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The minimum time between comments is set at 15 seconds. It's not possible to remove this limit for all users, as 99% of users won't be so quick.

If you want, we'll add you to a list that bypasses this security feature.
I think lesser time than this can attract spammers en masse. Also bigger messages are better in forum than one liner.

On side note, can we assign threads on volunteer basis for putting all important news bits from DFI back here
The user viewing the thread, Similar thread search while creating new threads and similar thread suggestions under the threads to assist your interests are now active on the forum.
The top 10 trending threads (that are getting more traction) are also visible in the sidebar.
A few tweaks with the sidebar font weight and colours have also been actuated.
The Handle names are bold now with promotions being discussed or decided upon by the admins.
The home page, articles and exclusive content will be worked out soon.
I hope you all are enjoying the new forum.
The uptime may see a few lags, sporadically, as new add-ons are being worked out.
Thanks to all the admins and moderators who are assisting and getting this forum ready for a very long marathon.
thnx for making similar experience of DFI🙏....can u guys fix long press of emoji issue? long press of like button sometime open emoji options nd sometime open other option. sometime its open both option, i mean emoji option in background.


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thnx for making similar experience of DFI🙏....can u guys fix long press of emoji issue? long press of like button sometime open emoji options nd sometime open other option. sometime its open both option, i mean emoji option in background.
This is a mobile view or a desktop view?
Please check DM also.
We are still busy with desktop view and ironing out user experience issues. Will address mobile view soon and I can confirm there are a lot of issues there.
Sorry for the inconvenience and please stay on.
i checked bro...its happening in desktop view also. thnx any way. good evening, keep progressing.🙏🇮🇳.
Thanks admins, for this change(highlighting the current page number in grey) in the default theme. Navigation is a lot better.

Nice to see all the small UI improvements.

This is a video I recorded while moving my mouse pointer on the likes and also pressed right click to open option windows for tabs. There was no inconsistency with my browser.
Please explain more on the issue. It could be upload time lag/website response. Will escalate it further.

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