Idiotic Musings from the West

Just a starter level. They troll everyone. You should see what they say about Jews & Christianity itself.
Meaningless. People are so softy nowadays. Getting triggered over everything like Muslims.
SNL has become a WokeNL. Nobody defends those clowns. Irrelevant. Specially after Trump's win they're getting a heavy beating.
Yeah, I observed it too. Seems like they were upset about this promoting "Pagan culture" and "Demon worshipping".
Just a starter level. They troll everyone. You should see what they say about Jews & Christianity itself.
Meaningless. People are so softy nowadays. Getting triggered over everything like Muslims.
SNL has become a WokeNL. Nobody defends those clowns. Irrelevant. Specially after Trump's win they're getting a heavy beating.
This dude is the worst representative that Hindus can have in US (he is a hindu republican). This guy is perennially online, gets into fights with other white right wingers, and whines and tells them I will call the manager (means i will get your account banned, etc). Average American is free speech absolutist, even most of the Christian nationalists don't call for speech controls on blasphemy. The only group that constantly calls for speech controls are zionists and that's why they are becoming more and more unpopular in general public.
This dude is the worst representative that Hindus can have in US (he is a hindu republican). This guy is perennially online, gets into fights with other white right wingers, and whines and tells them I will call the manager (means i will get your account banned, etc). Average American is free speech absolutist, even most of the Christian nationalists don't call for speech controls on blasphemy. The only group that constantly calls for speech controls are zionists and that's why they are becoming more and more unpopular in general public.
Ekdum sahi hai..
Don't engage in provocation if you're too pussy off the keyboard. Same goes for the most burgdroids & Wignats.
The randi rona becomes very cringe. You can't show your street power through payslips.
Ye logo ka bas yehi problem hai. Too much flexing & proud over everything. Not silent & calculative like the Chinese. Har jaga culture dikhana hai aur oldest religion prove karna hai.
Wignats don't give a shit beside dumping you off their realm.
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Ekdum sahi hai..
Don't engage in provocation if you're too pussy off the keyboard. Same goes for the most burgdroids & Wignats.
The randi rona becomes very cringe. You can't show your street power through payslips.
Ye logo ka bas yehi problem hai. Too much flexing & proud over everything. Not silent & calculative like the Chinese. Har jaga culture dikhana hai aur oldest religion prove karna hai.
Wignats don't give a shit beside dumping you off their realm.
bhai chinese dont show their culture etc, coz most already leave it....but we r not left our culture etc. if indian didnt showoff nd embrace their culture in foreign land, their upcoming genration grow up like foreigners. who hv no similarities nd understanding of indians nd their culture. i will always support indian culture showoff nd programs in foreign land. that shows also their fearless attitude, coz they r the ones who r recieving all hate etc. do it effect us in india? not directly. so why we r critisizing them for this, instead supporting them. let them do their things, which give them happiness of "being indian". coz these type of programs etc also unite them. if they dont do that, do u think they meet with other indians in foreign land? if others dont like our names etc, do u think we should also change it, just like chinese do??😂
calm down nd enjoy this😝

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