Türkiye: News, Discussions & Updates.

Ministry of National defense has announced that national aircraft carrier project , national submarine project and air defense destroyer project had steel cutting in the last days of 2024. Hence we may see first tf-2000 air defense destroyer being launched in 2027-2028, first submarine in 2028-2029 and aircraft carrier 7-8 years from now.

View: https://twitter.com/tcsavunma/status/1874772740651037096?t=C94LXJO12rkn8UUtY5zcjg&s=19

View: https://twitter.com/T_Nblty/status/1874745890315141152?t=iDMUby4ZSAYGqB9_LWYhFA&s=19
In the last 2 days, 2 istif class frigates which are f-516 and f-517 have been launched to sea. After installations, next year they will start sea tests.currently 7 istif class frigates being constructed and 1 istif class ship ,f-515 has been delivered.

View: https://twitter.com/halukgorgun/status/1878105997220118945?t=e9Szj1rO1jqbD4aoETV6cg&s=19

View: https://twitter.com/T_Nblty/status/1877750841995612671?t=8EXiz8KiPqGMWk_TGQ5lRQ&s=19

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wVv0j_X5tyM&pp=ygUQVGNnIGlzdGFuYnVsIHN0bQ%3D%3D
100 armoured vehicles with national BMC power engines have been delivered.
90 vuran vehicles and 10 kirpi II armoured vehicles.

View: https://twitter.com/T_Nblty/status/1877748376852140380?t=O1y4zRDUDXr6v2C6YLecyQ&s=19

View: https://twitter.com/SavunmaSanayii/status/1877739831427547172?t=JztvbEb5jTE8dbXaTmtp0w&s=19

Engines which are used in these 100 vehicles were delivered last year to BMC by bmc power engine company.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U5vC-29ubkU&pp=ygUOYm1jIHBvd2VyIHR1bmE%3D
Below words are also from SSB president.
Design of Kaan engine soon to be frozen. Expected first engine run in 2026-2027 and first integration on Kaan in 2029-2030.
Addition to SSB president, TEI ceo mentioned 3 months ago that maybe not first iteration engine but next stage variant will have tvc system as well.
Beside, first time SSB president mentioned that national engine will have 36 k pounds thrust !!

View: https://twitter.com/T_Nblty/status/1879166903572111696?t=YNT9qp9hHGLx_c0VLkBV2w&s=19
Below words are also from SSB president.
Design of Kaan engine soon to be frozen. Expected first engine run in 2026-2027 and first integration on Kaan in 2029-2030.
Addition to SSB president, TEI ceo mentioned 3 months ago that maybe not first iteration engine but next stage variant will have tvc system as well.
Beside, first time SSB president mentioned that national engine will have 36 k pounds thrust !!

View: https://twitter.com/T_Nblty/status/1879166903572111696?t=YNT9qp9hHGLx_c0VLkBV2w&s=19

36000 lbf ? Did I read that right ? It's ~ 150 KN + . And the first run is next year ? This I've to see for this is from a nation that till very recently didn't have a proper program for a 20 KN TF .
36000 lbf ? Did I read that right ? It's ~ 150 KN + . And the first run is next year ? This I've to see for this is from a nation that till very recently didn't have a proper program for a 20 KN TF .
Yes, it is exactly what you read. We were reading from defense journalist that it will be 35k pounds one but SSB president himself said it is 36k pounds one and it will have first engine run in 2026-2027.
Project is going on at the same time with tei tf-10000 engine. Like hurjet and Kaan going on almost at the same time. Design and production of Kaan engine being given to trmotor - tei together with ivchenko progress as advisor role. So tei is not sole responsible unlike tf-10000.
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36000 lbf ? Did I read that right ? It's ~ 150 KN + . And the first run is next year ? This I've to see for this is from a nation that till very recently didn't have a proper program for a 20 KN TF .
Let me add some important points,
Tei ceo mentioned that (current engine of Kaan is f-110) tei can design and produce an engine like f-110 engine with out a problem within several years. But to have a fifth gen engine with super cruise capability and a higher thrust will take some time (8-10 years).
While talking about tf-6000 project to press, he said that tei used first gen single crystal blades and with that 6000 pounds can be achieved . If twi use third gen single crystal blades that power will further increase. He further added, we have made tests with the third gen single crystal turbine blades which have been imported and compared them with tei ones, they have seen that tei ones have 30 percent more durable to stress,and can overcome more temperature
36000 lbf ? Did I read that right ? It's ~ 150 KN + . And the first run is next year ? This I've to see for this is from a nation that till very recently didn't have a proper program for a 20 KN TF .
Let me add some important points,
Tei ceo mentioned that (current engine of Kaan is f-110) tei can design and produce an engine like f-110 engine with out a problem within several years. But to have a fifth gen engine with super cruise capability and a higher thrust will take some time (8-10 years).
While talking about tf-6000 project to press, he said that tei used first gen single crystal blades and with that 6000 pounds can be achieved . If twi use third gen single crystal blades that power will further increase. He further added, we have made tests with the third gen single crystal turbine blades which have been imported and compared them with tei ones, they have seen that tei ones have 30 percent more durable to stress,and can more temperature
Ses, it is exactly what you read. We were reading from defense journalist that it will be 35k pounds one but SSB president himself said it is 36k pounds one and it will have first engine run in 2026-2027.
Project is going on at the same time with tei tf-10000 engine. Like hurjet and Kaan going on almost at the same time. Design and production of Kaan engine being given to trmotor - tei together with ivchenko progress as advisor role.

So tei is not sole responsible unlike tf-10000.
Yes & this is most likely what your TF-10000 is -
Ivchenko-Progress AI-322
For Kaan engine, 2 different engine have been proposed to SSB. One was from rolls Royce and kale engine ,other was trmotor-tei one.
Trmotor and tei proposal was better in terms of power, technology level and time. Hence their proposal was chosen. They are working from then on with the technical advisor whi h is Ukrainian ivchenko progress.
It is said that design is near frozen status. Then ,part production will start with target engine run in 2026-2027
Yes & this is most likely what your TF-10000 is -
Ivchenko-Progress AI-322
Nope, tei is working on tf-10000 on its own. But on Kaan engine, ivchenko progress has its role.
Beside Kaan engine, ivhenko progress will produce some other engines together with Baykara company. Tei has nothing with ivhenko progress. And we may say that tei and Baykar will be competitors in the coming years.
You may ask how Türkiye will be able to do it in a small time compared to other countries. Let me answer this ; Türkiye is investing on engine development for almost 20 years! We have gained many technolgie söver the years. We have single blisk and spool technology for more then 15 years! We have every critical technology since 2017-2018 to design and produce an engine on our own including thermal coated single crystal turbine blades!
TEI is producing more than 55-60 percent of advanced civilian cfm leap engine!! as a single source!
Hence, time and money were needed to develop a requested engine.
GE has 45 percent share in tei. To have IP rights totally in Türkiye, SSB created a new engine design company in 2017 which is tr motor. Tr motor is working on Kaan engine since then. But official project given to them in 2020-2021 with TEI.
So trmotor(Türkiye) will have IP rights of the engine. Tei and other companies will produce parts of the engine.
Like UAVs , we will have two aviation engine companies. Tei and Baykar's black sea shield company.
Baykara will produce engines with ivhenko progress. It will focus on engines that Baykara uses on its UAVs,but it is planning to produce naval gas turbines as well with ivhenko progress. Tei is working on its own.
Kaan engine on the other hand is state project(SSB project). Ivchenko progress is advisor to trmotor-tei partnership.
Yes, it is exactly what you read. We were reading from defense journalist that it will be 35k pounds one but SSB president himself said it is 36k pounds one and it will have first engine run in 2026-2027.
Project is going on at the same time with tei tf-10000 engine. Like hurjet and Kaan going on almost at the same time. Design and production of Kaan engine being given to trmotor - tei together with ivchenko progress as advisor role. So tei is not sole responsible unlike tf-10000.
As per Wiki article on KAAN , it's proposed to initially equip it with 2 & GE F-100 TFs each with an output of 29000 lbf amounting to 130 KN each.

Now you're proposing 2 TFs each with an output of 160 KN each presumably of the same dimensions as the F-100 of which we've no idea . Then again we don't know what generation will this proposed TF belong to as 5th Gen TFs are designed in such a manner as to inhibit radar reflection on its parts which in turn calls for a trade off on performance parameters vs stealth since the latter is a defining characteristic of 5th Gen technologies.

I won't even go into other extremely important parameters like re designing of the air intakes etc . when replacing the F-100 TF with your indigenously developed TF with 36000 lbf output.
As per Wiki article on KAAN , it's proposed to initially equip it with 2 & GE F-100 TFs each with an output of 29000 lbf amounting to 130 KN each.

Now you're proposing 2 TFs each with an output of 160 KN each presumably of the same dimensions as the F-100 of which we've no idea . Then again we don't know what generation will this proposed TF belong to as 5th Gen TFs are designed in such a manner as to inhibit radar reflection on its parts which in turn calls for a trade off on performance parameters vs stealth since the latter is a defining characteristic of 5th Gen technologies.

I won't even go into other extremely important parameters like re designing of the air intakes etc . when replacing the F-100 TF with your indigenously developed TF with 36000 lbf output.
At first , it is planned to have an engine like the designed one. Since there is no available one in the market. It is chosen to go with f-110 engine which tei produced under license for years.
36k pounds will be produced with same dimensions like f-110 engine. Currently japanese x9 engine is the one almost matches with our design but Japan is not exporting or mass producing.
Kaan needs at least 22-23k pounds of dry thrust to super cruise!! Hence it will have 22-26k dry thrust and 36k wet thrust.
F-110 like engine is the one we can produce in several years. Advanced one is the one we are working.

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