Idiotic Musings from the West

Attempts to genocide Indian population was done actively, though not as effective as native americans and native Australians due to our certain level immunity to smallpox from historic outbreaks

Britshits had two way approach to Indian genocide
1. Use of diseases
Brits did everything to exacerbate epidemics in India, but none was as successful as smallpox. Notice how our small pox count rises rapidly during Brit rule and and starts rapidly dropping after our independence

2. Use of famine
The ones who survived disease were at the receiving end of famines and starvation
Close to a 100 million died in these genocides at a time when our population was 300 million
Few more centuries of Brit rule and we would be minority in our own lands like native americans

Brits have little care for the climate, they wanted India for its capability to sustain large human population. No country in he world has large arable lands as India and where crops can grown even in winter

Land of UK didn't have the resources to sustain its existing population, even today UK imports 46% of food consumed there. They lack food security to this day
United Kingdom Food Security Report 2021: Theme 2: UK Food Supply Sources

Real reason they left was because they were weakened after the WW2 and Americans subtly hinted decolonization can happen the easy way or the hard.

Only god saved us from these devils
Dogs and horses? Is it a thing? Found quite a few memes on it.
Do you want me to provide sources bruh?
For research purposes of course?

There is an entire porn genre available for this.

US kisans are quite famous for committing such acts with their domestic and non domestic animals.
Horses, dogs, pigs, cats, Lizards, snakes, foxes, rabbits, turkey. You name it.
Latest data shows India as 99.31(my own IQ is 130) while pigskins and pooslimes cope with "muh 76 IQ pajet"
Either way,IQ sheeit is a cope imo,it's just a test based on pattern recognizing.
No major nation maintains a nationwide IQ dataset. These IQ charts do not mean much - something we discussed at length at the old DFI. IQ tests were never meant to be a dick measuring contest for racists and online incels.
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No major nation maintains a nationwide IQ dataset. These IQ charts do not mean much - something we discussed at length at the old DFI. IQ tests were never meant to be a dick measuring contest for racists and online incels.
Pignatcels and chincomcels do exactly that.
Latest data shows India as 99.31(my own IQ is 130) while pigskins and pooslimes cope with "muh 76 IQ pajet"
Either way,IQ sheeit is a cope imo,it's just a test based on pattern recognizing.

No major nation maintains a nationwide IQ dataset. These IQ charts do not mean much - something we discussed at length at the old DFI. IQ tests were never meant to be a dick measuring contest for racists and online incels.

Pignatcels and chincomcels do exactly that.

"Hehe shitskin, we have high IQ n sheeit"

>Low TFR society
>Women encouraged to be whorish
>Godlessness and despair
>Un restrained immigration of military-age males
>who attack the native men and women
>jobs shipped to foreign lands so that suit-boot can make more money
>Out of control LGTVHD+ propaganda
>Scam Democracies where votes don't matter

When you point out these things, that actual High IQ societies wouldn't do( muh "pattern recognition" and all ), they say

No major nation maintains a nationwide IQ dataset. These IQ charts do not mean much - something we discussed at length at the old DFI. IQ tests were never meant to be a dick measuring contest for racists and online incels.
but this will serve the purpose of deflating the goroid ego.
I guess that's a good thing.

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