Idiotic Musings from the West


White Christian Nationalist serial groper Trump & his boer white nationalist fake news peddling billionaire donor/friend seen at the opening of a church in France which many philosophers see as a sign of militant white christian nationalism & colonialism.

The election of Trump to the post of US presidency has seen a sharp increase in number of attacks against racial/religious minorities & women. Trump, in textbook fascist methodology, has taken over the supreme court as well.
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White Christian Nationalist serial groper Trump & his boer white nationalist fake news peddling billionaire donor/friend seen at the opening of a church in France which many philosophers see as a sign of militant white christian nationalism & colonialism.

The election of Trump to the post of US presidency has seen a sharp increase in number of attacks against racial/religious minorities & women. Trump, in textbook fascist methodology, has taken over the supreme court as well.
Nothing wrong in supporting one's religion & culture. However Islamofascist cult should be confronted at all costs which is the common enemy of Human civilization.
Nothing wrong in supporting one's religion & culture. However Islamofascist cult should be confronted at all costs which is the common enemy of Human civilization.
well for ur information, first dessert cult killed, slaved nd looted more people than second dessert cult. do u forgot, how british killed more than 100 million indians in their created famine. how many british killed in those famine?? what about millions of killing of pegans nd tribals all around world. they r converting people in their cult (including in india), who hate indic religion, culture etc. u want to just focus on one enemy, but second one hv bigger record of destroying others culture, religion etc. sure their son of god seems like nice guy, but its created that way so they can convert. their teaching of every people is sinner nd their god will forgive all their crimes, their god is only god, others god r devil etc r big reason they r as dangerous as chuslims.
Nothing wrong in supporting one's religion & culture.
Historically Church has actively supported colonial expansionism.

India relatively escaped Christian fundamentalism due to British fears of another 1857 type revolt

Gandhi got a taste of Christian fundamentalism in South Africa where non-Christians could not walk on foothpath, did not have their marriage recognized and police could enter their premises without permission

However, under Portuguese it was a different story

Goa Inquisition

This is an Imperial German poster depicting Europeans as Christian angels and Buddha as evil to justify European colonization of East Asia

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Irony is instead of holding the Belgians responsible for these crimes the world enjoys the very products born out of this colonization and is famous as Belgian Chocolate.
The fundamental issue is Congolese or Africans for that matter do not have means to expose Belgian crimes.
No global media, movie industry etc to do so. Hence, narrative of the events is entire painted by Belgians

As a father of two toddlers, this is the most horrifying picture for me

Context -
A Congolese man, Nsala, looking at the severed hand and foot of his five-year-old daughter who was killed, cooked, and cannibalised by members of the Force Publique (Belgian Congolesemilitary) in 1904

This is when these pizza burgers were at the height of their powers.
Don't just believe in what this instagram window is saying, if you have instagram account just click the link below.
It will take you to Poverty Porn of USA that these Yankees so project on India nowadays.

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Lol, trump addressing Trudeau as governor of one of US states :creepy:

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You know the funny thing? There is actually a governor of Canada. It’s the governor general of Canada that is the head of state for Canada. So Trump is partially correct when stating Governor Trudeau.

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