LCA TEJAS MK-I & MK-IA: News and Discussion

Not as much electrical power and not as powerful and bigger avionics, but can be as advanced.
But in future after 2040, electrical power could start becoming limiting factor, even if we put more powerful engine and generator.
What components and parts can be upgraded or added, could you please tell in detail?
Also I read Rafale was F3 then got the F4 Upgrade, was the F4 some sort of upgrade to the already existing F3 or they made a slightly better Rafale, also what actually made F4 better ?
What components and parts can be upgraded or added, could you please tell in detail?
Also I read Rafale was F3 then got the F4 Upgrade, was the F4 some sort of upgrade to the already existing F3 or they made a slightly better Rafale, also what actually made F4 better ?
1, better version of existing avionics.
Better radar, like world is going for GaN aesa radars from GaAs, in future photonic radars seems to be a possibility.
Better irst, better maws/Das, better ew, better network Centric capabilities.
Better missiles, bombs.

2, new capabilities like mumt, unmanned mode for excecuting missions, new sensors to help in health management of tejas like f35 has, better and more automated supply chain etc, better engine and generator for more electrical power, DIRCM, etc
All can be put in existing tejas airframe.

As for f3 and f4, f4 has more advance version of things in f3, more advance version of RBE2 Aesa, more advance version of spectra, more advance optronics, true network Centric capabilities, better integration of newer weapons, upgraded helmet mounted display, more automation in mission execution to help the pilot especially using AI, improved mantinence using AI.

The F3R-I version used by Indian airforce is said to be mostly f4 standard except AI part.
According to idrw, HAL's production prediction:

FY 2025-2026: 20
FY 2026-2027: 25
FY 2027-2028: 30

idrw warns that 'flawless coordination' will be required for these numbers to be reached. I guess that using the 'flawless coordination' system is the norm for other OEM's in the world wishing to get kit out of the factory door on time.

Has GE promised delivery of 20 F404 engines in the next financial year? If not, producing 20 Mk1A looks to be impossible. Weren't 12 engines promised? Perhaps it was12 engines by December 31st, in which case HAL's target may be possible.
Has GE promised delivery of 20 F404 engines in the next financial year? If not, producing 20 Mk1A looks to be impossible. Weren't 12 engines promised? Perhaps it was12 engines by December 31st, in which case HAL's target may be possible.
HAL's target under the present circumstances is different from IAF's & GE's target. GE will be delivering 12 TFs next financial year. They've committed to 20 nos in FY 2026-27 & onwards going upto 24 nos per annum.

HAL will focus on mfg the airframes with & without the TFs where the ones without the TFs will have the TFs fitted into it once it is made available , tested for flight characteristics duly certified & handed over to the IAF.

The IAF has no choice but to keep pushing HAL to deliver as many Mk-1a's in a flight worthy condition ASAP.
People undermine the power UN Generals for sabotage as similar they undermine corruption in judiciary.

How Come Army General feed faulty OFB shell to ATAGs and Dhanush but not for Naxter or ATHOS or M-777??

Do they show any concern to the people who will get injured??? No, so why will be any concern import Air force show for Pilot??

LCA Tejas crash was a pure Sabotage. Brand new Aircraft which did not fly even 40 hrs.

Notorious UN Generals and Judiciary deliberately spread propaganda information in public to save them.
Not doubting the capability of our men for self destruction and sabotage, but one should not underestimate our incompetence too. We as a nation are next to africans in terms of incompetence.

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