Indian Human Spaceflight Programme

Introduction if Vyommitra
  • Even before orbiting astronauts on India's first manned mission to the space in December 2021, ISRO will send the 'lady robot', in the unmanned Gaganyaan spacecraft. Explaining her role in the mission, the robot said: "I can monitor though module parameters, alert you and perform life support operations. I can perform activities like switch panel operations..."

  • This after ISRO chairman K Sivan had said last year: "We want to make sure that this mission serves a purpose beyond displaying our ability to send humans and bring them back safely." He said that ISRO would fly the humanoid in the two unmanned flights (in December 2020 and July 2021, according to the space agency) planned before the actual human spaceflight mission in early 2022.

  • Vyommitra is expected to conduct a handful of experiments in space from at least 10 areas on both occasions. These range from testing medical equipment in space to microbiological experiments such as biological air filters and biosensors, and from life support and biomedical waste management to monitoring toxic gases.

  • She will also simulate human functions in space and also interact with the environment control life support system. "It will be simulating exactly the human functions there (in space). It will check whether the system is right. This will be very useful to simulate, as if a human is flying," Sivan added.

  • Elaborating on the Gaganyaan mission further, he said the space agency has already developed and demonstrated key technologies such as having an operational launcher with 10-tonne payload capability to lower orbit, demonstration of mission design and management and recovery systems like space-qualified parachutes.
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Tender Document

1/n (Gaganyaan ECLSS tender document)Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) consists of:Thermal & Humidity Control System (THCS) Cabin Pressure Control System (CPCS) Air Revitalization & Trace Contaminant Control System (ARS)ECLSS Control system #ISRO

2/n The Environment control and life control system has to cater to 3 crew for 7-day mission. The cabin specifications considering the human physiological requirements and comfort are as follows:

3/n Schematic of the ECLSS system:

4/n Total volume of Gaganyaan crew module cabin is 6.7㎥.Cabin air volume is 4.8㎥.Optimal cabin temperature - 23 ± 3˚C (prechilled to 18 ˚C before ascent and deboost)Relative humidity - 30-70%Nominal cabin pressure - 101kPa


5/n ECLSS duty cycle duration rating -In-orbit - 7 days Pre-launch - 2.5hoursAscent to orbit - 20min Descent from orbit - 50min Emergency time safety margin:In-orbit - 130min Descent - 50min Total - 180min

6/n Open loop ECLSS for a duration up to 7 days supporting 3 crew for LEO orbit of 400 km. System shall be modular which can be scaled for different mission duration 3-7 days and number of crews from 1-3.

7/n Crew activities required for ECLSS functioning:

8/n Redundancy in systems including crew intervention.System which will generate O2 and remove CO2 in case Cabin Ventilation Unit (CVU) is not operational.

9/n Triple redundancy with FDI and re-configuration logic for sensors and electronics – Detailed FDI algorithm shall be generated.Provision for crew override/manual operation for mechanical systems. Provide real time display/warnings to crew about critical parameters.

10/n Thermal and Humidity Control System (THCS):Maintain thermal conditioning of the CM so as to ensure crew health and comfort and to ensure that all systems/ equipment can be maintained within their operating temperature envelopes by removing or adding sensible heat.

11/n The main function of cabin thermal control system is to maintain the cabin temperature within 23± 3C (Nominal) and relative humidity 30 to 70%. The equipment temperature shall be maintained using cold plate. Electronic equipment mounted on the cold plate<45°C)

12/n It shall be able to accept thermal energy from crew and components(includes electronic components, pumps, heat exchangers, fans & cold plates).Transport the thermal energy from heat source (CM) to heat sink (SM radiators) using close loop mechanically pumped system.
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13/n Two coolant based thermal control system circuit are preferred: Habitable Compartment Loop (HCL) - PGW coolant, which takes away the heat from CM and External Radiator loop (ERL) - Novec 7100, which rejects the heat to outer space.

14/n For THCS:Maximum mass : 487 kg (CM: 162 kg, SM: 325 kg) Maximum Power : 430 W

15/n Cabin Pressure Control System (CPCS):The main function of CPCS is to monitor the total pressure of cabin and to control the partial pressure of O2 within the specified limits for a cabin air volume of 4.8㎥ and to supply 99.5% pure O2 to flight suits, in case of emergency

16/n For CPCS:Maximum mass : 187 kg (CM: 99 kg, SM: 88 kg) Maximum Power : 10 W

17/n Cabin Air Revitalization and Trace Contaminant Control system:Maintain the air suitable for crew, by removing CO2, odour and controlling trace contaminant and monitors the major constituent in the cabin atmosphere.

18/n Carbon dioxide control: – Canisters of passive CO2 sorbent required for a dust-free, low pressure drop, volumetrically efficient (high packing density) Carbon Dioxide Control Assembly with very good adsorbing capacity. The canister shall absorb trace contaminants and odour.

19/n Design of canisters should be such that it can support a three-person crew for minimum 20 hrs.For ARS:Maximum mass : 60 kg (CM: 60 kg, SM: 0 kg) Maximum Power per blower : < 50 W

20/n ECLSS Control System Closed loop system with an independent controller shall be the control philosophy for ECLSS. The controller controls and commands the system, based on sensor information. It acts based on the pre-programmed logic/algorithm for each system.

21/n The estimated mass and power budget of Gaganyaan ECLS systems are as follows  Total ECLSS mass budget is 745 kg Total ECLSS power budget is 630W.

22/n Diagrams and layouts:

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