Indo US Relations

@GaudaNaresh is a living proof of my personal theory of "the further the bong moves from bengal the less retarded he gets" .. Phool sapoort brozzer .. We will work towards industrialization, energy security, total green death here while you mold the west in our image. :military:
Are you holding that as a truism for @Sanglamorre ; @Jackprince @crazywithmath & others living in West Bangladesh ?

Personally speaking I love the laid back life there & the cost of living. Sales targets not being met , no problem. We're like this wonly.

A INR 100 note has at least 2.5 x the Purchasing Power it does in Mumbai if not more.

I find the food there to be good too & accomodation quite cheap if not the cheapest among all the metros.
I was never (b). I was a Right-leaning(a) before for very long,now (c).
Since i am only a bong by title, i fall under category d): the one who doesnt think violence is the answer to moozie problem, but systematic information warfare is.

My take on moozies is simple - trying to out-violence the moozies is like trying to out-cold the inuits. You will never ever win that way,because violence via kaumi-taakat is moozie speciality. Chanakyaniti/Sun-Tzu says, never fight your enemy at THEIR strong points. Fight them at THEIR weakpoints.
The prime vulnerability of Islam, is criticism,since it has built itself as a force by absolute supression of criticism.
A factor OUR culture is great at, but is currently shackled by a myriad of congoon 'keep the peace' laws.
Our entire effort should be focussed at 'how to piss off muslims/defeat islam via continuous factual+ intellectual pressure' more so than ' try to out-violence them'.

Note: This doesnt mean i turn into a Gandhi-like servile dog. There is a huge gap of responsnses between 'go find your enemy and kill them' and 'non violent approach to a fault'. It means, we do kick them back and kick them hard when they kick us, but we dont see 'we must kill u' as the final solution.

The west, just after 9/11 were on the right track to destroy Islam via withering exposure/criticism and then hiding under 'free speech' banner.
Obummer era dumbocrats changed all this, because they focussed on shit like 'islamophobia/systemic racism' and cashed in on white people being most sensitive about being called openly racist, so will forego any philosophical or ethical backbone to 'not be racist' became the trump card of Islamism to shut down the discourse in the west - which has all moved outside legacy media and live on fringe media like social media.
Unfortunately for Islam, they cannot use this card against us, because racial divide doesnt affect hindu-muslim relations, nor does it breed a culture of unfamiliarity to be expounded on and nor do non-white people care so much about being labelled racist ( even the ones offended see it as a max 6/10 level of offence, not 9.5/10 like whites do).
Are you holding that as a truism for @Sanglamorre ; @Jackprince @crazywithmath & others living in West Bangladesh ?

Personally speaking I love the laid back life there & the cost of living. Sales targets not being met , no problem. We're like this wonly.

A INR 100 note has at least 2.5 x the Purchasing Power it does in Mumbai if not more.

I find the food there to be good too & accomodation quite cheap if not the cheapest among all the metros.

Kolkata being affordable is not a good thing, since till about 1970, Kolkata was the least affordable city in India for 100s of years.
Its low productivity and huge reliance on dead-end decent paying govt. jobs is the reason kolkata is so cheap.

There's a reason why almost all business in Kolkata is done by marwaris and biharis- the average bong just doesnt wanna do the hard work it takes to get a business going,because rule of business is simple - doesnt matter if you are Elon Musk or your local kapraa-ka-dukaan, if you found a business, it means you have to eat, shit,live, breathe that business for 12-15 hrs a day, everyday for the next 4-5 years, till the business gets set on its feet, its ready to expand and NOW you can relax and hire a couple of managers and get to a regular 40-50 hrs schedule.
The Bongs have ZERO concept of this kind of hard work and see it either as unfair or just arent interested.

Kolkata is a dead city. That is why it is so cheap. In fact, you know what is the best business in kolkata these days ? elderly care service for old rich bongs, whos children dont live in bongistan but need people to look after mom and dad.

When **THAT** sector is one of your major growers in private sector of business as a city, its game over.
You just don't know it yet.

For eg, once my parents pass, i fully intend to sell my properties in Kolkata and buy somewhere else in India. Most likey Orissa. Coz Oryas, unlike us bengalis, are actually civilized people, not just oversmart people being the shittier lazier version of the French.
Are you holding that as a truism for @Sanglamorre ; @Jackprince @crazywithmath & others living in West Bangladesh ?

Personally speaking I love the laid back life there & the cost of living. Sales targets not being met , no problem. We're like this wonly.

A INR 100 note has at least 2.5 x the Purchasing Power it does in Mumbai if not more.

I find the food there to be good too & accomodation quite cheap if not the cheapest among all the metros.
Other than jackprince I assumed that the other 2 had escaped. In the end it's a truism. I have met straight up bajipao karyakartas from there as well.
The lower cost of living is nice and all but bending over to TMC chutiyas is unpalatable to me . Yes some bongs have a weird nostalgia for kolkata.
I have a bong adjacent family friend that went back to kolkata to live in her late husbands ancestral house.
>House is occupied by a relative and rented out.
>She has to live with some other relative.
>Tries to get control for her house.
>Is informed that the occupier has TMC connections and her life is in danger if she pushes for ownership.
It's really not worth it for me.
My own father in his time faced things like sucking up to commies to get a water line, telephone line ,and electricity connection.
Unless these "dadas" get introduced to the pradhan mantri gulag yojna things wont improve (IMO)/
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Since i am only a bong by title, i fall under category d): the one who doesnt think violence is the answer to moozie problem, but systematic information warfare is.

You can't take the intellectual out of a bong now can you? :bplease:

They will respond to your InFoRmAtIoN WaRfArE by freeing your head from your body

Today the magic slogan STSJ is openly screamed and many do end up with a Viking haircut.

The Coomies of the USSR did your information warfare thing, but they backed it with the danda of the Soviet state and hence turned the goat fucking barbarians of Central Asia into normal people

Before the Soviet civilizational effort they were 1:1 Afghandu tier savages.
Biden and Pannu Affair

Usually incidents like Pannu affair are ignored in diplomatic management of one super power and one rising power. No damage has been done, still this was played up to the highest extent. But Why?

Biden is not smart enough to pick up a fight and win. He started Ukraine war and lost $180 billion and 300,000 lives in Ukraine. So, who is it starting this fight for him to loose? Modi smartly started the Ukraine peace talks and put a hold on whatever bad Biden had in mind.

Is it the California Democrats who is friendly with Whitehouse and at the receiving end of Khalistani money? Somebody is definitely acting foolish.

This playing up of Pannu Affair has the smell of bad diplomatic policies being left behind by a departing President.

Moreover, this prosecution of Nikhil Gupta is likely to fail. The evidence is based on paid informer who was working for the US government. That raises the heckles in the court as the informer is questioned. Credibility of the informer is always in doubt. That CC-1 in the middle of this trial is an intelligence matter. If the prosecution wants to question Indian intelligence Officer then defense must question the American intelligence officer. All that becomes complex, murky and difficult.

All that could end up with an egg on America’s face. If Trump gets elected as President
then he may prefer to drop the case.

You can't take the intellectual out of a bong now can you? :bplease:

They will respond to your InFoRmAtIoN WaRfArE by freeing your head from your body

Today the magic slogan STSJ is openly screamed and many do end up with a Viking haircut.

The Coomies of the USSR did your information warfare thing, but they backed it with the danda of the Soviet state and hence turned the goat fucking barbarians of Central Asia into normal people

Before the Soviet civilizational effort they were 1:1 Afghandu tier savages.

First thing you have to understand about Abduls, is they are like normal humans too. Ie, a significant portion are apathetic/in for the ride and wont care too much as long as thireir rozi-roti isnt affected. Yes, that number is far lower for abduls than other kaums, maybe even below 50%, but information warfare from the masses is needed to hamstring the abdul kaum from its apathetic base, because abduls have a bullet-train system for turning apathetic moderate moozies into radicals inside a year flat.
Again, kaumi taakat.

I too am about the danda as i said. My point is, you wont win against them using just danda and direct hostility as people.
What you need is soviet style state machinery danda and information warfare from populace and media to iradicate abdulism. Which is about a 150-200 year timeframe required.
I too am about the danda as i said. My point is, you wont win against them using just danda and direct hostility as people.

Like literally who is all about the just using danda on this board?
Have you seen their population? It's not practical at all

Besides they aren't some rabid dogs like Afghans that only culling is the option left.

Half their bullshit would not be present if we had a Soviet like muscular state that applied the bad cops of sticks and anti-religious propaganda and good cop of material comfort and modernist degeneracy

Also yes we are in agreement overall.

If Kamaladevi Harris comes to power , of which there's a good chance , expect even more pressure on this front. Whether this becomes a deal breaker at some point in time during her presidency time will tell

They will dangle this sword over all the engines we are importing from them and also any electronics investment, semiconductor or otherwise.
They will dangle this sword over all the engines we are importing from them and also any electronics investment, semiconductor or otherwise.
I don't think they'd touch those areas of our relationship. They'd go pretty ugly on our HR record though if they don't get what they want & the hit jobs on the government increases. Of course coolies here will be more than delighted as they get their 30 pieces of silver & more.
There is some KALI thing by DRDO. Shooting Electron Beams something something that can fry electronics. We need a stick against Starlink-esque LEO Constellations and Optical Imaging Satellites. Something like a very large diameter AESA Radar Powerful enough can function as Disruptor.

It is meaningless unless we can demonstrate shooting hundreds of satellites at one time repeatedly so that no matter what how much satellites they put up, we have the ability to destroy them at a faster rate than what they can put up.
Trash article appears in US state aligned propaganda outlet "New York Times" in favor of their assets.

ChuChant Chung thinks that it is the "event of the century", dekho dekho "NEW YORK TIMES" pe aaaya hai!!!!! "NEW YORK TIMES PE AAYA HAI, TO SACH HAI, AB TO BHHAGNE KA JAGAH NAI HAI, Checkmate Modi"


View attachment 13179

New York Times publishes full-page anti-India propaganda article hailing 2020 Ant-Hindu Delhi Riots accused Umar Khalid​


A reminder that these "Muh Islamophilic" Lundericans had even killed Saddam's 14 year old grandson -

Photo of Lunderican terrorists killing -

View attachment 13181

Somebody needs to take out a full page ad in NYT rebutting them by pointing out prisoners in Gitmo that have been there for 20 years without a trial and say "STFU NYTimes"
US ambassador in India does not face tough media.

May be it's time this guy is hounded in India everywhere he goes by media and get's screwed.
These US guys in India lead a charmed life, going to parties and faking shit in India.

Let the mask fall of these fakes.
US ambassador in India does not face tough media.

May be it's time this guy is hounded in India everywhere he goes by media and get's screwed.
These US guys in India lead a charmed life, going to parties and faking shit in India.

Let the mask fall of these fakes.
Do you think US unwillingly/unknowingly let him here- a loose screw? He is a mere charade.

This already happens in NYC during "kaporos". Here's some information on Jewish sacrifices


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