BJP has spent over 10 years in power by now. They are in their third term. Tell me what changes they have done in the systum by now? Change in Political structure in JnK is a totally different thing and they are credited with the tactical Victory they achived there.
For the past 70 years, there has been a massive information asymmetry. People have been so thoroughly brainwashed that they've come to believe the narratives fed to them. From my observation, for many mediocre individuals with no firm convictions or weak resolve, their idealistic, utopian delusions often act as a compensatory mechanism for their lack of
aukaat This is most visible in the HASS streams—people who later become journalists, left-leaning professors, historians, or social service workers. In contrast, 90% of the individuals I’ve seen who do not peddle sanitized versions of history or blindly simp for Congress tend to be highly educated STEM folks.
Regarding the information asymmetry, if you want to replace an X viewpoint which is propagated by Left-Libbu gang with a Y viewpoint, you don’t abruptly remove X and instill Y. Instead, you first introduce Y on addition of X, propagate it, generate awareness, encourage debate and investigation, create noise around it, and then finally bury X. Most people are inherently stubborn—if you blatantly tell them unicorns aren’t real, they’ll resist the idea. But if you subtly and gradually plant the seeds, the shift becomes easier.
I really think BJP has done more than anything- they severed DS monopoly on Communication and Media means by Jiomaxxxing . It’s something that often goes overlooked but is incredibly significant. The entire communication ecosystem had been hijacked by the DS and its foot soldiers in India. Overcoming that grip with the strategic introduction of Jio was nothing short of a masterstroke. Conversations that were once impossible to have are now finally taking place.