Indian Special Forces

Every Delta guy who's called for these interviews or podcasts never fail to mention they're better than the SEALS and keep shitting on em'

But thats obvious and i guess there is a need for mention simply because of Hollywood and all the seals with their superior writing skills.

a Delta Operator spends time in Infantry then Airborne then Rangers/SF and then volunteers for Delta. By the time he gets to Delta he is in his late 20s/early 30s having mastering over both Basic and Advanced Infantry skills.

A Seal goes signs up for the Navy and then goes straight to Buds and then NSWPS and then SQT and then they get freshly minted. They learn both Basic and Advanced Infantry skills at the same time and a small compressed time. There is a reason why a Ranger QRT follows DevGru around in JSOC

BUT the SEALS own their water bodies and their SOF tactics above and below the water. Which a Delta guy will not be able to do.

Every Delta guy who's called for these interviews or podcasts never fail to mention they're better than the SEALS and keep shitting on em'


One of the comment provides differences:

I am a retired SEAL.
1. There are more Special Forces soldiers than there are SEALs.

2. SF are specialists, SEALs are more generalists, with a greater degree of training in CQC. Not all SF are Freefallers, or divers, trained in maritime navigation, or specifically trained in CQC. All SEALs are trained in all those areas. SEALs are NOT trained in Counterinsurgency, which is SF’s original mission.

3. SF tend to be older. SF, in general, have to do some Army time before going SF. They experimented with letting guys go straight into SF, but didn’t really like it. SEAL’s discovered that younger, newer sailors made it through BUD/S more than Fleet Sailors(I came from the Fleet).

4. I liked and respected the SF I worked with. I worked with 1st, 3rd, and 5th group SF, and I went through several SF schools. That said, our (the SEALs) general consensus was that everything the Army did we could do in 1/3 the time. My first platoon I was disappointed in how generalist we were. I looked at the first SF ODA I worked with envy. They seemed so squared away. But we did literally everything faster and better than they did in the field. It was a graded joint exercise, and they got compromised over and over. We didn’t.

5. Delta, specifically, is very individualistic, the vanilla SF are not. DEVGRU also doesn’t generally send guys out solo. The SEALs do have 2 dedicated Teams for Human and Technical intel, however, which the SF doesn’t have. They do spook shit.​
I agree first i think basics should be covered then we can go for highpriced overhyped gear


That's not a taped on NGAL, its a taped on Pressure pad for the NGAL so that it stays retained at the same point everytime the operator grips his rifle. Next no one atleast in the forum has been a fanboy of brands. Rather I would wager that everyone here is advocating proper gear over branded gear.

That's not a taped on NGAL, its a taped on Pressure pad for the NGAL so that it stays retained at the same point everytime the operator grips his rifle. Next no one atleast in the forum has been a fanboy of brands. Rather I would wager that everyone here is advocating proper gear over branded gear.
I know we all want proper gear but if not in thease forum there are western gear fanboys
But intention was just that to say that we need to provide proper basic gear and train them on it and let the soldiers improvise it and use it as they want
Sorry in advance if this comes out really stupid or basic (I just started following these threads again, was active on DFI 2023)

But is there any restructuring of SF being planned (maybe not actively but for future)? There were some posts on DFI that SF officers are in that zone of just thinking of carving out a separate SF regiment while the og Parachute regt. retains previously Airborne units(eg- 5 and 6)and new SF units (eg 12 and 13)
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Sorry in advance if this comes out really stupid or basic (I just started following these threads again, was active on DFI 2023)

But is there any restructuring of SF being planned (maybe not actively but for future)? There were some posts on DFI that SF officers are in that zone of just thinking of carving out a separate SF regiment while the og Parachute regt. retains previously Airborne units(eg- 5 and 6)and new SF units (eg 12 and 13)
Their is something cooking but that's after theaterization is done everything depends on that.
The way these days lots of podcast and youtube channels are showing para special forces, it seems that there is a shortage of manpower , the skill set by agniveers is low , or lots of PT trainers are unemployed.

mazak bana rakha hai
These mfs aren't even PT instructor they themselves can't run 2 kms lol but have academies all over Rajasthan and Indore (don't know about other states) it is a big deal here in Rajasthan atleast alot of people join these academies for Army and police bharti

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