This is fake news. My wife is a gynecologist they just didn’t perform C sec because you asked them to like they do in India . They don’t even admit you in hospital before your due date, unless it is an emergency
Yes, but this isnt due to any medical guidelines per se, its due to insurance and waivers/risk angle of the whole deal. Remember, a lot of things that happen in India dont happen in the west simply because no one wants legal liability and businesses here care a LOT more about legal liability than they do in India, especially in sectors where the clients are public individuals and not usually business/corporate/association entities themselves.
having experienced the creme de la creme of healthcare in India, Canada and USA, i wouldnt choose USA even if i was Elon Musk rich. I would choose canada for most serious but 'not life-chaniging, like having cancer or stroke' issues, such as say liver issues, gut issue, lung issues, got severe disease of some sort like dengue or malaria or something, most of the moderately severe issues, since Canada gives just as good healthcare as any in this range of illnesses. I would choose India for the serious emergency issues, provided i had time to fly out there, because creme de la creme in India is pretty much just as good in human quality as the US, just as good at technological angle as the US, except for experimental therapy stuff and comes with 1/10th the cost.
Actually the only thing i would try at the US, if Canada didnt have it, is some experimental therapy stuff.
And for minor but still life-affecting stuff, like say having a ripped ACL or 99% of orthopedics, i would again choose India, because in THIS sector, USA is still 10x more expensive for same job as India, so India is ahead, but Canada is disastrous - yes, you get a very good job done eventually- in like 2 years of being langra ghora coz in Canadian socialised healthcare, the two sectors of healthcare that gets fucked the most are teeth,eye and orthopedics.
Coz Canadian mentality is 'emergency as in u need ambulance = we give as good as anyone in the world, dying of something severe like cancer/radiation posioning = we also give as good as anyone in the world, but u may have glaucoma ? or your teeth are falling out ? oh u cant walk coz u got ACL tear ? welp, you aint dying. or gonna die due to it. So here is a lemon, suck on it, keep sucking on it till we finally get to u in 18-30 months from now'.