I do not think these pigskins have went past their 'chinku-hatred' tho. I used to visit some diaspora chong pages on FB - these guys would routinely complain about receiving 'weird looks' and racist remarks. See how anti chong hatred has been normalized in plebbit. There used to an entire genre on Twitter (before Elmo's takeover) for mocking, ridiculing and stereotyping the chongs in the most dehumanizing way possible and nobody seemed to care - mind it, I am talking about a period when Twitter was 'sane' and actually enforced content moderation. Ditto for YouTube.
And some of it affects the Japanese, Koreans and the Southeast Asian guys too. There were Telegram groups and Discord servers dedicated to profiling and stalking Asian looking people during covid.
My theory is that a lot of wypipos hate anybody who is not a ubermensch blue eyed straight white male. Only the anti black hate posts are (somewhat) suppressed because of reasons we are all aware of. Anybody else and it is gloves off.
Based on anecdotes, I think the lationos have it worst right now. Was listening to some of the campaign speeches the orange man and Vance made in the run up to the elections - damn! They did not even pretend to hold back. At least the anti Indian posts are mostly limited to xitter chuds who likely won't ever venture out of mommy's basement.
1. whyte pypo havent fully gone past their chinku-hatred. But they have been muzzled - they are allowed to bark, but it must be in terms chinku finds acceptable - which is, bark towards CCP and China ( Chinku still seethes and copes, but that isnt red-card of slant eye racism we see with pajeet tropes openly for indians).
This has been done, because chinku is at heart, a beurocrat- every hoity-toity chinese supremacist is a huge bootlicker of buerocracy, coz beurocracy is their culture and signature civilization hallmark/pride complex and they will tool you via owning beurocracy.
Chinku realized best way to own yt people is through beurocracy, because western beurocracy is light speed efficient compared to Asian/developing world ones with robust legal systems that work jhatpat for small things.
This is why Chinku here has been able to 'sandbox' the racist whites into whining about Chinku in their terms.
2. Racism is a complicated topic and its a topic that is barely understood in academia itself is my conclusion. Reason being, people often ignore the simple fact that racism - defined by the whole white/black/yellow/brown etc. classifications - is a white people invention.
THAT itself is not widely acknowledged in academia - that outside of white people, we have ethocentrism- where people do 'we better, you inferior' based on a combined set of values+culture+religion than 'you look this way so u better or worse'.
This is ABUNDANTLY CLEAR if you ever read chinku classical writings - they are very well aware that we indians look 'woolly round eyed freaks' to them compared to the normal slantie shorty riding a horse north of them.....yet they write about us as far more of kindred spirit 'fellow civilized but obv not as great as middle kingdom but still civilized' tone.
Romans, Greeks, etc. ALL took this tone. Its only after fall of Roman empire that the whole white pepole/not white people thing crystallized into the racist theories of westerners - which isnt present anywhere else in history prior to contact WITH westerners.
I find it ironic that westerners wanna take credit for inventing everything under the sun, EXCEPT for inventing racism.
Ask them who invented it, they wil conviniently say 'its natural order of human discrimination', trying to legitimize THEIR unique-ness as natural to all humans ( white centric worldview).
Yet then ask them, in that case, why is India blamed for inventing caste system and how can caste system- a system where you can discriminate based on what a person's profession is- can be invented in a particular place, but a system where you discriminate based on what a person's looks are, cannot also be invented in one particular place and thats when they have no answer....