Idiotic Musings from the West


Why I don’t like this muskroach. He thinks he can dictate world politics with trump, although I do enjoy German morality ke thekedaars getting a spanking. Elund wants right wing govts to come across Europe to get his white nations back. That’s his only agenda other than selling his shitty cars and building his own grave in Mars.


Why I don’t like this muskroach. He thinks he can dictate world politics with trump, although I do enjoy German morality ke thekedaars getting a spanking. Elund wants right wing govts to come across Europe to get his white nations back. That’s his only agenda other than selling his shitty cars and building his own grave in Mars.

I dont think he cares about who gets elected in Germany. He is poking fingers in Europe for the sole purpose of poking a finger, so as to do to Europe what Europe had been doing to others, including USA.
Europe influenced a lot of policies in USA through climate change activism, lgtv rights, etc.
He is doing what the current USA administration want him to do. They just want to show a middle finger to Europe.
Look at the two recent speeches of JD Vance in Germany.
And also this video, specifically S. Jaishankar's words at the Munich Security Conference -

11-Year-Old Texas Girl Bullied Over Family's Immigration Status Takes Her Own Life
Remember that video where that Indian kid was getting bullied and having his neck strangled and being elbowed,while his pigskinned classmates were laughing at it? He was the one that was expelled while the bullies faced nothing.
Truly superior and empathetic race,aren't they?
Latrinos ain't any better than pigskins,but no way a literal child deserves this treatment,never.
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Why I don’t like this muskroach. He thinks he can dictate world politics with trump, although I do enjoy German morality ke thekedaars getting a spanking. Elund wants right wing govts to come across Europe to get his white nations back. That’s his only agenda other than selling his shitty cars and building his own grave in Mars.

Elund is gonna realize, shock therapy doesnt work with civilizational values.
You cannot have your cake and eat it too - you cannot live like Elon and be good parents, family this, that and promote a society that has a healthy population replacement rate.

As these maps show, these are the parts of the world that have good population growth rate, of which the west is fuelled by immigration, while rest are by birth rates:



In the first map, blue = good, in the second map, blue = bad, re: population growth & birth rates.

So Elund is fully lunded in his white nation dream : all white nations are deep blue(very bad) in birth rates, yet light blue (good) in net population growth rate. Meaning, white replacement is reality.

You cant both simultaneously keep western values and compete with Asians and Africans in population growth rate. THAT. IS. REALITY. This is what Vivek spoke of before the stunning Mic drop on MAGA as to why pajeet > sundodger in sundodger land at everything.

In the latter map, we can see the fails and successes in Asian demographic destiny : east asia, though huge in absolute numbers, is failing hard at demographics and mostly due to cut+paste of western social norms to mimic western interpersonal structure.
Thailand is victim of the same in SE Asia, though SE Asia and S.Asia are currently the 'ideal' zone, where white = holding pattern for population and red tint = growth.
Central asia, also devoid of western interpersonal structure as society, is also growing and the greatest growth to come in human population, is from Africa.

As they say, demographics is destiny.
There **IS** a way for Elund and white nationalists to succeed in keeping whiteistan white. But they dont want that solution : the way of Japan.

People often overlook, that Japanese politics and society CLEAR CUT chose Japanese-ness over world power and might as those were the two choices facing Japan in the 90s and 00s as it went from cusp of being peer of USA economically in gross GDP to having same per capita GDP in 1990 as in 2025 and going from world top 3 position in per capita GDP to barely in top 50.

Japanese are not dumb people, they know math pretty good and they knew from the beginning what the choices for Japan are, coz Japanese people had long since become sucky at breeding like their western masters : either import people form elsewhere to keep economy growing, per capita gdp growing and retain world-powerdom or accept inevitable contraction due to demographic suckyness and stagnate as best as you can.

Japan clear-cut chose the latter option. But Elund-wa, like typical autistic white supremacists, dont want the choice - they want their cake and eat it too : keep white countries white by net zero immigration, yet not stagnate and give up world power due to collapsing demographics.

He can pour as much billions of money and hire as many smart people as he likes to work on workarounds to this simple choice of societal course, but even Elund cannot escape the God of math and when God of math says 'sorry, math no worky, you lose', its GG time.

And unfortunately for Elund, the lust for power and dominance in white society is far stronger than lust for self preservation. Because whites are not japanese or have such civic sense as japanese : who really are the IDEAL to strive for, for ethnocentrists : intensely pro-japanese but never impolite or flat out frothing at the mouth rude to foreigners : they will make you feel very comfortable, as a beloved guest, make you wanna live there forever, but also make it clear in the politest way possible that you no nihonese. Which is pretty much the gold standard to expect from any sort of ethnocentrist society instead of the frothing at the mouth speeches of supremacy and caricature of the rest like Euro-dehati supremacists.

Whites dont have this, they have lust for power. Which means white society will ALWAYS choose way to retain its world dominance over anything else, which means, immigration pipeline WILL remain open in some format or another,because THAT is the only option for demographically sucky populace to retain their position in the economic world : by letting others in.

Elund is not a chess player, so he doesnt see what is happening and is trying to seethe and cope with money over this phenomena that cannot be avoided : white society is in a forced checkmate sequence. It may not be clear to most yet, but it is.

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