U.S Army


Lord Mithun Devotee!
Jun 27, 2024
All news, updates and discussions related to US Military
Please track all US based military projects here until we have sufficient data to open separate threads.
9T load?? No way, it has gotta be more than that. B-2 load was 30T albeit at reduced range.
Please track all US based military projects here until we have sufficient data to open separate threads.
:shocked::faint::faint2: :nono:@SKC @haldilal @hit&run It will be loss for this website if you out all eggs in 1 basket. We already have sufficient data. Look at other forums. Different member may have different amount of data, cant be put in just 1 post, thread. I am having repository since 25 years! At least discuss with members on messages.
Navy, Army folders also look similar.
Hopefully this forum is supposed to survive for say 2 decades. Later you will have big headache, stomach ache, back ache to separate product specific threads.:sick::sickk:🤮💊💉:crutch:
I mean no disrespect but If we have to discuss all jet fighters, helicopters, cargo, tankers, AWACS, MBTs, IFVs, artillery, submarines, frigates, corvetes, aircraft carrier, destroyer, etc in one thread, it is a big headache for everyone. 15 pair of people will talk about 15 products. The pages in thread will grow in 100s rapidly.:fyeah::gtfo: Every member doesn't wan't to track every product, its news, development. We will get DFB notifications more than our SMS, private email, office email, social media combined. All of us will have to broom & mop all day long. 🧹🌄🌃
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:shocked::faint::faint2: :nono:@SKC @haldilal @hit&run It will be loss for this website if you out all eggs in 1 basket. We already have sufficient data. Look at other forums. Different member may have different amount of data, cant be put in just 1 post, thread. I am having repository since 25 years! At least discuss with members on messages.
View attachment 4102
Navy, Army folders also look similar.
Hopefully this forum is supposed to survive for say 2 decades. Later you will have big headache, stomach ache, back ache to separate product specific threads.:sick::sickk:🤮💊💉:crutch:
I mean no disrespect but If we have to discus all jet fighters, helicopters, cargo, tankers, AWACS, MBTs, IFVs, artillery, submarines, frigates, corvetes, aircraft carrier, destroyer, etc in one thread, it is a big headache for everyone. 15 pair of people will talk about 15 products. The pages in thread will grow in 100s rapidly.:fyeah::gtfo: Every member doesn't wan't to trac every product, its news, development. We will get DFB notifications more than our SMS, private email, office email, social media combined. All of us will have to broom & mop all day long. 🧹🌄🌃
I can create three section nodes for the US. Air Force, US.Navy and US.Army. Having a dedicated thread for each platform will be too much IMO. The same can be done for Russia, China and Pakistan.
Admins and Moderators can discuss it further.
I can create three section nodes for the US. Air Force, US.Navy and US.Army. Having a dedicated thread for each platform will be too much IMO. The same can be done for Russia, China and Pakistan.
Admins and Moderators can discuss it further.
@hit&run @SKC @haldilal
yes, atleast create Army, Navy, Airforce sub-forum/branches for each major country.
Organisation is very important for forums & libraries.
And inside those 3 sub-branches, consider product specific threads. There is nothing problemetic in that. If you guys already get notifications for every post, then # of notifications to you guys will be same, only its place will be different.
:shocked::faint::faint2: :nono:@SKC @haldilal @hit&run It will be loss for this website if you out all eggs in 1 basket. We already have sufficient data. Look at other forums. Different member may have different amount of data, cant be put in just 1 post, thread. I am having repository since 25 years! At least discuss with members on messages.
View attachment 4102
Navy, Army folders also look similar.
Hopefully this forum is supposed to survive for say 2 decades. Later you will have big headache, stomach ache, back ache to separate product specific threads.:sick::sickk:🤮💊💉:crutch:
I mean no disrespect but If we have to discuss all jet fighters, helicopters, cargo, tankers, AWACS, MBTs, IFVs, artillery, submarines, frigates, corvetes, aircraft carrier, destroyer, etc in one thread, it is a big headache for everyone. 15 pair of people will talk about 15 products. The pages in thread will grow in 100s rapidly.:fyeah::gtfo: Every member doesn't wan't to track every product, its news, development. We will get DFB notifications more than our SMS, private email, office email, social media combined. All of us will have to broom & mop all day long. 🧹🌄🌃

I can create three section nodes for the US. Air Force, US.Navy and US.Army. Having a dedicated thread for each platform will be too much IMO. The same can be done for Russia, China and Pakistan.
Admins and Moderators can discuss it further.
The Threads Seprated.
@hit&run @SKC @haldilal
yes, atleast create Army, Navy, Airforce sub-forum/branches for each major country.
Organisation is very important for forums & libraries.
And inside those 3 sub-branches, consider product specific threads. There is nothing problemetic in that. If you guys already get notifications for every post, then # of notifications to you guys will be same, only its place will be different.
The Sub Forums are reserved for only Indian Armed Forces not for Foreign Militaries.
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The Sub Forums are reserved for only Indian Armed Forces noy for Foreign Militaries.
I understand that this site is aimed for our military primarily. But how much discussion happens on which topic/product/thread cannot be anticipated, it is something natural.
But ultimately more traffic means more popularity, more income from website.
We have to find out how can we attract the world to this site more than others.
I understand that this site is aimed for our military primarily. But how much discussion happens on which topic/product/thread cannot be anticipated, it is something natural.
But ultimately more traffic means more popularity, more income from website.
We have to find out how can we attract the world to this site more than others.
The Discussion on U.S Military is not significant to make a case for sub forums. Global Military Forum is enough to Handle all the thread relating to the topic. No limitation on making threads.
The Discussion on U.S Military is not significant to make a case for sub forums. Global Military Forum is enough to Handle all the thread relating to the topic. No limitation on making threads.
It is for organizing, neat & tidyness.
Anyways, progress will tell soon enough.
Found this picture perfect looks great on wallpaper.


  • IMG_1252.jpeg
    66.6 KB · Views: 2
US Army selects Ghost-X drone for reconnaissance missions


View: https://youtu.be/SdXsZJsCXqo
US Army selects Ghost-X drone for reconnaissance missions

View attachment 10805

View: https://youtu.be/SdXsZJsCXqo

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