Hindu Hatred Watch


Vinaash Kaale, Vipreet Buddhi
Jun 27, 2024
I've been noticing a rise in anti-UC Hindu hatred in India in recent times. Brahmins are the biggest target.

Use this thread to archive instances of hatred against UC Hindus.

The Indian state has given a free hand to lower castes to spout any BS they want against upper caste Hindus.

Malnourished Bhimta dares to speak like this, only because he knows Ambedkarite BJP won't touch him. Open threats of genocide are welcome if it's against Brahmins in this Bhimta shithole country.

View: https://x.com/hindupost/status/1816702062752678213
I've been noticing a rise in anti-UC Hindu hatred in India in recent times. Brahmins are the biggest target.

Use this thread to archive instances of hatred against UC Hindus.

The Indian state has given a free hand to lower castes to spout any BS they want against upper caste Hindus.

Malnourished Bhimta dares to speak like this, only because he knows Ambedkarite BJP won't touch him. Open threats of genocide are welcome if it's against Brahmins in this Bhimta shithole country.

View: https://x.com/hindupost/status/1816702062752678213

I want to share some ignored facts due to colonial hangover & "chalta hai" attitude.

CASTE is from SPANISH-PORTUGUESE CASTA system due to their African slave trade, which was tried to be implemented across all global invaded colonies including BHARAT.

INDIA is a colonial era GREEK-LATIN derived word, just like for other western territories - Columbia, Britania, Italia, Hungaria, Germania, Helvetia, Polonia, Zealandia, etc.
INDUS is ROMAN reference from GREEK word Indós (Ἰνδός)

VARN is professional category as per individual capabilities after education, same like skill & HR round of interviews, as mentioned in all scriptures -
- teachers, priests, administrators
- soldiers
- businessmen
- servicemen

Anybody can be BRAHMIN as per its definition in all scriptures to be not just a scholar but a Dharmic person, free from greed, jealousy, coveting, pride, delusion, etc. The person must read & follow scriptures, teach others, including other subjects of running society, should give exam to Guru. Hence it is by KARM & not Lineage & such a person is fit to be administrator.
NOTE: Brahmin's children also need to choose their VARN & have to go through associated education & exam.

HINDU, HINDUSTAN, etc are GEOGRAHICAL & PERSIAN reference to denote territory & people living around & beyond SINDHU/INDUS river. It is similar to us calling people across Arabian Sea as Arabs irrespective of their country.

Because literacy & education has improved even in villages, house maids kind of people also sometimes use English words which they picked up from us or their children or grand-children, HINDI speakers are actually speaing HINGLISH, adding to the colonial hangover.

It is time to abolish & forget all these slavery era words.

> Is there a problem with Sanatan Dharm? - NO

> Where is the problem? - With Tamsik (corrupted), Rajsik(deluded) people, across the globe.
> Why there is problem? - Because world has always been, is & will be in grey shades, as mentioned in our scriptures.
Something is going on in Meghalaya. Even NDA alliance partners are helpless on this issue.

HYC protests against move of Hindu religious leader to rally against cow slaughter

View: https://youtu.be/zFcHcu-vmqE?si=evOW4hmLUtJyYjKb
Something is going on in Meghalaya. Even NDA alliance partners are helpless on this issue.

HYC protests against move of Hindu religious leader to rally against cow slaughter

View: https://youtu.be/zFcHcu-vmqE?si=evOW4hmLUtJyYjKb

What else to expect? Meghalaya is a Christian majority state. Entire NE is a Christian majority region with an exception of Tripura.

The entry to these states is controlled by 40% mleccha state, Assam. The cow, mandir, Sanatan are not the topics for the population out there.

West has invested one and a half century in the NE to successfully establish Christianity there. There may be rivalries among the tribes, but they are lost forever.
What else to expect? Meghalaya is a Christian majority state. Entire NE is a Christian majority region with an exception of Tripura.

The entry to these states is controlled by 40% mleccha state, Assam. The cow, mandir, Sanatan are not the topics for the population out there.

West has invested one and a half century in the NE to successfully establish Christianity there. There may be rivalries among the tribes, but they are lost forever.
Denied landing in Shillong, cow protection flag hoisted at 21,000 feet above Meghalaya inside chartered plane!

Group postpones cow protection event in state, to file case in SC

Communal Tensions Escalate in North Tripura Following Temple Demolition


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