Idiotic Musings from the West

You gotta be kidding.
Foster care system in the west is a total disaster- give me the kid on the indian street any day.
Foster cared kids in the west are the demographic with the highest per capita case of sexual abuse - of ANY demographic ( tranny hooker, real hooker, hot lady, old lady, you name it) and most of them are raised like farm animals, because most foster care parents scam the system. Its like they get 1000 bucks per kid per month, so if they foster 8 kids, they get 8000 bucks and thats enough $$ for two adults and 8 kids to live comfortably (just food shelter and clothing).
Heck, in the 80s, the Germans in city of Berlin literally specifically gave known pedophilies foster kids to foster as a social experiment.
There is no way to audit these Foster Homes too. There are like 40-50 Foster Agencies in NewYork city itself.
Imagine how many are there in NewYork state and in all 50 US states.

You can easily find dysfunctional families registering themselves as Foster Home and then kids are assigned to them. They play all good and glory while there is any audit from agencies and turn back to abuse, drugs and violence once auditors leave.

Even if one agency marks a family as unsuitable for foster home, they end up registering with any of the other 4-50 agency in the city.

This whole system is cruel and is becoming a factory churning out psychopaths/sociopaths/violent adults.​
I did not expect Benjamin from Bald and Bankrupt to stoop to this level.

I don't think he is particularly Racist or hate Indian. I am following him from his early days on YouTube before Covid.

The thing is YouTube is now saturated and there are 1000s of options in each genre now. Years back i used to follow, 8-bit Guy and LGR for their repair and restoration videos and coverage of old tech. They used to get decent views and earn good money.

However, after Covid, every Tom, Dick and Harry started their channel, and they copied the popular genre and started pushing videos every week.

Now the viewership of oldies like 8-bit guy and LGR has dropped significantly, and their AdSense earning have dropped. So, many old channels moved to merchandise or started making paid and biased videos.

For YouTubers like B&B who need to travel a lot and are in need of money constantly, they started making highly exaggerated and controversial videos.

You can see B&B started doing "travelling to dodgiest street/state/city of any random country" videos. These started bringing in views again.


1. Which country is now the largest consumer online?
2. Which country has one of the most Nationalist and patriotic population?
3. Which country is one of the easiest to bait and rage?
4. Which country is one of the easiest to fool?
5. Which country's population start trusting every other influencer/celeb/youtuber?

Answer - INDIA

Hence, cover India in negative tone and connotation and people are enraged and start bashing you everywhere, increasing their view count and AdSense CTR and earnings!!

Win-win situation for new India Haters on Twitter and YouTubers.​
You should see the comments in one of the latest Bald and Bankrupt videos. Holy.... such sneering, contemptuous, mindless, imbalanced, ignorant and bigoted idiots, and there are lots of them. Most of those are probably from the UK, but many from the US, Australia, a few from Canada. There are even sundry Filipinos, Syrians, Africans and Brazilians contributing their mite. A lot of people are disgruntled, have nothing much better to do, possess lousy family lives, are unemployed or underemployed. India thereby becomes an easy outlet for their resentment, idleness or latent racism. The sad part of it also, is that there a few Indians who join in. Must be also frustrated, and take the easy way of bashing their country mindlessly.

And the interesting thing is, that video wasn't all that bad or reflective of anything horrendous in India. Okay, apart from all the honking of vehicles..
You should see the comments in one of the latest Bald and Bankrupt videos. Holy.... such sneering, contemptuous, mindless, imbalanced, ignorant and bigoted idiots, and there are lots of them. Most of those are probably from the UK, but many from the US, Australia, a few from Canada. There are even sundry Filipinos, Syrians, Africans and Brazilians contributing their mite. A lot of people are disgruntled, have nothing much better to do, possess lousy family lives, are unemployed or underemployed. India thereby becomes an easy outlet for their resentment, idleness or latent racism. The sad part of it also, is that there a few Indians who join in. Must be also frustrated, and take the easy way of bashing their country mindlessly.

And the interesting thing is, that video wasn't all that bad or reflective of anything horrendous in India. Okay, apart from all the honking of vehicles..
Most of those countries can be grouped into three.
1. Western "Muh First World" countries but are on downhill like UK, Canada and such. They thrived due to looted resources from others. Now, they can't loot and their coffers are emptying quickly, they will go downhill.
2. Mediocre countries like Brazil, Philippines who were always sidekicks a few thousand years back, are and will be a few thousand years in future. Their fundamentals are shallow, their intellectual potential is mediocre. Their countries thrive at the whims of USA and China. So, failing again and again to become developed and being on brink of insanity, all that is left for them is to shit on others. That can be a coping mechanism for them.
3. Utter Shithole countries like entirety of Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Middle East. These people have low Intellectual potential to even build basic blocks of a country and are dependent on others.

If you ask them did India invade or r&pe their country or countrymen, they don't have a answer. A Indian hating on Pakistan have a reason so does a filipino hating on chinese. But a random jungle monkey hating India when it didn't even piss on them can be attributed to only one thing-Inferiority Complex of a Sidekick Nation.
Why Does America Fail to Recognize India as a Rising Power?

Diplomatic pleasantries and symbolic gestures, such as the warm embraces between U.S. Presidents and India's Prime Ministers, are not enough. These gestures do not reflect an acknowledgment of India as a significant emerging power that demands careful and respectful engagement. Instead, the U.S. has often treated India with disregard, as seen in the handling of the Pannu case—a short-sighted strategy that aims to corner India. Such tactics are futile, especially considering the U.S.'s own history of covert operations abroad. It is naive to assume India can be pressured by these methods.

When this approach failed, the U.S. slowed down the supply of GE’s F404 engines for India's fighter jets. But worse was yet to come. In an apparent attempt to undermine a potential friendly meeting between President Biden and Prime Minister Modi, the White House invited the CIA and FBI chiefs to brief Biden on the Pannu affair in full public view. This was clearly designed to pressure Modi through media attention. However, Modi is far too resilient to be swayed so easily. This incident underscores the lengths to which the American administration will go to downplay India’s strategic importance, especially in the context of the U.S.-Russia conflict over Ukraine.

Modi, a shrewd strategist, was well-prepared. He understands that Biden's tenure may soon end and is uncertain of his successor. Modi made it clear early on that he is aware of the U.S.'s position in the Ukraine war, which is ultimately unwinnable. He presented a neutral peace proposal, already discussed with both Russia and Ukraine's President Zelensky. This left Biden with little choice but to set aside the anti-India sentiment brewing in the U.S. political system and take Modi’s offer seriously. Modi also knows that if Trump returns to power, a peace deal similar to his proposal is likely; if Harris wins, she cannot ignore it either.

Modi’s diplomatic prowess paid off. The underlying tensions were already well known, but he was still greeted with a rousing reception in New York, organized by the Indian community. Meanwhile, politicians who have backed Khalistani groups or supported the Pannu case—such as Senators Jeff Merkley, Ron Wyden, Tim Kaine, Bernie Sanders, and Chris Van Hollen—are likely dismayed. The sight of 30,000 cheering Indian-Americans in New York, along with the broader influence of the 4.5 million Indian-origin voters across the U.S., has undoubtedly rattled them. These voters witnessed the U.S. attempt to tarnish India's reputation while America's own foreign policy record is far from clean.

In truth, no real harm was done. Pannu remains unharmed, and the attempt to smear India ultimately failed.

The larger question remains: Why does the American administration listen to fringe elements and ignore a rising global power? India will not forget this treatment. It is no accident that just days before Modi's visit, President Biden invited the CIA and FBI chiefs to the White House. This was a deliberate act, signaling the U.S.'s reluctance to fully embrace India as a strategic partner.
Why Does America Fail to Recognize India as a Rising Power?

Diplomatic pleasantries and symbolic gestures, such as the warm embraces between U.S. Presidents and India's Prime Ministers, are not enough. These gestures do not reflect an acknowledgment of India as a significant emerging power that demands careful and respectful engagement. Instead, the U.S. has often treated India with disregard, as seen in the handling of the Pannu case—a short-sighted strategy that aims to corner India. Such tactics are futile, especially considering the U.S.'s own history of covert operations abroad. It is naive to assume India can be pressured by these methods.

When this approach failed, the U.S. slowed down the supply of GE’s F404 engines for India's fighter jets. But worse was yet to come. In an apparent attempt to undermine a potential friendly meeting between President Biden and Prime Minister Modi, the White House invited the CIA and FBI chiefs to brief Biden on the Pannu affair in full public view. This was clearly designed to pressure Modi through media attention. However, Modi is far too resilient to be swayed so easily. This incident underscores the lengths to which the American administration will go to downplay India’s strategic importance, especially in the context of the U.S.-Russia conflict over Ukraine.

Modi, a shrewd strategist, was well-prepared. He understands that Biden's tenure may soon end and is uncertain of his successor. Modi made it clear early on that he is aware of the U.S.'s position in the Ukraine war, which is ultimately unwinnable. He presented a neutral peace proposal, already discussed with both Russia and Ukraine's President Zelensky. This left Biden with little choice but to set aside the anti-India sentiment brewing in the U.S. political system and take Modi’s offer seriously. Modi also knows that if Trump returns to power, a peace deal similar to his proposal is likely; if Harris wins, she cannot ignore it either.

Modi’s diplomatic prowess paid off. The underlying tensions were already well known, but he was still greeted with a rousing reception in New York, organized by the Indian community. Meanwhile, politicians who have backed Khalistani groups or supported the Pannu case—such as Senators Jeff Merkley, Ron Wyden, Tim Kaine, Bernie Sanders, and Chris Van Hollen—are likely dismayed. The sight of 30,000 cheering Indian-Americans in New York, along with the broader influence of the 4.5 million Indian-origin voters across the U.S., has undoubtedly rattled them. These voters witnessed the U.S. attempt to tarnish India's reputation while America's own foreign policy record is far from clean.

In truth, no real harm was done. Pannu remains unharmed, and the attempt to smear India ultimately failed.

The larger question remains: Why does the American administration listen to fringe elements and ignore a rising global power? India will not forget this treatment. It is no accident that just days before Modi's visit, President Biden invited the CIA and FBI chiefs to the White House. This was a deliberate act, signaling the U.S.'s reluctance to fully embrace India as a strategic partner.
Why do you want them to? I think is better to rise silently instead of drum beating about supa powa 2047, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week? Most of the world genuinely thinks India is a better version of yemen, pakistan, afghanistan, somalia-tier country, it is better that it stays that ways. This drum beating should only be done in front of businessmen and investors, nobody else. We need to rise before world starts seeing us as a potential threat.
Why do you want them to? I think is better to rise silently instead of drum beating about supa powa 2047, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week? Most of the world genuinely thinks India is a better version of yemen, pakistan, afghanistan, somalia-tier country, it is better that it stays that ways. This drum beating should only be done in front of businessmen and investors, nobody else. We need to rise before world starts seeing us as a potential threat.
If China suddenly became important in 1970s because it became a permanent member of NNSC first and then the US money poured in. Now look where China is today. It has left India far behind.

If you are important then everybody wants to cultivate you. In this world much easier to ignore than to give you credit.
My relative recently went to Scotland for an tour. He also used to visit London due to his job.

Few points he told about UK.

1. Tea and Gossip were bread and butter for UKtards. That is why we are seeing Diana conspiracy even today.
2. Racist behavior is being taught to kids at school level itself.
3. Entire Scotland becomes an abandoned villages, cities. Looks like emigration of people to South permanently destroyed the northern parts.

Points to be taken from UK.

1. India should develop multiple economic centers instead of relying on sole cities.
2. Don't throw your industries.
My relative recently went to Scotland for an tour. He also used to visit London due to his job.

Few points he told about UK.

1. Tea and Gossip were bread and butter for UKtards. That is why we are seeing Diana conspiracy even today.
2. Racist behavior is being taught to kids at school level itself.
3. Entire Scotland becomes an abandoned villages, cities. Looks like emigration of people to South permanently destroyed the northern parts.

Points to be taken from UK.

1. India should develop multiple economic centers instead of relying on sole cities.
2. Don't throw your industries.
Point well taken……
2. Racist behavior is being taught to kids at school level itself.
That's pretty evident,but can you elaborate a bit about that? Like,what made him come to that conclusion,did he face racial abuses himself?

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