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was observing on murican talking points in twitter and YT of both sides for a few weeks, while being conscious of the fact that once the algorithm recognises my preferences it will bombard me with the content it presumes i prefer.

while they are talking about many things, underlying theme for a section of trump crowd i am reading is that they are upset that murican deep state institutions/tools that were supposed to work external facing are being used on murican citizens themselves. it's an old theme which goes back atleast to 70's, in murican discourse. on the other side, anti-trump crowd are firewalling their tools and institutions to survive the trump presidency and are planning a thaw towards the end of trump presidency.

conversely we can also read it as, the same crowd who are upset about murican deep state, will cheer for the same DS if they feel it is no longer targeting murican citizens(primarily gora) and work only on external facing agenda to ensure primacy of murican unipolar moment.

since china has firewalled itself from murican DS influence operations since obama presidency , all these people who got trained to handle russia earlier and china now, how will they make their living ?

logic dictates, they will use their skills on soft state like ours. they will paint a target on every country who they consider as a soft state as a nail to smash with a hammer to keep the daily bread and butter of bureaucrats( mid and lower level govt and NGO) flowing.
was observing on murican talking points in twitter and YT of both sides for a few weeks, while being conscious of the fact that once the algorithm recognises my preferences it will bombard me with the content it presumes i prefer.

while they are talking about many things, underlying theme for a section of trump crowd i am reading is that they are upset that murican deep state institutions/tools that were supposed to work external facing are being used on murican citizens themselves. it's an old theme which goes back atleast to 70's, in murican discourse. on the other side, anti-trump crowd are firewalling their tools and institutions to survive the trump presidency and are planning a thaw towards the end of trump presidency.

conversely we can also read it as, the same crowd who are upset about murican deep state, will cheer for the same DS if they feel it is no longer targeting murican citizens(primarily gora) and work only on external facing agenda to ensure primacy of murican unipolar moment.

since china has firewalled itself from murican DS influence operations since obama presidency , all these people who got trained to handle russia earlier and china now, how will they make their living ?

logic dictates, they will use their skills on soft state like ours. they will paint a target on every country who they consider as a soft state as a nail to smash with a hammer to keep the daily bread and butter of bureaucrats( mid and lower level govt and NGO) flowing.
Your post assumes that the firewall the DS has erected to protect itself from the Trump administration will work. I don't think so. It's going to be a battle royale between the ancien regime & the young Turks if one can call Trump's team that.

Eventually if they've to get work done they will have to arrive at a modus vivendi. Otherwise like last time around they'd be feuding from Day 1 to the last day of Trump's presidency.

Plus there's the China factor to be considered where there's broad bipartisan consensus that China poses a clear & present danger . To add to it , China'd be completing its modernisation & theater ization plans by 2027-28 as scheduled , give or take .

What follows & precedes it bears close scrutiny. If Trump comes out all guns blazing against China from day 1 & the EU decide to follow Trump's act , it's going to squeeze the Chinese economy. What that does to the internal situation in China will broadly decide how they will act in the latter part of this decade.

In short the administration & the DS both have plenty on their plate as it is . What they prioritise will depend on how they perceive their opposition ( depends on whether they can differentiate between the opposition & their enemy ) & will inform the course history takes , dare I say.

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