
The wives need to be prosecuted for violating the national security secrets of India.
This cannot be regulated without having white-people/ japanese people like ' barbaric to just gossip for no reason' mentality as a social value.
Indian culture sees gossips as ' centre of the party' type people, who will entertain you when you are bored, not as the huge social ill they represent overall in the big picture.

Also, its not hard to figure out your spouse is in some sort of secret service job if you have more than two brain cells. I figured out a guy i went to college with works for CSIS and he pretty much just ' wink-confirmed' it with me and changed topic quickly ( at my 20 year grad meet), coz this dude, who does have a business degree ( a dorm-mate of mine, 4 doors down from me on 1st year residency), has been a 'used car salesman' for the last 15 years, all over SE Asia. I keep in touch with him as in once every few years we wish each othe happy birthday and exchange plesantries and back in the late 00s, he was in Jakarta. used car dealership for honda. then in 2015 he was in Kuala Lumpur. used car dealership there. Then in 2020 he was in Manila- used honda dealership. Then when i met him for re-union he had relocated to Bangkok, as used car dealership. And it just dawned on me that people who own used car dealerships dont just ditch cities and move to capital cities of bunch of nations every 2-5 years. Ever. They usually are fatass couch-potatoes who live in same city all their life and seem irritated they cant get full car price outta you for a 100 year old phateechar. And he effectively confirmed it as much as he could while having some semblance of plausible deniability.

So if i can, spouses most probably can too.
Copied from US - India relations thread on request

Pretty good listen.
Its about Peter Zeihan but the part I'd like to point out is the part after 5 mins
It is a pretty straight forward summary of US influence operations that we discuss here.
>US private companies do not R&D on their own dime the path breaking research is done on tax payer dollar for military projects which is then commercialized as required.
>Money is put into algos to check terrorist propaganda.
>This tech is then disseminated to US SM platforms
>It is far easier to manipulate people using social media rather than setting up NGOs and CIA station houses (like in Ukraine)
> Easy wins on arab spring, got rid of or put govts under pressure that were anti US followed by ukraine.
>They asked dorcey to delay twitters scheduled maintenance because elections were happening in iran.
>But then brexit and trump happened so they had to turn the same tools on the western populace.

I would like to point out that India against corruption also had happened at the same time as the arab spring. But instead of a newcomer stooge coming to power BJP did, another unexpected outcome so in subsequent elections you can see them adjusting to make them weaker on their platforms. In such a situation ranting about IT cell etc is utterly pointless.

In more recent times indians support for russia and israel and how that remained the sole source of support for these countries (atleast on SM) was noted and you see the anti india narratives that are prevalent today as a response
Copied from US - India relations thread on request

Pretty good listen.
Its about Peter Zeihan but the part I'd like to point out is the part after 5 mins
It is a pretty straight forward summary of US influence operations that we discuss here.
>US private companies do not R&D on their own dime the path breaking research is done on tax payer dollar for military projects which is then commercialized as required.
>Money is put into algos to check terrorist propaganda.
>This tech is then disseminated to US SM platforms
>It is far easier to manipulate people using social media rather than setting up NGOs and CIA station houses (like in Ukraine)
> Easy wins on arab spring, got rid of or put govts under pressure that were anti US followed by ukraine.
>They asked dorcey to delay twitters scheduled maintenance because elections were happening in iran.
>But then brexit and trump happened so they had to turn the same tools on the western populace.

I would like to point out that India against corruption also had happened at the same time as the arab spring. But instead of a newcomer stooge coming to power BJP did, another unexpected outcome so in subsequent elections you can see them adjusting to make them weaker on their platforms. In such a situation ranting about IT cell etc is utterly pointless.

In more recent times indians support for russia and israel and how that remained the sole source of support for these countries (atleast on SM) was noted and you see the anti india narratives that are prevalent today as a response

Kejru was a CIA plant. I have a gut feeling.
Effective info warfare


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