Indian Special Forces

Talibs are jokers. They may be well-kitted and all but they have no conventional superiority to brag about. AT best they can keep doing cross border raids on Pakis.

Tbh there's nothing in that pic which is not present in Para SF's inventory.
That setup was decent not exceptional

Few operators are running better gears here (from personal as well as unit level purchase)

You guys are missing the point. Understand how much we have fallen off a cliff if the conversation is defending the IASF against the fucking Taliban.
it seems to be a good replacement for tavor. Anyway para sf wanted scars, the new carmel seems to be an excellent option than scars and even plr can manufacture them here.

1. I am apprehensive about getting more and more entrenched with the Israeli MIC- they have used us as lab rats for decades - We are already entertwined in the AF and Navy for critical tech
2. if FOREX has to go out - lets choose the best. (Example Caracal's entire family of Small Arms)
3. Ideal would we build our own AR & AK Pattern Small Arms family in house and give that money to an indian firm. - own the supply chain
- For Special Operators - the Soldiers can sit witht he Manufacutre and refine as per their user feedback ( trigger weight etc etc)

How long exoskeleton works before it discharges to become dead weight for soldiers on LRP? I can understand exoskeleton helping soldiers to send stuff to posts and Man heavy stuff when needed. But I can think of them bein used in Raids - unless their extraction is guaranteed before they run out of batteries. But whats interesting is to see is unitree robot with 2hour battery life. Indian company Vaanar is also developing similar. An armored version could do wonders for search & destroy hideouts in jungles. They can be fitted with new batteries by human Patrol at safe distance via Drones or they could come back when they get replaced by another set of Robots.

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