Indian state is an enabler of Hindu genocide in Bangladesh


Vinaash Kaale, Vipreet Buddhi
Jun 27, 2024
Always remember, the top babus and politicians of India are only interested in doing as much corruption as possible and then settling all their bastard children in USA, UK etc

They don't give an F about Hindus in Pak or Bangladesh.

They don't give an F about the future of India either.

Always remember, the top babus and politicians of India are only interested in doing as much corruption as possible and then settling all their bastard children in USA, UK etc

They don't give an F about Hindus in Pak or Bangladesh.

They don't give an F about the future of India either.


This is what happens if we continue to use IAS and UPSC - systems created by britshits to churn out brown sahibs where they are taught the natives are hindoos who are uncivilized pagans and minority muslims who are somewhat better due to being abrahamic brethren and hence deserve benifit of doubt always. IFS also is from the same breed as well. Still studying the aryan shithole peeing picnic theory or whatever its called today.
Always remember, the top babus and politicians of India are only interested in doing as much corruption as possible and then settling all their bastard children in USA, UK etc

They don't give an F about Hindus in Pak or Bangladesh.

They don't give an F about the future of India either.


Indian state doesn't see protecting minorities in the neighborhood or Hinduism let alone preserving civiliational character of The nation as a priority, quite the opposite infact of it sees itself as the successor to the British Raj. They see Hindus/Dharmics in Pakistan and Bangladesh as Pakistanis and Kangludeshis, for them rice bags and Mullahs who are Indian citizens are more Indian than them meaning this is only a piece of land acc to them. If you see what some of the NGOs who try to bring Hindus from Pakistan here say you will understand this, so also the foot-in-mouth comments made by Gaurav Bhatia the BJP spokesperson when Kaneria was exposing sasti Sherwani on X last year.
Indian state doesn't see protecting minorities in the neighborhood or Hinduism let alone preserving civiliational character of The nation as a priority, quite the opposite infact of it sees itself as the successor to the British Raj. They see Hindus/Dharmics in Pakistan and Bangladesh as Pakistanis and Kangludeshis, for them rice bags and Mullahs who are Indian citizens are more Indian than them meaning this is only a piece of land acc to them. If you see what some of the NGOs who try to bring Hindus from Pakistan here say you will understand this, so also the foot-in-mouth comments made by Gaurav Bhatia the BJP spokesperson when Kaneria was exposing sasti Sherwani on X last year.

Who is Hindu in India?

When the history will be written, it will be mentioned that when world used AI and Information age to learn and spread awareness, Hindus were busy watching Pushpa 2 , getting injured in stampede in theater, making reels on instagram and sharing memes. Their leaders were busy only in making governments every day and buying selling MP's and party workers. The history will also be evident that none of the Hindu leaders were actually Hindus but became leaders to get fame and followership only. The world Bhed Chaal correctly defines the state of mind of the leaders and the people in this nation.
Pardon me for saying this but Bangalis themselves are one of the most selfish and cowardly ethnic group in the whole world.

They just don’t care even if some of their own brethren are getting butchered by the Orcs in their neighbourhood. All they care is Macchi-bhaat and their comfort to do nothing. And when the shit willl hit the fan, they will rush to nearest safe place without offering any resistance.

What more they themselves butcher each other just for minor difference like voting for a different party.All the time these people spew venom against Hindi speakingCow belt/BIMARU states for petty reason. But have you seen any BIMARU people killings each other after each election just because they voted for a different candidate?

Even today, Most of the support for this ongoing massacre is coming from nothing else but Bongbros across this side, who like to portray themselves as Bhadraloka on morally high pedestal then rest of the countrymen. Just see that exarmy @joe shearer fella justifying this religious killings as political snd even demonising othe Indians for voicing against this. And he’s not alone, most vocal bongos on twitter are either outright supporting them or denying that anything is happening at all.

Even my Bangali friend of mine is highlighting this phenomena and he has nothing but extreme anger for his own people.
Always remember, the top babus and politicians of India are only interested in doing as much corruption as possible and then settling all their bastard children in USA, UK etc

They don't give an F about Hindus in Pak or Bangladesh.

They don't give an F about the future of India either.


No doubt at all. Actually hindu itself is in self destroying mode. He is not able to see the incoming attack. In bangladesh, no one asked whether you are Pandit, Yadav, Paswan or Bania, they used to thrash Hindu.
Who is Hindu in India?

When the history will be written, it will be mentioned that when world used AI and Information age to learn and spread awareness, Hindus were busy watching Pushpa 2 , getting injured in stampede in theater, making reels on instagram and sharing memes. Their leaders were busy only in making governments every day and buying selling MP's and party workers. The history will also be evident that none of the Hindu leaders were actually Hindus but became leaders to get fame and followership only. The world Bhed Chaal correctly defines the state of mind of the leaders and the people in this nation.
No, they are General, OBC, SC-ST, Agda, Pichhda, Dalit, Maha Dalit, Secular etc... This will be written. No such word like Hindu will be there.
Who is Hindu in India?

When the history will be written, it will be mentioned that when world used AI and Information age to learn and spread awareness, Hindus were busy watching Pushpa 2 , getting injured in stampede in theater, making reels on instagram and sharing memes. Their leaders were busy only in making governments every day and buying selling MP's and party workers. The history will also be evident that none of the Hindu leaders were actually Hindus but became leaders to get fame and followership only. The world Bhed Chaal correctly defines the state of mind of the leaders and the people in this nation.
This is debatable, what got us into this dumb goatherd mentality thinking in the first place - the aforementioned brown sahib education system and govt imposed sickularism via text books, urduwood and other media. Granted the past 10yrs should have and they have slowly started reform in this brain dead mentality of Hindus, but you cant expect past 70yrs of cancer to get cured in 10yrs, its frustrating, but can't help. Time will tell whether we will be cured or be eviscerated
This is debatable, what got us into this dumb goatherd mentality thinking in the first place - the aforementioned brown sahib education system and govt imposed sickularism via text books, urduwood and other media

You and others also read the same textbooks, but why is it so that some have developed the bodh and others not. This is all about common sense and greed.
You and others also read the same textbooks, but why is it so that some have developed the bodh and others not. This is all about common sense and greed.
Depends on how based your family was , how based you were during childhood and what content you choose to consume in SM. If you're not based, TV, SM and textbooks will succeed in brainwashing you. Else the effect will wear off (as in my case), because deep down you will have that compass telling you this ain't ours

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