application than a useful engine.

Atleast 10kN short in afterburner thrust, but 180kg heavier than F404.

I read elsewhere it can hit 85kN at Indian conditions, which if true would mean we just need to reduce weight.
Most likely it will only be a tech demonstrator on a twin engine aircraft. Dont think they will fit it on any service aircrafts.
Tbh who knows regarding the program or close to it will tell you how much close we are to achieve desired requirements except weight
We are just 1 embargo or sanction away from operationalising kaveri
Yeah it will take time but not too much
Tbh who knows regarding the program or close to it will tell you how much close we are to achieve desired requirements except weight
We are just 1 embargo or sanction away from operationalising kaveri
Yeah it will take time but not too much

I pray for this.
We all fawn over Atmanirbhar Cheen with 1 million loitering munitions and 700 J-20s, but in an alternate reality where they didn't get embargoed over Tiananmen Square massacre, perhaps they would be the (((world's largest arms importer))) instead.

In the old days they bough GE LM2500 engines for their destroyers, Sikorsky Blackhawks as transport helis and god knows what all other gora-gear


Kaveri with 80 Kn will be nearly equal to F404 with 89 KN. Indian Standard Atmosphere is ISA+20 at 150Feet elevation.This means a reduction of nearly 10% thrust to the so called ISA sea level thrust. F404 thrust is for that condition while Kaveri is for Indian conditions. Thats means if Kaveri is certified in same category as F404, its equivalent thrust will be nearly 88 KN.

This here is the graph which justifies the explanation . It demonstrates that under normal conditions Kaveri can give an output of ~ 91 KN as opposed to F-404 which gives between 87-89 KN .

Both courtesy Decklander aka vstol jockey on Strategic Frontier.

This here is the graph which justifies the explanation . It demonstrates that under normal conditions Kaveri can give an output of ~ 91 KN as opposed to F-404 which gives between 87-89 KN .

Both courtesy Decklander aka vstol jockey on Strategic Frontier.

View attachment 19586
So i guess EJ200 might also be overstated as 90kN for its glorious weight, since UK/EU are on an average colder/closer to pole compared to USA.
So i guess EJ200 might also be overstated as 90kN for its glorious weight, since UK/EU are on an average colder/closer to pole compared to USA.
Plot the figures on this graph if you want its output for India.
Besides what about the fact that the Kaveri was supposed to be a VCE - Variable Cycle Engine ?
Kaveri is a leaky turbojet right now. The proposal for a VCE is still a proposal.
Are we still aiming for it to be VCE ?
We are aiming to operationalize the Kaveri first & foremost.

Theoretically, a leaky turbojet can be converted to a VCE. But this would require a big upgrade to the hot section of the engine. VCE would allow the bypass ratio to be increased, with that the TET would also increase. If the hot section of the engine cannot survive a higher TET, VCE would be pointless.
Thanks for this information. BTW - does the K-9 Kaveri weigh 1235 kgs or is it 1180
Kaveri prototype 8 (K8)- 1430 kg (equiaxed blades & vanes)
Kaveri prototype 9 (K9)- 1235 kg (DS blades & vanes. This prototype was flight tested in Russia)
upgraded Kaveri prototype 9 (K9)- 1180 kg (new distortion tolerant fan, single crystal blades & vanes, YSZ-LZ TBC, modified gearbox)
Kaveri prototype 8 (K10)- 1100 kg (target weight)
how do we get it to ~ 1000 kgs +/-50 kg ?
Modification to the design, especially the afterburners. Inclusion of 3D printed parts in cold section of the engine.
What're we the steps we're undertaking to produce these bulk metallic glasses
Lab scale production. Used for ablative testing so far.
what's the application
By itself BMGs may not be as effective. But, BMG when sandwiched with CMC can make excellent TBC material.
how's it different from ceramic matrix composites ( CMC ) ?
BMGs are metals except they don't have crystalline atomic matrix. They have an amorphous matrix like glasses. BMGs are incredibly tough, very lightweight & have better high temp creep resistance than CMCs.
Is CERMET the same as CMC ?
CERMET is a subset of CMC.


The above is a conversation between myself & Gautam Sarkar of Strategic Frontier . He's been following the program for a long time & has done his Masters in metallurgical engineering which means he knows what he's talking about.

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