• Members of the forum. We need donations to cover up hosting costs for 1-2 months. We have paid for Hosting for 8 months already. Due to some issues need to manage funds for 1-2 months. We are currently looking for around INR 13.5K. Any contribution is appreciated. Please reach out to @SKC over DM in case you all want to contribute.

Jokes Thread

If you Knew You Knew.

After the first bout of Trump vs cokehead...err Zelenski, where Trump went all fatty white Mike Tyson on Zelenski and landed several KO punches in round 1, even earning a referee demerit point for repeatedly punching zelensky while he was down and out for the count and unconscious, for sake of world peace, Vladimir Putin has decieded to negotiate a peace deal between Trump and Zelensky.

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