Russian Ukrainian War

You started talking about France, although 40 years later the level of logistics had increased and the British and French kicked the Russian Empire in the teeth.

And who has Crimea now? UK and France are a former shell of their past empires.
I call BS on that. It defeated Napolean’s army, Hitler’s forces, Japan’s forces, and countless others. Sure it has taken its share of defeats but it has come back stronger each time.
I explained it a couple of pages ago. Napoleon was let down by the logistics of the time, because in 1805 the Russian troops got punched in the face at Austerlitz. By the way, what battle did they win then (in 1812)? It was like the Great War. The Germans always won the battles, but the Allies won. It's funny about Hitler. Germany fought on both sides, otherwise everything could have ended in 1941 and instead of Zhigulevskoye beer their children could have been drinking Bavarian beer.
I explained it a couple of pages ago. Napoleon was let down by the logistics of the time, because in 1805 the Russian troops got punched in the face at Austerlitz. By the way, what battle did they win then (in 1812)? It was like the Great War. The Germans always won the battles, but the Allies won. It's funny about Hitler. Germany fought on both sides, otherwise everything could have ended in 1941 and instead of Zhigulevskoye beer their children could have been drinking Bavarian beer.
Ha ha ha you are so ignorant of WW2. Russia already won the eastern front against the Nazi Germany before the other Allies did any offensive. USSR had already taken back all of her territories and were in the middle of Poland by the time Allies launched D-Day invasion. In fact historians say that D-Day invasion was totally unnecessary. They could have landed a smaller force upon Vichy France from North Africa and established a beachhead and punch its way through France and to Germany.
Ha ha ha you are so ignorant of WW2. Russia already won the eastern front against the Nazi Germany before the other Allies did any offensive. USSR had already taken back all of her territories and were in the middle of Poland by the time Allies launched D-Day invasion. In fact historians say that D-Day invasion was totally unnecessary. They could have landed a smaller force upon Vichy France from North Africa and established a beachhead and punch its way through France and to Germany.
How much does a submarine cost as a counterweight to a tank? How much does an anti-aircraft gun cost? Don't pretend to be a simpleton. The Germans have been wasting their resources since 1940. And now the Russian Reich's resources are being worn down.

I explained it a couple of pages ago. Napoleon was let down by the logistics of the time, because in 1805 the Russian troops got punched in the face at Austerlitz. By the way, what battle did they win then (in 1812)? It was like the Great War. The Germans always won the battles, but the Allies won. It's funny about Hitler. Germany fought on both sides, otherwise everything could have ended in 1941 and instead of Zhigulevskoye beer their children could have been drinking Bavarian beer.
Good question, I think the Russians won the battle of Borodino. Retreating after a battle does not mean you lost. Retreating is only a word that people falsely associate with losing, it can also just mean redeployment. Which is a better word. Douglas MacArthur said it best. "We are not retreating we are advancing in another direction." Napoleon's retreat was not a redeployment it was a fucking disaster resulting in a complete and total defeat.
Akim maybe you will see the Russian retreat and Napoleons retreat as being the exact same thing. God, I hope you don't because that will make you the greatest imbecile the world has ever seen.
Good question, I think the Russians won the battle of Borodino. Retreating after a battle does not mean you lost. Retreating is only a word that people falsely associate with losing, it can also just mean redeployment. Which is a better word. Douglas MacArthur said it best. "We are not retreating we are advancing in another direction." Napoleon's retreat was not a redeployment it was a fucking disaster resulting in a complete and total defeat.
Akim maybe you will see the Russian retreat and Napoleons retreat as being the exact same thing. God, I hope you don't because that will make you the greatest imbecile the world has ever seen.
Kutuzov said: "With the loss of Moscow, all of Russia is not lost."
Do you think the Russians left Moscow because they won the Battle of Borodino? Well then we left Mariupol because we won that battle and the Russians were unable to capture Kyiv.
In fact, there is reality. Whose field is he who won.
I explained it a couple of pages ago. Napoleon was let down by the logistics of the time, because in 1805 the Russian troops got punched in the face at Austerlitz. By the way, what battle did they win then (in 1812)? It was like the Great War. The Germans always won the battles, but the Allies won. It's funny about Hitler. Germany fought on both sides, otherwise everything could have ended in 1941 and instead of Zhigulevskoye beer their children could have been drinking Bavarian beer.
germany wasnt caugh on both sides in 1941, idiot boy. Germany only had two front war AFTER 1941 when it attacked Russia. And since then, 90% of german manpower was in eastern front, meaning it is the primary front. Germany fought on both sides only after it decisively LOST and was in full retreat on its primary front. Aka allies came to finish the job faster. Aka, german defeat is still a decisive primary russian effort. the end.

Russians are by far the most successful people at fighting both the germanic and the tukic peoples of the world. By far the most crushing defeats of the german race and the turkic race are at hands of the Russians. Hence why Russians are the only euros we respect. Cope.
Kutuzov said: "With the loss of Moscow, all of Russia is not lost."
Do you think the Russians left Moscow because they won the Battle of Borodino? Well then we left Mariupol because we won that battle and the Russians were unable to capture Kyiv.
In fact, there is reality. Whose field is he who won.
Oh shit Akim come to think of it you're correct. The Azov's did leave Mariupol, only a few got captured. The rest fooled the stupid Russians when they dressed up as women. You see the Russians aren't used to drag queens like the US is. That's why they could not see through their disguise. It looks like their intolerance towards the LBGQ community backfired in their faces. This idiot got caught because he forgot to shave.
Oh shit Akim come to think of it you're correct. The Azov's did leave Mariupol, only a few got captured. The rest fooled the stupid Russians when they dressed up as women. You see the Russians aren't used to drag queens like the US is. That's why they could not see through their disguise. It looks like their intolerance towards the LBGQ community backfired in their faces. This idiot got caught because he forgot to shave.

I don’t comment on everything that was filmed at Mosfilm.

Retarded video considering all the human factions in warhammer are IRL history based

Karl Franz is HRE Germany
Tzarina Katerina is you can imagine...
King Louen is medieval France
Cathay is literally Chinkus
The Norsca are Scandinijjers if they worshipped the devil

Then again making memes isn't the forte of CIA glowies, it all comes off as fake and forced always.
Official footage of the use of FAB-250 aerial bombs equipped with the UMPK module in Ukraine by a Russian Su-34 aircraft. FAB-250 M-62 high-explosive bombs were adopted for service in 1962, the bomb weighs 227 kilograms and contains 100 kilograms of explosives. The air strike was carried out on the deployment and concentration points of Ukrainian army units in the settlement of Gulyaipole, Zaporizhia Oblast. A video of the strike by the Russian FAB-250 bomb filmed with an eyewitness in the Kharkiv Oblast has been added.

Current situation is that Russia has occupied parts of Ukraine that it liked.

Zelenskyy expectation -> Russia should leave all occupied lands, say sorry and go back.
Putin's response -> I am not moving back,. what are you going to do.
Europe response -> we will give more money and munitions to Ukraine so that they can fight for more years
Putin's response -> sure, go for it.

At this point there is nothing Ukraine or Europe can do to make Putin go back.
Putin basically called their bluff and said 'Or what?'
and they have no answer.

What is Ukraine and Europe gonna do if Putin stays put?
Even if Europe puts boots on ground, it's not winning this war against Putin.

Realistically there is no way for anyone in the world to make Putin go back and that includes US.
People forget that parts of these occupied lands are ethnic Russians with loyalty to Russia. This is not a scenario where the locals are resisting Russian occupation.

When you accept the fact that there is no way you can forcibly remove Russians from Ukraine, everything else falls into picture.

Zelenskyy can either negotiate now or lose millions more and more land and then come to negotiations.

Your last line is what is gonna happen now I guess. EU has PUMPED too much air in him.

US is gonna sit and eat popcorns as it's out of the game.

At this point i am gonna put it out there what many are thinking but wont say out loud yet in the west: Zelensky's life is in danger and he is actually hostage of the ultra-radical nazi wing of the Ukraine that we so nicely brushed under the carpet.

Why will Zelensky not make peace with Russia and sell his own country down the path of destruction ? For the most obvious and relatable reason ever : HIS ASS GETS SHOT IF HE SIGNS PEACE BY HIS OWN ULTRA-RADICAL FACTIONS. The end.
We make a lot of fun of the guy for being incompetent but sometimes i think we all forget that at the end of the day, ofcourse he is no putin or modi, he is just average joe, but thrust into being President of Belgium in 1939 and there are also many other factors at play.

If i put a honest hand to my chest and ask myself, what happens if i am president when country is at war but the war is basically being remote-controlled at home by the ultra-fascists and overseas by a combined Euro-propaganda machine and yankee $$$ and arms, where even if i want to sign peace, i know the moment my plane touches down at airport in Kiev, i get my and my missus's ass shot, i am not sure if i would do the right thing or sell bharat down the road.

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