Indian Navy Exercises with Foreign Naval Forces

Are those exercises realistic? Do you honestly think that the USN would teach IN on how to sink a carrier, infiltrate a submarine into a carrier's ASW screen or the like?
Yes to all.

Have seen it happen, have seen the shock on a USN Commodore's face when he learnt that IAF Jaguars managed to get into launch position for a Exocet strike because the USN took the MiG29Ks too seriously.

Have seen debriefing on how exactly a Los Angeles class SSN wiped out VKD and her escorts single handedly.

Have seen just how effective the bloody Growlers are at completely wiping out comms and C2.

Let me go further and say: both the IAF and IN approach the exercises such as Varuna, Malabar, Red Flag and Cope India with the humility and seriousness that professionals do. And the same is done by US counterparts.

I have not seen what goes on in Yudh Abhyas but given that the US Army brings Abrams, Strykers and HIMARS, I wouldnt expect anything less.

Its no bloody joke to expend billions upon billions of USD every year for the USN to devote an entire CSG or half a Squadron's worth of advanced warfighters (including B1B bombers mind) or the US Army to move 2 entire BCTs halfway between two commands IF it served no purpose.

Because the IAF lacks the resources to go to Red Flag every year, that the Cope series has now become multinational, and why IAF hosted its own Red Flag this year.
Meanwhile, the Regina Marina is here for some carrier exercises. Apparently the Lincoln is in the area too. SO we might yet see multi carrier Malabar Ph II



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