China has 4x us population, 2x energy output means you use half the us energy per capita
Yes, but considering their GDP share, some service sectors of USA unreasonable high, like healcare and legal related.
As of my last update, litigation costs in the United States were estimated to account for around 1.5% to 2% of GDP. This figure includes expenses related to legal services, court costs, and related litigation activities.
U.S. health care spending grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reaching $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person. As a share of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, health spending accounted for 17.3 percent. For additional information, see the downloadable files below.
This is the sign of how de-industrilization of USA, lawyers and doctors need very few of electricity.
The only top two players on AI is USA and China, both have money and electricity.
Chinese two famouse projects:
INTERACTIVE: China’s West-East Electricity Transfer Project

INTERACTIVE: China’s West-East Electricity Transfer Project
CEF is proud to announce that we are launching our first interactive infographic – a map of China’s West-East Electricity Transfer Project. The map underscores China’s energy and water imbalances and the looming choke point China faces in terms of water, food, and energy security. The map also...
How is China's "Eastern Data Western Compute"(东数西算) developing?

How is China's "Eastern Data Western Compute"(东数西算) developing?
A progress report on China's plan to boost "computing power" through nationwide cloud computing infrastructure

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