Indian Special Forces

you can compare with any country rn facing active threat on their borders and see how much we have fallen behind.. let alone in case of india where we have an emerging superpower in direct clash along with a shitty but nuclear neigbhour who has full support from their daddy regardless of their declining economy..
Emerging? Lol China is indeed a superpower already.
Parachutes of 2 Marcos Operatives got entangled with each other during rehearsals of OP Demo - Both rescued later (Para Jump was done above water)


pretty much happens, one CAG guy and one SAS guy died while being stuck like that and not being able to come out of it.
I remember reading how 3-4 plank owners of Team six just died in training just three years into it's formation. I would liek for you to think that these training accidents, happy it's not fatal are more common than you think. MARCOS have got 5 KIAs and 6 killed in training so far since there formation
Emerging? Lol China is indeed a superpower already.

Not yet, they still have gaps, mainly in regime change abilities and ofc having a globe-spanning range of vassals and military bases and most importantly overseas military interventions, which even beat-up and poor Russia does today via Wagner :bplease:
Aside from still not having bleeding edge tech in many areas.
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Not yet, they still have gaps, mainly in regime change abilities and ofc having a globe-spanning range of vassals and military bases and most importantly overseas military interventions,

Disagree. America is a wanning HyperPower. But China is a Superpower on the global stage without doubt today. They just go about it different from the Anglo Alliance of the past. China has significantly more influence on the world than Russia/UK/France (add any other country here)

The Chinese dont have to do regime change by force. They are not selling a political idealogy to the world nor are they on conflict with any ideology. Their aims are different. They buy whatever Regime is in power and their takeovers are relatively peaceful. Unlike the general genocides the Americans/brits/French have caused in the past.

My 2 paisa only.



bruh they really are OGs when it comes to ops , they really maintain their history

Garuds can even dream about doing such operation !!???
1. The Regime had practically already fallen. Soldiers were abandoning their posts.
2. Rarely do SOF DA raids result in long extended firefights. only in the movies. The Best Op is where not a single bullet is fired
Yeah, unlike online westoids constantly barking about Hur Israelis Brave Chads Hur Arabs cowards. The real reason for the success of this operation was due to the political turmoil faced from the fall of the Assad Regime.
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