Indian Special Forces

french foreign legion is a very possible way to practically erase your past and get a new identity and citizenship ; he was a SF guy would have been pretty easy for him to clear the physical and psyc standard .
But then again , i don't think they will recruit a legit deserter .
But then again , i don't think they will recruit a legit deserter .

They WILL recruit a deserter as long as you don't have INTERPOL after you. There is a documented case of a US Army Lt. Lawrence J. Franks Jr. going AWOL and joining the French Foreign Legion and he turned himself in to a US Army outpost in Germany willingly after 5 years of service.
“I needed to be wet and cold and hungry,” he said. “I needed the grueling life I could only find in a place like the Legion.”

Speaking to reporters ahead of his sentencing, Franks alleged he struggled with suicidal thoughts and a desire to fight a war in the run-up to his desertion. Discussing this with the New York Times, he said he "needed to be wet and cold and hungry", adding: "I needed the gruelling life I could only find in a place like the legion."

During Franks' trial, French Brigadier General Laurent Kolodziej provided a video testimony from Paris, during which he said: "We never ask where they come from.

"You have people knocking on the door, just make sure they don't have blood on their hands, and we take them in. The legionnaires, it's about giving someone a second chance."

Former service, especially in the special forces is highly valued and will definitely score you points. The only downside is that you start from 0 so you will be junior enlisted (second grade) and none of your OLQs will matter. French Foreign Legion officers are serving French Army officers except in rare cases.

Also going by my theory of the Major being a closet homosexual, France has no issues with homosexuality in it's military including in the French Foreign Legion.
French Foreign Legion Eligibility Criteria :

The French Foreign Legion has restrictions on age, physical fitness, and motivation. Be a man (born and biological).

  • To enlist, you must be between 17 years and 6 months and 39 years and 6 months
  • If you are under 18, you need parental consent or consent of your legal tutor
Physical fitness
  • You should be able to swim at least 25 meters without assistance
  • The training is physically challenging and psychologically stressful
  • The Foreign Legion prefers men who are desperate and willing to risk their lives
  • They don't like people who join "for fun"
Other considerations
  • You should bring all essential documents with you
  • The training focuses on traditional military skills and the Legion's strong esprit de corps
  • Legionnaires come from different countries with different cultures
Interesting read on an AWOL officer from 2014
View attachment 27230

Maj Sharyf Bhonsle, a Special Forces Officer of the Indian Army belonging to the 2 Para(SF) was reported missing in August 2014, following his failure to report back after his vacation to Spain and Norway. He had proceeded on leave on June 23 and was to report back on Aug 18. He was holding the appointment of ADC to the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, Lt Gen Nirbhay Sharma (Retd) at the time of his disappearance.

I found some more information about this guy being an RIMC, Dehra Dun alumni from 2000.

View attachment 27231

I'm not sure if the following LinkedIn account belongs to the former Major.

He was mentioned and photographed in a blog from 2011 by an Indian Army Officer from the Medical Corps. He has published what is virtually a psychological profile of the guy.

View attachment 27234

Looking at the blog one can easily figure out a couple of things about the guy :
  • Disillusioned with the military/ Anti War
    • Blood Diamond is a Leonardo Di Caprio movie from 2008 about an ex-Rhodesian Army mercenary realizing the futility of war and conflict
    • Catch 22 is a satirical book/movie described as ' the absurdity of war and military life through the experiences of Yossarian (main character/ anti hero) and his cohorts, who attempt to maintain their sanity while fulfilling their service requirements so that they may return home.
  • Non-conformity to order
    • His quote 'There is no problem so big that cant be run away from. (By – he doesn’t recall)' shows he was capable of ditching and running
    • He was purportedly a free spirited individual and that is at odds with a life of regimentation and heirarchy
  • Confirmed bachelor (this one is a huge speculation)
    • He describes his favorite sexual position as a four letter word 'on request' which could be 'anal'.
    • He was adjudged 'Mr. IMA' so it shows a propensity to grooming and conduct.
    • He was an ADC the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh and generally ADCs are well groomed and good looking.
Finally I have some conspiracy theories to peddle about his disappearance :
  • Died in a base jump accident and body was never recovered from Norway so was declared MIA
  • Killed by Pakistani ISI/ terror organizations abroad in a botched kidnapping like Commander Kulbushan Yadav (retired)
  • He was turned by foreign intelligence services and later defected like Major Rabinder Singh
My theory :
  • He was secretly gay and was found out.
  • He was to be charged under section 45 for "behaving in a manner unbecoming of his position and character expected of him" or Section 46 (a) which says ''any person guilty of any disgraceful conduct of a “cruel, indecent or unnatural kind” will, on conviction by court-martial, face up to seven years in jail'' of the Army Act

  • Bear in mind that Sec 377 was not repealed/written down until 2018. (The timing makes sense)
  • In December, 2013, the Supreme Court of India ruled in Suresh Kumar Koushal vs. Naz Foundation thatSection 377 of the IPC should not be decriminalized by the court, but by Parliament. The court overturned the Delhi High Court's 2009 judgment that had decriminalized consensual sex between adults in private.
  • He was denied premature retirement unlike another openly (now retired) gay Indian Army officer.

  • He knew his career in the forces would not be advance and his APR was ruined.
  • He planned his escape and bid his time and disappeared during the Heliboogie Festival (Base Jumping) in Norway, 2014.
  • Thereafter he joined the French Foreign Legion (highly valued as a serving SF officer), possibly Foreign Parachute Battalion for a 5 year term to earn French citizenship.

Anyways take all this with a bucket of salt and remember my motto "Noli quicquam serio".


Some guy on Instagram posted that Maj Sharyf Bhonsle is now a Warrant Officer/Adjudant with the French Foreign Legion although it's mostly based on 'Trust me bro'.

Sergent-chef/Maréchal des logis-chef may be promoted to that rank after a minimum of 3 years of service with his rank. Adjudant is allowed to command a platoon (or peloton in the cavalry). He also may serve as the company First sergeant (the most senior NCO managing, among other things, company logistical and administrative issues). Note that while the infantry uses a silver stripe for the Adjudant rank, the cavalry uses a gold one.

For comparison of the rank structure.



Some guy on Instagram posted that Maj Sharyf Bhonsle is now a Warrant Officer/Adjudant with the French Foreign Legion although it's mostly based on 'Trust me bro'.

View attachment 27260View attachment 27261View attachment 27262

For comparison of the rank structure.

View attachment 27258

that's his account. guy is either hiding something (probably gay ) as already discussed or picked up by porkies seeing his over-friendly behavior( low chances) either way very interesting story, hollywood type. :bplease:

that's his account. guy is either hiding something (probably gay ) as already discussed or picked up by porkies seeing his over-friendly behavior( low chances) either way very interesting story, hollywood type. :bplease:
Guys seems to have an obsession with prison escapes :
  • Shantaram
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  • Papillon
There is heavy indication regarding his intentions for the then future.
Fluent in English, English; learning French, Hindi, Tajik
Austria, Belgium, Cambodia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Laos, Monaco, Myanmar, Netherlands, Spain, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda
Another thing that can be picked up about the guy is that he has no female friends/partners mentioned anywhere. Generally YOs get married when they are Captains and Majors. 🤷‍♂️

I hope that Military Intelligence and agencies heavily screen and monitor personnel in sensitive roles nowadays. Maybe thanks to the widespread proliferation of smartphones and Pegasus like spyware such incidents can be prevented in the future.

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