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It's like militias vs. organized military. Numbers can overwhelm—that's true. But an unorganized bunch of people isn't really effective.It doesn't need propaganda bunch. We're an open pit. Everyone here has an unrestricted access. When are we gonna do better use of population?
Most arguments they do are racist rage baiting.
We couldn't even overwhelm them in engagement numbers Lol
You're forgetting that Chinese have actual govt departments employing 50¢ to do these. Chairman Troll Yojana is a real thing.It's like militias vs. organized military. Numbers can overwhelm—that's true. But an unorganized bunch of people isn't really effective.
Let's take the example of China. Even in just online and black propaganda, there are multiple operatives who are highly organized and coordinated. The bottom tier consists of those who don't speak English but simply copy-paste the given templates (astroturfers). Then there are the "little pinks" (essentially equivalent to our e-lashkars), who actually speak English and engage in propaganda voluntarily. However, even they are highly organized, forming WeChat groups for targeted attacks.
We cannot overwhelm those racist rage-baiters because we are unorganized. We don't conduct targeted attacks. Not everyone's timeline is full of those posts. And we haven't even talked about the actual paid trolls who engage in propaganda on their side.
The biggest problem is that we are reactive, not proactive. We don't set narratives; we just fight the narratives set against us (e.g., BBC, foreign media hit jobs).
this kind of long waiting period in healthcare is also in Japan,
even taking typical CT scan or MRI takes some weeks of waiting period there, it's not because of lack of material resources, but because technicians and professionals operating it all are hard to find - then they also have bureaucratic bottlenecks in their healthcare
medical tourism is a thing, i have a personal anecdote of some distance mausa ji living in toronto who had to go through cochelear implants in ears after hearing loss and waiting period was ~10 months lol, he simply said fuck it and booked first flight here and got it done for around 10 lakh rupees somewhere in Mumbai; perhaps same overall cost to get it done here as there
Already mentioned.You're forgetting that Chinese have actual govt departments employing 50¢ to do these.
And we haven't even talked about the actual paid trolls who engage in propaganda on their side.
We would have more numbers after 15 years, but the problem would remain. Unorganised people aren't really effective in setting up narratives, and in propaganda and counter propaganda. I don't see a Pradhan mantri troll yojna getting passed in the parliament. The Chinese are way ahead in propaganda department.1/3rd of India is online. Give it 15 more years.
Axom has also become rather good in medical as of late under Himanta. A lot of the times people from North Bengal also go to Axom since Kolkata is further out.Same problem in Canada - severe unstaffed facilities and Canada is a slow place to get new medical facilities. Reason being, for whatever reason, Canada doesnt do nursing homes/small hospitals AT ALL. AT ALL.
Except for an old peoples clinic here or pediatrician/GP clinic there, if you need to go to hospital in any canadian city, its like going to Raj path complex, where its a mega hospital that has everything in it - from brain surgery to heart surgery to onco to ortho, everything. In vancouver there is like 6 hospitals in the entire city. Thats it. But most of us wont be able to make 5 laps of the hospital even if offered 100 bucks, such is the sprawling university-scape style of hospital structure here. Oh and when i say every hospital here has every department, its not just tiny. Its like onco ward has 50 beds. 50. heart itself has 100 beds, there's entire gallery of baby ventilators for premature babies that have 30-40 ventilators in the room.
Which means, building hospitals in Canada is like building an Eden Gardens. Its gonna cost billions, its gonna take close to 10 years to finish and you better plan ahead else u r fucked.
This means, Canada not only has manpower shortage issues like Japan does, it ALSO has hardware bottlenecks coz Canada believes in hospital-city model.
The other shitty thing is, what no one ever tells you, is that teeth are not covered in Canada and running joke in Canada is the gormint doesnt see teeth as part of your body. NOTHING about your tooth is gonna be looked at in a hospital, you gotta pay outta pocket or get employer to cover dental plan and find dentist. The only time a Canadian hospital will touch your teeth is if your teeth is somehow infecting your jaw or broke off and got stuck in your mouth somwhere and thats it. People in Canada have taken a full on punch to their face, lost 2 teeth on the spot and went around for months or years as toothless coz well, they didnt have the money to fix teeth - which is REALLY expensive in Canada ( i broke off a tooth once- i had to get a root canal, then implant tooth where they just drill a titanium rod into your jaw and let it set with some cement, then screw on a nice enamel fake tooth on the stem - just ONE tooth cost me 3500 USD)
And if you have an ortho issue like MCL tear or ACL tear or anything to do with your knee or back or such- bwahahahahah - you will be able to walk to mexico on your gimply leg sooner than get a mri for it, coz ortho is dead-last amongst ALL health services, as our socialist masters deem ' your gimpy knee = non life threatening. get in line for that x-ray, wait time: duration of Ukraine war.
There are only two good things in Canadian healthcare:
1. Its emergency service is amazingly good. ie, if you have a 'HRRKKK dop unconcious' episode for whatever reason- be it low blood sugar or actual heart attack, you the average commoner WILL get better treatment than even Modi himself will in India.
2. its maternity services are space age - you really have to roll snake eyes multiple times in a canadian hospital for a mom or baby to not be 100% ok 99.9999% of the time.
Thats it, the end. rest everything else, go fly to USA if u got shit tons of money or go to India if you have less than Count of Monte Cristo money.
PS: Your uncle went to the wrong place. Mumbai isnt where you go, if you want good and good deal, you go east. Kolkata if you know what you are doing, Bhubaneshwar if you want all tip top new jhakaas or chennai if wanna go with the 'old is gold'. Mumbai has a few 'harvard-MIT' level hospitals that are frankly, overkill for anything unless u r in threat of dying soon, imo. 10 lakhs sounds about right for mumbai, but if he paid 10L in mumbai, he would've gotten it away with 6-7 in Bhubaneshwar or Kolkata, not sure for what in Chennai but probably not more than 8.
What I'm telling you is, you don't need to have a sniper's aim if you can create a crater a mile wide.Already mentioned.
We would have more numbers after 15 years, but the problem would remain. Unorganised people aren't really effective in setting up narratives, and in propaganda and counter propaganda. I don't see a Pradhan mantri troll yojna getting passed in the parliament. The Chinese are way ahead in propaganda department.
If people start setting up groups voluntarily and begin coordinating targeted attacks, it could work somewhat. But, moderating them would require real time and effort. Would need some Bharat putras to set these up.
Edit: We have lots of English speakers, and there is no firewall like China. If even a small section of our online trolls and nationalists get organised, it would be a terrifying force.
You need think about the outcome of all these.It's like militias vs. organized military. Numbers can overwhelm—that's true. But an unorganized bunch of people isn't really effective.
Let's take the example of China. Even in just online and black propaganda, there are multiple operatives who are highly organized and coordinated. The bottom tier consists of those who don't speak English but simply copy-paste the given templates (astroturfers). Then there are the "little pinks" (essentially equivalent to our e-lashkars), who actually speak English and engage in propaganda voluntarily. However, even they are highly organized, forming WeChat groups for targeted attacks.
We cannot overwhelm those racist rage-baiters because we are unorganized. We don't conduct targeted attacks. Not everyone's timeline is full of those posts. And we haven't even talked about the actual paid trolls who engage in propaganda on their side.
The biggest problem is that we are reactive, not proactive. We don't set narratives; we just fight the narratives set against us (e.g., BBC, foreign media hit jobs).
I agree with lot of your points but these---You need think about the outcome of all these.
NRIs will get the first heat. I don't mind. They abruptly look down upon the native Indians. They're the ones who are mostly on social media calling India shit hole, busy dehumanising our culture, our everything below every nitpicked videos & thanking themselves for leaving India to collect brownies from Goras. They distinct themselves as some sort of higher power. Not everyone but a big chunk of it leave India for social status & some delusional dreams fed out of inferiority complex. Why do you think that some Indians are spending in crores to invade the West illegally even with uncertainty? Inferiority complex. Nothing else. A person who can spend extra crores, can easily set up a profitable business in India & do a better utilisation of money.
A reality check that was long overdue. Indians suck up to them like no one does even when they slam Indians in the grossest possible way. Some samples can also be seen justifying British rule & call for white invasion because we're not civilised. I'm sure that they very well know that who compromised our system, siphoned of our resources, created death, genocide, famine throughout the centuries. Still they justify it all for the sake of collecting Gora brownies.
Believe me. These are happening for the better good. With time & upliftment the perception will change as well. Nothing is permanent. They will keep targetting India rn because their geopolitical interests align. Mullahs do as it's their habit.
In the meantime Indians are getting aware of their cunningness & some will break out off their delusion bubble. It's already happening amid all the sucking up.
Even Indian oppositions & their political lobbies who keep on sucking up to Goras are getting hammered & offended by this charade.
Khalistanis, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis all will get the heat. They may unite on the keyboard alongside them but in reality Goras hate & isolate every brown in their point of view.
Except Indians will be in the higher power controlling, engaging everything day by day but they will be rotting in the refugee camps with some blue collar jobs.
There are never ending oceans of Tweets & posts of abuses. It's not worth it.
Fighting them & getting triggered over each one is a waste of time. On the ground they're lonely, virgin with a fucked up live & have no say.
As India's geopolitical influence, economical importance grows these things will diminish by itself.
Yes you can organise, unite & fight but if one Tweet goes, another one will pop up in an instance. Both sides are fighting & defending each other with their full prowess. I ain't gonna deny that Indians are getting better each day. With time Indians may overwhelms them but it would achieve nothing on the ground, beside for those who suck up to Goras for validations but that doesn't run the world & bend world politics.
BBC, this, that.... These portals are farming materials for leftist loonies. Left is drowning all over the world, even in India. Those who know the ground reality of India, will laugh at them & then ignore. These things don't work anymore for the most part. They've lost the power to manipulate Indians. Maybe in Modi's first two terms they were relevant but now they're just a pit of jokes. They're shared only to condemn Modi rather than gulping for facts.
That's why good moderation would be needed. Which would prevent those from happening. I think those can be avoided, if its done properly.I've started to prefer Indians not get organized in internet spaces, mostly because it starts to mirror history. At first they'll troll foreigners but Indians being Indians will seek the same thrill and start beating each other up over caste/region/language lines, even drafting help from those same foreigners.