Honestly, I made a choice to stop conversing with you. I just wanted to add three points:
You're arguing in bad faith. You know it, everybody knows it. This is why it's pointless to try to have any discussion with you. I will generalize this based on what I see on twitter... the vast majority of Indians are like this. It's just bad faith.
How's what I'm arguing in bad faith ? In fact the only person arguing in bad faith here is you & you've been pretty consistent in it in most of what you post here as other members will testify based on your interactions with them.
Your supposition is based on "oh my grandfather told me xyz." I have a book (pamphlet), which I already said the name and author, which is based on the writings of an Indian jew. Your grandfather's report is somehow superior to this? Another reason why nobody takes Indians seriously.
My grandparents didn't tell me this. They passed away when I was little. My father schooled with quite a few Jews in Central Mumbai or Byculla / Bombay Central / Lamington Road to be precise , in the late 1950s & early 60s & get a load of this , Chinese too or Hakka to be more precise , who were from Calcutta & originally all the way from China , all of whom had Christian names not surnames & none of whom were Christian but all of whom were Buddhist.
Why ? Coz Chinese names were hard to pronounce & they didn't want to identify with Indian / Yindu names. So you have examples of a people who didn't want to assimilate much or at all with the local populace , the opposite of acculturation , much like the Jews in the west.
He retained contacts with them long after they quit India. They'd come calling every time they visited Bombay including staying at our grandparents place since they disposed off their accomodation here.
You said that these patriotic jews all left India for Israel. They surely had to have been deeply loyal to India and been working for Indian interests!
They were as patriotic as anyone out there then . They were also thoroughly working class if you know what being working class means especially in the newly independent India of the 1950s & 60s with all the deprivation around.
This definitely explains why as soon as the state of Israel was created (when and how did this happen again by the way?), they all mostly left (according to you). Lol!
For a better life. They were economic migrants just like your folks or grand folks quit India. Weren't your folks or grand folks patriotic ? Why did they quit India then ?
Edit: Serious reading comprehension difficulties as well. The author describes Bene-Israel jews as having "hindi" surnames. To anybody that is not in India, it is not "marathi, tamil, andra, malayalam", it is just Hindi. This is a fact. You making the entire point of your disagreement on this, and your granddaddy's report, is just bad faith arguing and stupid. Maybe you are a bene israel jew
There's no hindi surname for crying out loud. Hindi is a language . It's not even an ethnic marker. It's like English . You can be a Hindi speaker from MP , UP , Bihar , Haryana , Delhi , Uttarakhand , Jharkhand , Rajasthan & Himachal Pradesh . Then there are caste / varna / jati markers.
Telugu is a language . You can be an ethnic Telugu speaker or an ethnic Andhra , you can be an ethnic Marathi speaker or you can be an ethnic Tamil or Malayalam speaker & on & on.
That there in the pamphlet is in all likelihood a typo where instead of printing Hindu , Hindi was printed. Just for confirmation , a lot of surnames in the Konkan region are shared between Marathi speaking Hindus , Muslims & Jews though there are some surnames unique to each religious group.
For example - do you know the author's surname Kihimkar arises from the fact that he & his ancestors come from a place called Kihim near the port town of Alibaug on the Konkan coast not for from Mumbai & means from Kihim hence Kihim kar.
Further examples - Mahimkar - from Mahim , Punekar - from Pune etc