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Just opened r/Canada, & witnessing their tears blended with cope is such a treat

Canada threw ties with India under the bus for a 4ft 5inch midget terrorist, but Canadians are reminding Trumpwa of US-Canada ties after Trump does the same for his own national (&security) interests?
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Just opened r/Canada, & witnessing their tears blended with cope is such a treat

Canada threw ties with India under the bus for a 4ft 5inch midget terrorist, but Canadians are reminding Trumpwa of US-Canada ties after Trump does the same for his own national (&security) interests?

someone post that meme image of people crying and this one long haired psycho nibba seemingly enjoying it
Any mineral lease will be cancelled without reason if the West feels like it.
Nah. Canada is too invested in mining to do that - nearly 75% of canadian corporate taxes come from mining corps,most of whom are foreign owned but canadian registered ( Canada is to mining company registration what Liberia or Panama are to shipping company registrations) and they will all tuck tail and run if Canada did this.
If Canada wouldnt take a total KO from this, they'd have already done this to China.
Do you guys know the reason China's taken a huge lead in EV tech which obviously is all about Li ion battery tech & battery chemistry in spite of this tech being innovated in the west ?

It's coz the green lobby is so strong there that activities like Fracking , Mining etc are not just frowned upon there're actually laws in place to make it as difficult as possible . This is more true of places like Canada than it is in the US though the latter faced huge issues from the environment lobby on the issue of Fracking too.

Check out for how much crude oil & natural gas Canada's churning out in spite of huge reserves. Pierre Poilievre has gone on record to criticise Turdeau's policies in this matter rendering Canadian oil sales hostage to the US in his own words instead of exploiting it to meet the global demand & satisfy European needs.

Bottom line - for Canada to get into that shape of mind they'd have to severely damage their economy leaving them with no option but explore exploitation of natural resources in a big way which is more likely the scenario Germany would find itself in by the end of this decade .

Right now Canada's no way close to that scenario though admittedly Turdeau's badly damaged the Canadian economy.

in other words, china benefitted financially the most from all the "climate change" nonsense that has been going on for past few decades. almost as if, china indirectly funded all the climate change activism across the world. net result, global supply chain monopoly concentrated within china.

marxists made the noise across the world, maoists are collecting all the cheques from across the world.
Do you guys know the reason China's taken a huge lead in EV tech which obviously is all about Li ion battery tech & battery chemistry in spite of this tech being innovated in the west ?

It's coz the green lobby is so strong there that activities like Fracking , Mining etc are not just frowned upon there're actually laws in place to make it as difficult as possible . This is more true of places like Canada than it is in the US though the latter faced huge issues from the environment lobby on the issue of Fracking too.

Check out for how much crude oil & natural gas Canada's churning out in spite of huge reserves. Pierre Poilievre has gone on record to criticise Turdeau's policies in this matter rendering Canadian oil sales hostage to the US in his own words instead of exploiting it to meet the global demand & satisfy European needs.

Bottom line - for Canada to get into that shape of mind they'd have to severely damage their economy leaving them with no option but explore exploitation of natural resources in a big way which is more likely the scenario Germany would find itself in by the end of this decade .

Right now Canada's no way close to that scenario though admittedly Turdeau's badly damaged the Canadian economy.

Canadian oil will remain hostage to US in the immediate futue due to geography and demographics.
Most of Canada's oil = Alberta.
easiest outlet for Canadian oil is port of Vancouver, bound for Asia, but entire vancouver-seattle-vancouver island is the nexus central of hyper hippie liberal westerners and they killed the transmountain pipeline.
So that leaves 3 options-
a)go north east to Churchill for export there- but Churchill is not ice free all year round ( its in freaking arctic ocean)
b) go south to TAYXUS and export it from there
c) build pipeline across directly to ontario and ship from there via st Laurent estuary.

Problem with c) is that the great Canadian shield is a very very desolate place with hard granite crust with little to no soil and no inhabitation. Infact if you drive across Canada, you com to a region in Ontario(if driving west like i did), where it warns u to fill up your gas tank coz there is no town/pump etc for another 400km on the transcanada highway.

So it becomes hugely expensive to fix pipelines and stuff in middle of this huge uninhabited stretch of western ontario. Infact this may not seem obvious on the map or google earth but it is a serious problem in Canadian connectivity. This is why Canada imports saudi crude for its own consumption : because Canadian refineries are out in ontario mostly, they put in a few pipelines via detroit and south of great lakes to get to ontario and it met canadian demand till the 90s, when Alberta discovered oil sands and canadian population grew from like 18-19 million in 1990 to 40 million today, increasing canadian oil consumption to beyond what alberta sweet crude can support. Plus alberta sweet crude is mostly tapped out and its at less than 40% production of peak value.
But since crossing the canadian shield is so expensive and routing pipeline to ontario via southern route of great lakes is so circuitious ( it also has a lot of built up area and built up areas dont like huge pipelines going through them so lots of snaking around required), Canada just imports Saudi crude via tankers to keep powering its refineries in ontario and makes up shortfall by re-importing refined oil back from texas.

This is why Canadian oil goes south, not west or east. The terrain from Alberta to Texas is also quite forgiving, not requiring any tough mountain or complicated river crossings ( there are several small river crossings but nothing like 'cross the Fraser or Columbia or Mississippi which are like ganga sized rivers for width/depth).

A lot of Canadian political friction, the entire base of conservatives vs base of liberals etc. is driven by this oil geography/geopolitics within Canada. Vancouverites basically wont let u sell oil through BC. its like you are better off trying to sell little children via vancouver than oil is the woke mentality there. ontarians are basically too far, churchill is basically too impractical. Albertans seethe and cope, pay extra and get scammed by murrica ( coz well murricans arent stupid, they know we wanna pump oil to huston, put it in boat and send it to others- that which American doesnt buy that is).
They also know the problem of going via michigan or via canadian sield and how much arseholes the entire pacific north west is, from basically california to mid BC for anything that isnt tree-hugger friendly. So they scam us for premium transit rates.
Albertans seethee, cope, pay,still end up as richest canadians and wanna KO the libbus of Vancouver-BC but cannot because its too far to exert influence over the rockies directly. This drives a lot of the political dynamics of Canada that only Canadians/americans/chinese are aware of.
in other words, china benefitted financially the most from all the "climate change" nonsense that has been going on for past few decades. almost as if, china indirectly funded all the climate change activism across the world. net result, global supply chain monopoly concentrated within china.

marxists made the noise across the world, maoists are collecting all the cheques from across the world.
I dont think China started the climate craze, but very quickly realized how to industrialize, therefore monetize & therefore weaponise climate industry. China did start and continue funding to some extent climate change activism but it happened in the mid-late period of Obama years- just after his 2nd term win, mostly because proir to this time, China was in the good ol 'we look like Oliver Twist's England, dont worry, we dont care to live past 50, we just wanna get industrialized and rich' country of toxicity, something China itself is also very much a victim of due to wanton self inflicted climate disasters.

But in Xi Jinping period, one thing great Xi has done for china and it bears noting, is that Xi has done a significant amount to clean up China and make it far more sanitary, hygenic and safe to inhabit for its people than ever before and he basically did it from transitioning from the whole coal-oil toxic sludge & smoke early industrial years of oliver twist England to the whole 'we drive cars with scooter wheels and pompous arsehole but not random toxic sludge lying around england anymore' ww1 brits period.
He did this, by pretty much diverting some of there revenue of the climate industry into cleanup projects, giving China also an incentive to push the climate change activism of now - because in China on ground, it often translates to just cleanup of the toxic mess they created over a 30 year period.

My advice to Indians who want to study China - a good way to get a pulse on China is to know Indians in Vancouver who are interested in this because Vancouver is to China unofficially, what Hong Kong was to the Brits officially - a tiny enclave, with regular influxes from back home coz its a rich enclave destination and the chinese population in Vancouver comprise a significant size, of which a significant portion are new arrivals and bringing the 'pulse of China' into Canada.

The desis there are a good source potentially to get a pulse on China in a shorthand method, that is, if you can steer clear of the khalikhopris and the libbu retard desis in vancouver, which also means ur choice of desi people pool goes to below 30%.

- an ex-vancouverite.
Inshallah, it will happen. He is following through on almost every promise he made during the elections and the EU is his next target due to the massive deficit they run with them and the whole Greenland issue which he'll use as cover/excuse to pound the EU. Germ economy in all likelihood will get hammered.

India is probably on that list too, somewhere down though.
As an American Injian ...all I gotta say reduce custom duty on Harley, Ford Pickup Trucks, American Lorries/Trucks etc ....Donald bhai will be very happy, Modiji should negotiate in order to include India in the tier 1 list of the GPU exports.
Trump Admin will heavily pivot towards countries which will buy and do deals with American Businesses and not be a leech on American Taxpayers ( NATO, USAID)... Kaneda, EU and similar folks will be getting bamboo.. especially Kaneda since their Politician has made -ve remarks on Trump and Trump bhulta nhi hai..

Some of the biggest deepstate agencies are getting gutted and hammered non stop. Will probably take many many years for democrats and deepstate dogs to recover from these blows, i.e IF they come back to power in 2028.

Lungidesh in dire straits now.


Bad news for our Urban naxals too.

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they still have the option of milking the european and qatari cows.

Wait until Trump uncle sucks them EU tits until blood starts coming out,

Still, am really surprised EU with all the economic shit happening in most of their nations, still prioritizes aid to other countries.

it's baffling.
As an American Injian ...all I gotta say reduce custom duty on Harley, Ford Pickup Trucks, American Lorries/Trucks etc ....Donald bhai will be very happy, Modiji should negotiate in order to include India in the tier 1 list of the GPU exports.

Muji is going to the US, either this month or the next as per their recent phone call, most likely to cut some temporary deal.

Apart from reducing import duties, he may also have to take back some of the illegal khali Khopdis and his Gujjew jaatbois. Overall, if Muji plays his cards well, India might end up being the only major economy that might not get tariffed by the orange buboon.

Good for manufacturing and exports if dhandhos can make use of it.

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