MARSOC is a goated unit though, their sniper course was amazing! (10 weeks)
There's a lot we could learn from them, the NSWC of the US Navy has also picked from MARSOC's sniper course into their Navy SEAL sniper curriculum alot. I have read the book of this MARSOC sniper Jason Delgado who was influential in creating this course and you will be amazed to see a sniper course with that much efficiency, just go through the 5 blocks of the training from the website I've shared and see it for yourself....the Americans have left a blueprint for us on Open source, if we still can't learn we're dumbfucks
So was their MDIOC (Multi Discipline Intellegence Course) (11-12 weeks) course this --
Multi Discipline Logistics Course (14 weeks)
Marine Forces Special Operations Command held a Multi-Discipline Logistics Operations Course, March 6-31, 2023, to certify a new class of special operations capability specialists in the logistics