Which means the opportunity Window of globalizaion is dying?
Yes it is . Globalization is the latest con game of the west . It's the age old colonialism followed by neo colonialism followed by free trade aka globalization.
It was how colonisation commenced. As long as the gwailou was winning , everything was fine. But ever since a country like China's winning , globalization is bad. It's that simple.
This is not good news to India after it missed so many chances, meanwhile US and China were two big beneficiaries.
It's very good news coz this signifies the cold war is getting hot. We're awaiting the outcome of the war to take Taiwan that Great Helmsman 2.0 will launch. Whoever wins this wins a Pyrrhic victory. That will set the stage for the new world order.
We will be at that table . Time for you to think , will you be at that table ?
Apple’s plan to boost iPhone production in India from an estimated 15% of global production today to 25% by 2027...
Like this news, Chinese mobile supply chain already resisted it for 5 yrs, if there is one more 5 yrs, India would totally miss the bus. Under Trump administration, it ensures at least 4 yrs.
Alternative supply lines will be set up. Don't be under the impression that if China prevents the setting up of lines in India by impeding transfer of machinery or skilled personnel to tutor workers or supervise their work , production will stop. It will merely take more time.
And for EV and Battery the good thing is there are blockage from the beginning by our government, good policy won't repeat USA's mistakes to China.
We want that China floods the World markets with EVs , solar panels , wind power turbines etc . It's when you flood the markets with your products , local industries start going bankrupt , economies start faltering , governments get voted out , that people will start agitating , then governments the world over start imposing severe restrictions on imports , that'd be when the chickens come roosting home in China.
Will be very interesting to see how the Han slaves & their CCP masters react especially since the Han slaves will be bearing the brunt of a faltering economy.
I expect this to happen in the next 2 years by which time Zhongguo will have completed its military upgradation & modernisation as well as theater ization. Then the real fun will begin.
Remember - A Kingdom Long Divided Must Unite & A Kingdom Long United Must Divide , Thus , It Has Always Been , Thus It Shall Always Be.
Amen !