Idiotic Musings from the West

It almost feels like they don't strip for a cause, but find a justification/reason to strip in the public. Attention seeking behavior.
but their relatives in america feel ashamed nd crtisize, when they see a brown skin hindu give interview bare footed in his home in america....they said him uncivilized nd third world. these same racists hv no problem with full naked civilized european protesting in public. they themself wandering in american beaches in shorts nd bikni, but than they hv no problem with it. can u find bigger hypocrite nd evil than these racist american???😂


Even the BBC has confirmed that it was intentional sabotage, not a clog.

Elund's algorithm has been boosting these clownish stories with millions of views.

These Wignats don't leave a single day without cussing on India. Thousands of issues are rotting their societies & they're still obsessed over such petty stuffs.
It almost feels like they don't strip for a cause, but find a justification/reason to strip in the public. Attention seeking behavior.
They also strip for a cause, only marginally better.
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Even the BBC has confirmed that it was intentional sabotage, not a clog.

Elund's algorithm has been boosting these clownish stories with millions of views.

These Wignats don't leave a single day without cussing on India. Thousands of issues are rotting their societies & they're still obsessed over such petty stuffs.

Elund's platform is seeing dehumanization levels rarely seen before. Indians abroad should be very very careful.

70k likes and this is a Mexican mutt btw.

The propaganda against India is so bad that a literal black South African whose rape rate is 60X that of India believes women have it worse in India than South Africa.

Elund's platform is seeing dehumanization levels rarely seen before. Indians abroad should be very very careful.

70k likes and this is a Mexican mutt btw.

The propaganda against India is so bad that a literal black South African whose rape rate is 60X that of India believes women have it worse in India than South Africa.


Something is sus. The like to comment ratio. Too abysmal.
This is artificial farming. Add India to everything & you're all set. Twitter is promoting & these clowns are exploiting.
Nonetheless, invasion of Muslims & Blacks are plaguing all over the West. People are getting killed everyday. They are getting a first hand experience. Their whole socio-economy is going down the barrel. I still don't think that Indians are their first priority beyond the social media. Also it doesn't mean the hate isn't real. If Indians still have a shame left then they should stop migrating to those places. Doesn't matter how much worse these Muslims & blacks do, Indians will always be hated more. It all comes down to the religion & skin colour. Nothing else. Other communities will capitalise on it by sharing the burden of their crimes & paint Indians through "Sem2Sem" scheme which we're already seeing.
Not only Twitter. Instagram is way worse. There's little to no moderation when it comes to anything against Indians.
We've a 1.4 billion population. Let's capitalise it by being a superior economy & growing civic sense. It will shut them up eventually.
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Something is sus. The like to comment ratio. Too abysmal.
This is artificial farming. Add India to everything & you're all set. Twitter is promoting & these clowns are exploiting.
Nonetheless, invasion of Muslims & Blacks are plaguing all over the West. People are getting killed everyday. They are getting a first hand experience. Their whole socio-economy is going down the barrel. I still don't think that Indians are their first priority beyond the social media. Also it doesn't mean the hate isn't real. If Indians still have a shame left then they should stop migrating to those places. Doesn't matter how much worse these Muslims & blacks do, Indians will always be hated more. It all comes down to the religion & skin colour. Nothing else. Indians will be accused for other's crimes, other's behaviour & other communities will deliberately capitalise on it to divert their burden of blame which we're already seeing.
Not only Twitter. Instagram is way worse. There's little to no moderation when it comes to anything against Indians.
We've a 1.4 billion population. Let's capitalise it by being economically better & in terms of civic sense. It will shut them up eventually.
Look at this guy and his pathetic randi rona about his racist experience. He was literally using logic to argue with a racist when the racist was laughing at him.

Too much nerdish behavior is why Indians are easy targets.

Look at this guy and his pathetic randi rona about his racist experience. He was literally using logic to argue with a racist when the racist was laughing at him.

Too much nerdish behavior is why Indians are easy targets.


I don't have a squat of sympathy for them. I mean the both sides.
True that they don't care about any reasoning. You can be poor but still a racist. Contribution, tax, bla, bla every time as a counter argument. Pretty pathetic. No one gives a shit. Imagine if it was a black African dude, he would've fought tooth & nail before whining.
These NRIs literally look down upon the native Indians in India. They spend fortune to set up business abroad. There are other business friendly countries in the middle east, central Asia. Let alone those Indians who are spending in crores to invade illegally. Even if you keep that money in a bank, the interest will feed will like a middle class in India. All these for status & some extension of money that will come with mental trauma, racism & being a target for the whole life. Ain't saying that India is perfect but if Indians have a little bit of self respect they would stop migrating there. I feel sad for the students but not all of them are saints either.
Let alone the previous generations, even today's generation of Indians are cussing Indians on social media & dreaming of leaving the country just because they want to feel cool or politically validated because their ego is hurt due to a certain political leader being at helm. Those who can't respect their own culture, own skin, own religion, why should they expect royal treatment from Goreys?
At first I used to get triggered but now don't give a shit anymore.
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Look at this guy and his pathetic randi rona about his racist experience. He was literally using logic to argue with a racist when the racist was laughing at him.

Too much nerdish behavior is why Indians are easy targets.


Learn from other communities, especially the Chinese. They blend in very smartly without being noisy, vocal & making a public show off. They hate USA more than Indians, do espionage but they know how to manage their social & public outlook. Illegal migrations from China has increased by crazy folds in the last few years. See nobody is talking about it.
Saw a video of 2 days ago from Birmingham where a dude was dancing on a monument with Indian flag after the cricket win while a mob was polluting & leaving ruins on the street. Let alone taking out rallies after rallies in the name of festivities, the video of a group of people polluting rivers during Chaat, even during any leader's visit we've to show off diaspora power. For what? This isn't India ffs. So much unneeded theatrics. We have made ourselves a target. We provide them with never ending materials & attention. Internet has been able to successfully set the perceptions.
The never ending Israeli dick riding & the Canada thing have fuelled the matter further. The intensity was so rogue & extreme that at a point of time it seemed like Indians are more Israelis than Israelis themselves.
We can't do anything without being noisy & seeking for validation.
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We can't do anything without being noisy & seeking for validation.
This is one of the reasons why none of our native social media apps grow in users. We are attention seekers, unlike the inward looking society of China. We aren't going to use any app, unless the foreigners are on there too. Honestly, this loud, obnoxious and attention seeking behaviour that so many exhibit is beyond pathetic.
This is one of the reasons why none of our native social media apps grow in users. We are attention seekers, unlike the inward looking society of China. We aren't going to use any app, unless the foreigners are on there too. Honestly, this loud, obnoxious and attention seeking behaviour that so many exhibit is beyond pathetic.
Bhai Go through most of the right wing Telegram groups. Many of them were obsessed with counting Goreys during Kumbh. In videos people were literally begging them so that they would something flex worthy, like it's an achievement. Channels were filled wth such videos. Groups like Megh Updates, Angry saffron have literally banned me for calling out their cringy behaviour. They want to revive old Hindu kingdoms but need permission from Goreys. Still the same slave metality. Things will never change.

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