I give full support to out of Africa theory.
Don't give a rat's ass whether it's true or not
Because Inshallah, it gives us a chance to colonize Eastern Africa one day, under the pretense of
Hello Fellow Africans! Wakanda forever m'nijjers!
The first wave of colonizers should be the darkest sons of mother India we can find, even the goras should be confused
Trust me, you dont wanna colonize east Africa. pretty much the only place you wanna colonize in entire sub-saharan africa is Ethipia and the Southern high velds of Zimbabwe/S.Africa. But that is the aids zone of the world so no bueno-yet. Reason being climate : Africa's main retardation to civilization is simple: its the zone of tse-tse fly. A fly that basically obliterates most livetock/hooved animals that are NOT adapted to sub-sahran Africa- which are all the asian animals (horses,donkeys,goats,cows,camels,dogs, etc) and pretty much none of the OG african animals are un-domesticable.
If you ever see an african water buffalo, you'll realize it is not as massive as a gaur maybe, but far more aggro.
Not sure how much it applies to the modern world but this and Africa being the ground zero of the biggest killer of homo sapiens in history of existance: Malaria ( which again you get respite from in the high velds or the ethiopian highlands and thats it).
Pretty much the only livable areas of eastern Africa are the little islands off the coast and east africa also doesnt connect easily to the interior so resource extration is hard. Kenya is pretty much the only outlet for great lakes region trade in the entire east africa region and its a very difficult and expensive terrain to ship by due to escarpment issues and lack of navigable rivers.
This is the biggest curse of Africa - lack of navigable rivers. Except for the nile, there is hardly any african river that is navigable. This is because when Gondwana split, Africa was the centre of the split and as such, ended up inhering ALL of its coastline from the giant fracture of craton, creating a deccan plateau like escarpment ledge about 600-1000m high right by most of the coast. This means, pretty much ALL the rivers of africa- from zambezi to congo- all cascade down massive un-fordable falls to meet the oceans.
Which means, resource extration is by road and rail only. Which means stupid expensive.
Ergo i think Africa as zone of influrnce is far better idea than trying to colonize a land that does have the most resources ever but also the highest resource extraction cost ever for a continent ( coz transportation cost. Everything is by road and rail and Africa is yuuuge. when u ship raw materials for 5000km by rail, then costs adds up), the land that is ethnically fractured and violent, land of the tse tse fly and land of the malaria.
Mankind only progressed because mankind was able to leave the tropical Africas for a reason. Its not a coincidence despite being IN africa for 100,000 years longer than anywhere else, humans in africa (sub-saharan africa) are literal zeros in inventions, high civilizations etc in recorded history, when basic logic says they should at least be using their head start and be ahead, even if they are duffer kaum with duffer values, because at end of the day they still human and that is a MUCH MUCH LONGER TIME there than anywhere else.Its because the African continent is stacked against us in geography and biology a bit too much.