Chit Chat

Your eyes can lie, but the Truth will shine:



It's okay. Reading books that reference primary sources (which are difficult to find) is the sign of an "impressionable".

This extremely short book, rather pamphlet, discusses all of your criticisms in detail, and references jewish primary sources which you can see are real, but impossible to find on the internet.
Sure . Being a native of Mumbai with a more than passing interest in history especially of the place I reside in , with Jewish neighbours in my grand parents place of residence long ago , I need a self loathing Hindu from the west who's neither here nor there in terms of identity & who has fixed ideas not to mention a lot of weird ideas apart from a massive inferiority complex , should be informing me of the history of my own city & the many peoples it contains.

Carry on with the way you are. I doubt you're the kind who changes or learns things the easy way as opposed to the hard way. I was about to recommend a life outside the internet if possible completely cut off from it so as to be rid of the toxicity for impressionable minds who can't handle it , but I won't since it's all water off a duck's back .

*yawn*. Half-baked information from people with a history of nefarious, clandestine behavior.

Your eyes are open, but you do not see (by choice).

Making comments like I need a self loathing Hindu from the west who's neither here nor there in terms of identity & who has fixed ideas not to mention a lot of weird ideas apart from a massive inferiority complex , should be informing me of the history of my own city & the many peoples it contains.

is incredibly funny lol. You don't know anything about me, but just from this I can put together a pretty decent profile of you. Also, I'll add this little anecdote. I grew up with a metric ton of jews in the US. More than you've ever met in your entire life. I used to think they were my friends. As I got older, I saw (with closed eyes at the time) that they all had it way easier than I did. I couldn't figure out how, since it seemed as though we all started from a similar background. It wasn't until later, when I learned that Israel was behind the assassination of JFK, and the jewish lobby behind the formation of the US Federal Reserve Banking system, that I began to question everything I thought to be true.

You choosing to life your life in ignorance is not my concern. Call me whatever you want, but I will continue to seek the truth.

Satyameva Jayate

Edit: By the way, if you dig, you will see the jewish hand behind both world wars and also the forthcoming third world war. But this involves an open minded approach and thinking to yourself that everything you know could be false. I'm not sure your mind has the fortitude to handle such complexities.

Edit 2: I am confident that many others have been confused by things they have been taught. "Why did it happen like this? That doesn't make any sense" with some half-baked explanation given that makes just enough sense on the surface to pass. But if you think further, you become confused again. Never stop asking questions.
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Your eyes can lie, but the Truth will shine:

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View attachment 28264

It's okay. Reading books that reference primary sources (which are difficult to find) is the sign of an "impressionable".

This extremely short book, rather pamphlet, discusses all of your criticisms in detail, and references jewish primary sources which you can see are real, but impossible to find on the internet.
Those aren't hindi surnames , they're marathi surnames. As far as suppressing their identities go the Bene Israelis were essentially natives of Konkan the region in which Mumbai is located & were known as Shaniwar Telis or Saturday Oil Pressers.

Why such a weird name ? For good reason as the Jews never worked on a Saturday for its the Sabaath - the day of rest. So much for removing all traces of Jewishness to dispel local suspicions.

Their adoption of Marathi surnames was in keeping with local acculturation typical of immigrant groups around the world across the space time dynamic viz Sameer Sharma becomes Sam Sharma.

It was this intrusion of local customs & traditions & loss of a few important religious traditions of their own given they were cut off from the mainstream Jewry the world over which made this group unique & suspect in the eyes of their co religionists when they first landed in Israel.

What in whatever you've linked there contradicts whatever I've posted on the topic earlier ?!
Those aren't hindi surnames , they're marathi surnames. As far as suppressing their identities go the Bene Israelis were essentially natives of Konkan the region in which Mumbai is located & were known as Shaniwar Telis or Saturday Oil Pressers.

Why such a weird name ? For good reason as the Jews never worked on a Saturday for its the Sabaath - the day of rest. So much for removing all traces of Jewishness to dispel local suspicions.

Their adoption of Marathi surnames was in keeping with local acculturation typical of immigrant groups around the world across the space time dynamic viz Sameer Sharma becomes Sam Sharma.

It was this intrusion of local customs & traditions & loss of a few important religious traditions of their own given they were cut off from the mainstream Jewry the world over which made this group unique & suspect in the eyes of their co religionists when they first landed in Israel.

What in whatever you've linked there contradicts whatever I've posted on the topic earlier ?!

You literally start by differentiating between "hindi" and "marathi." To an outsider, of which this author is one, nobody will distinguish between marathi and hindi. Nobody. Your premise already begins on a fault. You know precisely what he meant yet you decided to nitpick. This is bad faith.

Their adoption of Marathi surnames was in keeping with local acculturation typical of immigrant groups around the world across the space time dynamic viz Sameer Sharma becomes Sam Sharma. - Lol.

It was this intrusion of local customs & traditions & loss of a few important religious traditions of their own given they were cut off from the mainstream Jewry the world over which made this group unique & suspect in the eyes of their co religionists when they first landed in Israel. - Again. This book (pamphlet) addresses this too.

I provided a direct source for you, with the author of that source, who has given a completely different history. You can choose to believe what you believe. I will choose to stop wasting my time. If others are interested, they can do their own investigating. As I have said, will say again, and will continue to say, Satyameva Jayate.
Yes and we need to make better ones with Gov support. You can't expect private companies to do things independently without the help of Govt.

Government have nic based email services. But it is only for Government users.

For consumers we have Zohomail, Rediffmail is available for us (Commercial users). Popularity is something they need to do marketing. Or you can have an mail from this services.
Government have nic based email services. But it is only for Government users.

For consumers we have Zohomail, Rediffmail is available for us (Commercial users). Popularity is something they need to do marketing. Or you can have an mail from this services.
Govt can step up for the consumers, they can have tie ups with the private sector, this is all I want to say. But seems like there is an excuse always ready for the inefficiency of the govt
You literally start by differentiating between "hindi" and "marathi." To an outsider, of which this author is one, nobody will distinguish between marathi and hindi. Nobody. Your premise already begins on a fault. You know precisely what he meant yet you decided to nitpick. This is bad faith.
I don't think you've the slightest clue what you're arguing about. What do you mean nobody will distinguish between Marathi & Hindi ? It's like saying English & French are the same language . Do you actually pause to think what you type or is it just blurting out what comes first to your mind ?
Their adoption of Marathi surnames was in keeping with local acculturation typical of immigrant groups around the world across the space time dynamic viz Sameer Sharma becomes Sam Sharma. - Lol.
What's funny about this ? Or you didn't have anything logical to counter my statement of fact but felt the urge to comment something , anything.
It was this intrusion of local customs & traditions & loss of a few important religious traditions of their own given they were cut off from the mainstream Jewry the world over which made this group unique & suspect in the eyes of their co religionists when they first landed in Israel. - Again. This book (pamphlet) addresses this too.
I'm going by what you've put out here. I haven't gone through the pamphlet in detail but if the author is arguing as he did for Hindi surnames instead of Marathi then he's either clueless or careless with facts or this is a typo where instead of Hindu we've Hindi written there.

You call yourself of Indian origin & you couldn't even spot such basic problems nor were you aware of such basic differences. Shows us how much you know which isn't an issue if you were more humble & less vituperative about your ignorance.
I provided a direct source for you, with the author of that source, who has given a completely different history. You can choose to believe what you believe. I will choose to stop wasting my time. If others are interested, they can do their own investigating.
You ought to read those sources more thoroughly then for in your extremely limited & jaundiced view Jews everywhere enjoy the same economic status & are all criminal minded much like Indians .

Wonder if you stereotype all your other friends & acquaintances. If he's an Italian , MF must have Mafia links , if he's of Irish origin , must be dumb & prone to violence & on & on.

Have you ever considered stand up . You'd make a good comedian. Unintentionally. Through all those stereotypes you casually throw around. 🤣

As I have said, will say again, and will continue to say, Satyameva Jayate.
I don't think you've the slightest clue what you're arguing about. What do you mean nobody will distinguish between Marathi & Hindi ? It's like saying English & French are the same language . Do you actually pause to think what you type or is it just blurting out what comes first to your mind ?

What's funny about this ? Or you didn't have anything logical to counter my statement of fact but felt the urge to comment something , anything.

I'm going by what you've put out here. I haven't gone through the pamphlet in detail but if the author is arguing as he did for Hindi surnames instead of Marathi then he's either clueless or careless with facts or this is a typo where instead of Hindu we've Hindi written there.

You call yourself of Indian origin & you couldn't even spot such basic problems nor were you aware of such basic differences. Shows us how much you know which isn't an issue if you were more humble & less vituperative about your ignorance.

You ought to read those sources more thoroughly then for in your extremely limited & jaundiced view Jews everywhere enjoy the same economic status & are all criminal minded much like Indians .

Wonder if you stereotype all your other friends & acquaintances. If he's an Italian , MF must have Mafia links , if he's of Irish origin , must be dumb & prone to violence & on & on.

Have you ever considered stand up . You'd make a good comedian. Unintentionally. Through all those stereotypes you casually throw around. 🤣

Honestly, I made a choice to stop conversing with you. I just wanted to add three points:

You're arguing in bad faith. You know it, everybody knows it. This is why it's pointless to try to have any discussion with you. I will generalize this based on what I see on twitter... the vast majority of Indians are like this. It's just bad faith.

Your supposition is based on "oh my grandfather told me xyz." I have a book (pamphlet), which I already said the name and author, which is based on the writings of an Indian jew. Your grandfather's report is somehow superior to this? Another reason why nobody takes Indians seriously.

You said that these patriotic jews all left India for Israel. They surely had to have been deeply loyal to India and been working for Indian interests! This definitely explains why as soon as the state of Israel was created (when and how did this happen again by the way?), they all mostly left (according to you). Lol!

Edit: Serious reading comprehension difficulties as well. The author describes Bene-Israel jews as having "hindi" surnames. To anybody that is not in India, it is not "marathi, tamil, andra, malayalam", it is just Hindi. This is a fact. You making the entire point of your disagreement on this, and your granddaddy's report, is just bad faith arguing and stupid. Maybe you are a bene israel jew
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*yawn*. Half-baked information from people with a history of nefarious, clandestine behavior.

Your eyes are open, but you do not see (by choice).

Making comments like I need a self loathing Hindu from the west who's neither here nor there in terms of identity & who has fixed ideas not to mention a lot of weird ideas apart from a massive inferiority complex , should be informing me of the history of my own city & the many peoples it contains.

is incredibly funny lol. You don't know anything about me, but just from this I can put together a pretty decent profile of you. Also, I'll add this little anecdote. I grew up with a metric ton of jews in the US. More than you've ever met in your entire life. I used to think they were my friends. As I got older, I saw (with closed eyes at the time) that they all had it way easier than I did. I couldn't figure out how, since it seemed as though we all started from a similar background. It wasn't until later, when I learned that Israel was behind the assassination of JFK, and the jewish lobby behind the formation of the US Federal Reserve Banking system, that I began to question everything I thought to be true.
Jews as a community tend to be closely knit . You see it in plenty of Asian communities including Indian communities. This is all the more striking in the west as traditional family structures have broken down & these obvious differences in ethnic racial or religious minorities become glaring then .

Why's this important ? For the network effect. That's how Oriental communities including Jews are more successful than others read locals or westerners which is one of the reasons they're reviled.

The religious angle especially when the fraught relationship between Judaism & Christianity is concerned makes those prejudices worse.

To compound matters we've people like you who're hyper sensitive , suffer from a massive inferiority complex , are probably introverted as well , lack the presence of mind to give it back probably courage too & then seethes endlessly out here or any other place you can vent seeking online sites which neatly aligns with your prejudices & accentuates it manifold.

You choosing to life your life in ignorance is not my concern. Call me whatever you want, but I will continue to seek the truth.

Satyameva Jayate
What's with this Satyamev Jayate every now & then ?

Edit: By the way, if you dig, you will see the jewish hand behind both world wars and also the forthcoming third world war. But this involves an open minded approach and thinking to yourself that everything you know could be false. I'm not sure your mind has the fortitude to handle such complexities.

Sigh ! I should've known better than to engage with people who stuff themselves with Vadakayil porn especially those who think it's true.
Edit 2: I am confident that many others have been confused by things they have been taught. "Why did it happen like this? That doesn't make any sense" with some half-baked explanation given that makes just enough sense on the surface to pass. But if you think further, you become confused again.

Never stop asking questions.
I can see why your folks behaved the way they did with you , without explanations , which they couldn't risk , knowing you well , something which you found most appalling . You'd probably try the patience of the Buddha as well with your stupidity.

Nibbiar, read up what Sridhar Vembu's wife tried to pull out. But could not do much because she was up against a freaking billionaire.

Indian judiciary is elitist. Anybody can grease the hands of random cops and harass any random guy. This guy is loaded, he will approach a higher court, hire good lawyers and move on.

Not everyone is so lucky.
What's this all about ?
What's this all about ?
Ugly custodial battle (over their son) between a serial entrepreneur (likely a multimillionaire) and his ex-wife. The latter was caught cheating and has separated since. Now filing bogus FIRs to intimidate the guy and his friend - all to get the custody over their son.
Honestly, I made a choice to stop conversing with you. I just wanted to add three points:

You're arguing in bad faith. You know it, everybody knows it. This is why it's pointless to try to have any discussion with you. I will generalize this based on what I see on twitter... the vast majority of Indians are like this. It's just bad faith.

How's what I'm arguing in bad faith ? In fact the only person arguing in bad faith here is you & you've been pretty consistent in it in most of what you post here as other members will testify based on your interactions with them.
Your supposition is based on "oh my grandfather told me xyz." I have a book (pamphlet), which I already said the name and author, which is based on the writings of an Indian jew. Your grandfather's report is somehow superior to this? Another reason why nobody takes Indians seriously.

My grandparents didn't tell me this. They passed away when I was little. My father schooled with quite a few Jews in Central Mumbai or Byculla / Bombay Central / Lamington Road to be precise , in the late 1950s & early 60s & get a load of this , Chinese too or Hakka to be more precise , who were from Calcutta & originally all the way from China , all of whom had Christian names not surnames & none of whom were Christian but all of whom were Buddhist.

Why ? Coz Chinese names were hard to pronounce & they didn't want to identify with Indian / Yindu names. So you have examples of a people who didn't want to assimilate much or at all with the local populace , the opposite of acculturation , much like the Jews in the west.

He retained contacts with them long after they quit India. They'd come calling every time they visited Bombay including staying at our grandparents place since they disposed off their accomodation here.
You said that these patriotic jews all left India for Israel. They surely had to have been deeply loyal to India and been working for Indian interests!
They were as patriotic as anyone out there then . They were also thoroughly working class if you know what being working class means especially in the newly independent India of the 1950s & 60s with all the deprivation around.

This definitely explains why as soon as the state of Israel was created (when and how did this happen again by the way?), they all mostly left (according to you). Lol!

For a better life. They were economic migrants just like your folks or grand folks quit India. Weren't your folks or grand folks patriotic ? Why did they quit India then ?

Edit: Serious reading comprehension difficulties as well. The author describes Bene-Israel jews as having "hindi" surnames. To anybody that is not in India, it is not "marathi, tamil, andra, malayalam", it is just Hindi. This is a fact. You making the entire point of your disagreement on this, and your granddaddy's report, is just bad faith arguing and stupid. Maybe you are a bene israel jew
There's no hindi surname for crying out loud. Hindi is a language . It's not even an ethnic marker. It's like English . You can be a Hindi speaker from MP , UP , Bihar , Haryana , Delhi , Uttarakhand , Jharkhand , Rajasthan & Himachal Pradesh . Then there are caste / varna / jati markers.

Telugu is a language . You can be an ethnic Telugu speaker or an ethnic Andhra , you can be an ethnic Marathi speaker or you can be an ethnic Tamil or Malayalam speaker & on & on.

That there in the pamphlet is in all likelihood a typo where instead of printing Hindu , Hindi was printed. Just for confirmation , a lot of surnames in the Konkan region are shared between Marathi speaking Hindus , Muslims & Jews though there are some surnames unique to each religious group.

For example - do you know the author's surname Kihimkar arises from the fact that he & his ancestors come from a place called Kihim near the port town of Alibaug on the Konkan coast not for from Mumbai & means from Kihim hence Kihim kar.

Further examples - Mahimkar - from Mahim , Punekar - from Pune etc
How's what I'm arguing in bad faith ? In fact the only person arguing in bad faith here is you & you've been pretty consistent in it in most of what you post here as other members will testify based on your interactions with them.

My grandparents didn't tell me this. They passed away when I was little. My father schooled with quite a few Jews in Central Mumbai or Byculla / Bombay Central / Lamington Road to be precise , in the late 1950s & early 60s & get a load of this , Chinese too or Hakka to be more precise , who were from Calcutta & originally all the way from China , all of whom had Christian names not surnames & none of whom were Christian but all of whom were Buddhist.

Why ? Coz Chinese names were hard to pronounce & they didn't want to identify with Indian / Yindu names. So you have examples of a people who didn't want to assimilate much or at all with the local populace , the opposite of acculturation , much like the Jews in the west.

He retained contacts with them long after they quit India. They'd come calling every time they visited Bombay including staying at our grandparents place since they disposed off their accomodation here.

They were as patriotic as anyone out there then . They were also thoroughly working class if you know what being working class means especially in the newly independent India of the 1950s & 60s with all the deprivation around.

For a better life. They were economic migrants just like your folks or grand folks quit India. Weren't your folks or grand folks patriotic ? Why did they quit India then ?

There's no hindi surname for crying out loud. Hindi is a language . It's not even an ethnic marker. It's like English . You can be a Hindi speaker from MP , UP , Bihar , Haryana , Delhi , Uttarakhand , Jharkhand , Rajasthan & Himachal Pradesh . Then there are caste / varna / jati markers.

Telugu is a language . You can be an ethnic Telugu speaker or an ethnic Andhra , you can be an ethnic Marathi speaker or you can be an ethnic Tamil or Malayalam speaker & on & on.

That there in the pamphlet is in all likelihood a typo where instead of printing Hindu , Hindi was printed. Just for confirmation , a lot of surnames in the Konkan region are shared between Marathi speaking Hindus , Muslims & Jews though there are some surnames unique to each religious group.

For example - do you know the author's surname Kihimkar arises from the fact that he & his ancestors come from a place called Kihim near the port town of Alibaug on the Konkan coast not for from Mumbai & means from Kihim hence Kihim kar.

Further examples - Mahimkar - from Mahim , Punekar - from Pune etc

People often mistake language for ethnicity and to be honest, there is some fuzzy blending in where ethnicities and languages meet.
You are correct.
Reminds me of one time when i blew up self-identity of an arab friend of mine with last name Rustom. I once waited for him to go on predictable arab vs persian rant and pointed out that Rustom, aka Rustam is a signature Persian hero-name and has origin in Ram-Rustam of Indo-Persians and literally Persian hercules prince is a Rustam, so he is most likely Arabised persian, especially given that he hails from the part of iraq that is historic PERSIAN empire for 1000+ years.
View attachment 28256

Israel and Jews are not our allies.

incorrect. they ARE our allies. Allies are capable of hating each other while combining against greater hated enemy. Refer allies of commies plus colonialists to fight nazis.

We are under no illusion what original racist religion of desert demon worship means. We are also under no illusion that THIS one, is an ally.

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