Idiotic Musings from the West

Agreed. that is big reason. Big reason is, you as napaki incel CAN harass these women with skimpy clothes and go allahu akbar right in front of MET cops who will sit there, watch u and do nothing. At least even in bongistan if you go after women with these kinda things right in front of the cops and women make stink about it, cops will use SOME danda on these incels for being incels more than moozie or dalit or whatever these UK cunts whine about as identity #1.

But at the same time, the Mirpuris themselves being a LOT more openly jihadi towards UK -they openly preach Jihad over UK to make UK more islamic with zero pushback from the guv is a factor. This is a classic chicken vs egg scenario but these mirpuris are a product of being basically self-induced psychosis of being mard a momeen and fucked over, which does make them more fiesty.

Like i have been to UK several times, i am a fairly exploring type of guy and i go all over the place at all sorts of hours and as a guy who's been around, i can sense aggression quite well. These mirpuri dehatis in UK are just fundamentally more aggro filled than even the afghans i met in middle east- which were many and many with mujahiddeen background ( since my stay in the ME was in the 90s).

You are correct in the sense that they are not cold calculated killers or people who have actually killed a lot of people in war like the afghans i met, they are basically islamist bullies. but bullies who act as a clan and make a mob of bullies are very dangerous AS a mob, its the pirhana factor where they derive josh from each other's numerical buffer.
This is also why the hecklings - which i also got ( though i am able to shoot back enough in arabic for them to go '?!?! maybe fecker is lebanese i shall steer clear' on me) always happen in classic bully fashion and crowd/mob mobilization protocols.

And the basic reason for appeasement is simple. Muslims have ruthlessly figured out the whiteman's power calculus.
And that is, there are, at any given time, in any given whiteman country, at least 50% or more whitemen who will sell their own mothers into prostitution to avoid the tag of being called RACIST.
Thats it.
Thats all there is to it.
Learn about racism of whiteman a bit - currently and historically --> do whatever you want-->when u get in trouble, get 10 others of your ethnicity/religion/group to go 'racist racist waa waa' and 90% of the time you will be let go if you are into just basic luccha, lafangaa behaviour.

THAT is power calculus of whiteman. Us Hindus and other successful asians dont resort to this ( infact we are the opposite we swallow a lot more racism from whites than we should simply coz we go eez ok, i am rich and successful, these are butthurt words).
I don't know when our guys will learn it. Those accurately identified the weakness of those whiteys-Accuse them of Racism. Accusing someone of against a Race carries bigger stigma than Religion. They also identified that Saar Saar we are goodboye saar doesn't work and you have to ruthlessly bombard Racist tag on someone who attacks your religion. For some reason, desis vehemently are against weaponized accusation tactics.
I don't know when our guys will learn it. Those accurately identified the weakness of those whiteys-Accuse them of Racism. Accusing someone of against a Race carries bigger stigma than Religion. They also identified that Saar Saar we are goodboye saar doesn't work and you have to ruthlessly bombard Racist tag on someone who attacks your religion. For some reason, desis vehemently are against weaponized accusation tactics.

It's mainly because it's useless
For nijjers/spics/greens bitching about racism and -phobia it's because they have an ecosystem backing them, whether it's votebanks or the academic-journalist atrocity literature pipeline.

NRIs suck at this game and have 0 organization for doing RACISM screeching.
lol....all these crying nd fearing from peaceful, when their population is only 6.5% in UK. meanwhile indians r chill with their 16-17% population. bhaichara nd secularism best "one sided" example by 74-76% "real indians". but other two side from middle east desserts dont need that😝.
And yet these people like to lecture Indians on diversity, when Indians are just about the last people who need such a lecture!
I don't know when our guys will learn it. Those accurately identified the weakness of those whiteys-Accuse them of Racism. Accusing someone of against a Race carries bigger stigma than Religion. They also identified that Saar Saar we are goodboye saar doesn't work and you have to ruthlessly bombard Racist tag on someone who attacks your religion. For some reason, desis vehemently are against weaponized accusation tactics

it is a bit more than that, a bit more subtle. The reality is, whites are by far the most sensitive people at being accused as for being racist. Like yes, being accused of being against a group of people simply coz of their genetics or how they are from one part of the world itself is offensive concept to most people. But whereas to you or me its like a Tier 2-3 level offence, this is red alert, nukes incoming emergency level offence for whites. And muslims have figured THIS out.
This is why you will see, when they go against non whites there is subtle shift to 'focus on them being ignorant haters coz of being islamophobia and not racism' as the main tool - because racism is a surgical tool you can use to eviscerate whitey, but against non whitey, its much more of a blunt knife - still dangerous but not 'omg recall the rohirrim' level panic.

It's mainly because it's useless
For nijjers/spics/greens bitching about racism and -phobia it's because they have an ecosystem backing them, whether it's votebanks or the academic-journalist atrocity literature pipeline.

NRIs suck at this game and have 0 organization for doing RACISM screeching.

In this case, you are wrong because chicken came before the egg. Nijjers/greens etc have been doing randi-rona on discrimination due to race/religion at drop of a hat for last 50+ years in the west. And they have grown an ecosystem out of it especially with the open muslim targetting during immediate post 9-11 days.
Where there is demand, there is supply, as the saying goes in politics - if a bunch of humans hold xyz social feelings strongly and are willing to weaponize it, its a matter of time before some politician or political party shows up to tap into your sentiments because your sentiments is their prime liquid capital in terms of votes - the first and most important layer of capital in politics (votes).

reality is, hindus and the broader community of Asian pagans tend didnt WANT to weaponise said sentiments in the first place.
This is because our objective in life primarily is co-existence. not social dominance. Look at Chinese, Thai, Hindus, etc- we all show same pattern where we proliferate and thrive - give us good law and order, some chinese markets + festivals and we are happy as a clam.
No chinese will ever go whine at a christmas event but christians and muslims will - they are people of weaponized faith.

They dont think in terms of 'we will immigrate --> there will be people in this city like me ---> once or twice a year we will gather and throw a festival-->whites will come, mingle, we will mingle all ees well'.

They see it in terms of this but 'plus we will eventually make society follow our way of life and our religion'.

This is why they came in with the ecosystem of 'woe is me, you are racist to criticize my religion' and are natural allies of blacks, who really DO have a genuine historical case and architecture of grief and woe is me system.

We hindus and rest of asian pagans are basically trying to react to the situation as we are not seeking to weaponize our faiths or way of life in the first place, as we dont see our way of life/religion as a contest to win by force but natural order of things once everything is peaceful and everyone is allowed to thrive.
She's fairly rational, but unless I missed something, she refrains from mentioning Latinos, Moslems and Africans who have migrated to the US in large or significant numbers the last many decades.
Shit out 2 kids or else they should shut up
I don't know when our guys will learn it. Those accurately identified the weakness of those whiteys-Accuse them of Racism. Accusing someone of against a Race carries bigger stigma than Religion. They also identified that Saar Saar we are goodboye saar doesn't work and you have to ruthlessly bombard Racist tag on someone who attacks your religion. For some reason, desis vehemently are against weaponized accusation tactics.
Let me offer a different perspective. Every race emigrating to US faced the same racism. What happens is that populations grows past 5%, then the locals acclimatize to that different race. In the 30-50’s it was Chinese, 50-70’s it was blacks, 70-90’s it was Italians, from 90-2010 it was Arabs, 2010 to 2030 will be Indians.

In the thirties, cities would not build sidewalks in Chinese neighborhoods (not U.S. citizen racism)

In the 50-70 you had segregation, racial superiority

70-90 Italians were portrayed as villains and mobsters / gangsters everywhere

From 90-2010 you had middle eastern portrayed as terrorists everywhere

2010-2030 is Indians are taking our jobs.

Common thread amongst all these migrations has been intermarriages with the local population. So basically Grandpa will get a grand baby who he is racist towards and then be forced to change his ways because he loves that baby.

Once you brake it down to it’s fundamental level, it’s tribalism and the fear / anger goes away when two tribes inter marry.

You can see it happening with people like JD Vance.
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She's fairly rational, but unless I missed something, she refrains from mentioning Latinos, Moslems and Africans who have migrated to the US in large or significant numbers the last many decades.
she is in UK? She specifies indians never seen british specify pakistanis?

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