Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

If a DJ-ISPR handle is saying this, things must really be bad

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Is it just me or paki army just given up? They lost upto 50 guys in the past week alone incuding a targeted assassination of a major. Even inbreds in goatfucker forum are questioning the need for opening a new thread for every attack as it happens daily.

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wow porkis have also launched their own hypersonic mijjile this month!

Indian hypersonic missile test ka sunn kar jo pakistanio ki paad nikli hai nihari kha kar wo hypersonic thi. Pakistan mein kursio ke ander ched milenge.

sem2sem ka loda bc.. chappal chaap.. bhikari sala, irrelevant khotttaa mulq bc.
Nice. The frontiers are collapsing or rather closing gradually onto the capital or core areas with every passing day.

Paxtan's or rather Paxtanis's situation in these core areas is like a frog in a cauldron on slow simmer. It takes time to reach boiling point . Initially you ignore it , then you think this too will pass & by the time you realise the intensity it's too late.

Areesh is a prick. In order to prick him someone should post the news & write this "inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un " below the news with the comment saying since both the killer & killed were momins this ayah applies to them both .

Alhamdulillah !
These inbreds jump a lot when attacks happen in India in the name of "Jihad-e-azadi by mujahideen", and they still continue to do it. The mentality of a paki resembles that of a cockroach, having no use to the world in any form, roadmap for economic growth or any agenda to develop and uplift it's poor shithole, but will do all it is possible to spread diseases for others so that they suffer. Any sane country indulging in proxy warfare would stop doing so after taking L's everyday, but these subhumans won't.
Nice. The frontiers are collapsing or rather closing gradually onto the capital or core areas with every passing day.

Paxtan's or rather Paxtanis's situation in these core areas is like a frog in a cauldron on slow simmer. It takes time to reach boiling point . Initially you ignore it , then you think this too will pass & by the time you realise the intensity it's too late.

Areesh is a prick. In order to prick him someone should post the news & write this "inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un " below the news with the comment saying since both the killer & killed were momins this ayah applies to them both .

Alhamdulillah !

Correct if I am wrong. They have 550,000 active military personnel and another 550,000 reserve personnel. That is a massive number for a country which is technically bankrupt. Imagine the amount you need to pay for the salaries and pensions in addition to maintaining and acquiring high tech weapons, that budget $8-10 billion they get every year is not going to cut it. So obviously most soldiers are getting paid peanuts with less training. Lot of soldiers are indeed cannon fodder for them.

It is impossible to satisfy million soldiers with all the goodies of modern life. I am sure only the top military elite are smoking and enjoying the good stuff. All that money which comes from their military enterprise and real estate is definitely not going to everyone in the military. There is definitely some hierarchy at play here. I believe they won't be able to continue this system for too long without breaking/destroying the abomination that is Pakistan.
These inbreds jump a lot when attacks happen in India in the name of "Jihad-e-azadi by mujahideen", and they still continue to do it. The mentality of a paki resembles that of a cockroach, having no use to the world in any form, roadmap for economic growth or any agenda to develop and uplift it's poor shithole, but will do all it is possible to spread diseases for others so that they suffer. Any sane country indulging in proxy warfare would stop doing so after taking L's everyday, but these subhumans won't.

Good Taliban vs Bad Taliban mindset

Besides, Aam Piglet takes the L for mazhub and qaum
Marshall Race Jernails ke liye to it's not an L at all since they only use some excess population of their piglet awaam

I believe they won't be able to continue this system for too long without breaking/destroying the abomination that is Pakistan.

"( Green ) Religion is the Opium of the masses" - some fat, lazy German Jew


read the comments
they took psy ops as reality

GOI should suspend his indian passport for sometime , will love to hear his a$$licking of porkistanis then.

never in my life i have seen a capital this empty with even important tourist destination looking less populated than RAGA's rallies.

just hear this chappri doctor's comments on road , bhai kbhi canntt ki road dekh lega to isko oxygen chadhana padd jaega.
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Correct if I am wrong. They have 550,000 active military personnel and another 550,000 reserve personnel. That is a massive number for a country which is technically bankrupt. Imagine the amount you need to pay for the salaries and pensions in addition to maintaining and acquiring high tech weapons, that budget $8-10 billion they get every year is not going to cut it. So obviously most soldiers are getting paid peanuts with less training. Lot of soldiers are indeed cannon fodder for them.

It is impossible to satisfy million soldiers with all the goodies of modern life. I am sure only the top military elite are smoking and enjoying the good stuff. All that money which comes from their military enterprise and real estate is definitely not going to everyone in the military. There is definitely some hierarchy at play here. I believe they won't be able to continue this system for too long without breaking/destroying the abomination that is Pakistan.
Their country runs on bailouts from IMF and loans from arabs to pay previous ones. The very reason their army runs large businesses is to fund their large size apart from budget allocations.
They don't want to be called out. Why do you think they do sem2sem?
Whote nationalists & katuas is despicable combination. Go through the comments.
I have seen the comments. They truly deserve each other. Only a few sensible folks there.
Also,I have seen on social media that these pooslimes try their hardest to bootlick the pignats and try to get along with them(for example,I saw a pork who never left commenting "We need the europeans back in subcontinent" under a post that is not even related to India. Probably the hate for the "lindu kafir" makes them go to such extent.
Correct if I am wrong. They have 550,000 active military personnel and another 550,000 reserve personnel. That is a massive number for a country which is technically bankrupt. Imagine the amount you need to pay for the salaries and pensions in addition to maintaining and acquiring high tech weapons, that budget $8-10 billion they get every year is not going to cut it. So obviously most soldiers are getting paid peanuts with less training. Lot of soldiers are indeed cannon fodder for them.

It is impossible to satisfy million soldiers with all the goodies of modern life. I am sure only the top military elite are smoking and enjoying the good stuff. All that money which comes from their military enterprise and real estate is definitely not going to everyone in the military. There is definitely some hierarchy at play here. I believe they won't be able to continue this system for too long without breaking/destroying the abomination that is Pakistan.
That is why I say, proksitan need to be bankrupted through arms race.

They must eat mud to maintain their military.
Correct if I am wrong. They have 550,000 active military personnel and another 550,000 reserve personnel. That is a massive number for a country which is technically bankrupt. Imagine the amount you need to pay for the salaries and pensions in addition to maintaining and acquiring high tech weapons, that budget $8-10 billion they get every year is not going to cut it. So obviously most soldiers are getting paid peanuts with less training. Lot of soldiers are indeed cannon fodder for them.

The ordinary grunt even though he's paid peanuts enjoys perks most middle class Paxtanis can't even dream about in service or out of it be it in accomodation , food , access to health , education , plot of land while in service & post retirement , employment in one of the many concerns of Fauji Foundation etc .

Paxtan has always fancied itself as a true successor to the Delhi Sultanate & more importantly the Mughal Empire . They are , just not in the way they imagine it. Both the aforementioned entities were based on extraction by settler colonialists irrespective what our dumbphucks or sold out pimps of history sell us.

The ordinary person in those times existed to serve these settler colonialists . That was his only raison d'être . It was far worse if that ordinary man happened to be a kuffar. The very same principle applies to Paxtan & will soon apply to BD though the armies there aren't settler colonialists even if they behave in a similar fashion.

The original gamble was for Fauji Foundation to successfully black mail India which they did on various occasions until Balakote post acquiring Nuclear Weapons . However as they later discovered the more their nation sank , more than them it was the west which was worried sick.

This then became an useful tool to indirectly black mail the west after their Afghanistan scam ran its course. You may think Paxtan is on drip feed but have you seen any reduction in their procurement of armaments internationally or any reduction in their budget or curtailment in their lifestyle ? You won't for it's the ordinary Paxtani who's on drip feed yet sustains Fauji Foundation with his sweat & blood & which they've just about realised courtesy the most unlikely man in their history - a dunce named Dimran .

So now what ? Life goes on . The West will keep them on drip feed as long as they've NW & Fauji Foundation will keep propping up new tanzeems to counter old ones. However their space shrinks every day but that's true of all dynasties as well.

The Mughal Empire effectively ceased being one with the death of Zebu . Frankly how many emperors's names can you think of post Zebu up until Bahadur Shah Zafar ? There were only 6 in the nearly 200 years from Babur to Zebu & then there were dozens some lasting only a few months. Yet in spite of their decrepit condition the Mughals lasted a full 150 years post Zebu. Ditto for PA. Nothing lasts forever , hence make merry while it lasts.

It is impossible to satisfy million soldiers with all the goodies of modern life. I am sure only the top military elite are smoking and enjoying the good stuff. All that money which comes from their military enterprise and real estate is definitely not going to everyone in the military. There is definitely some hierarchy at play here. I believe they won't be able to continue this system for too long without breaking/destroying the abomination that is Pakistan.
There's this wonderful book by Ayesha Siddiqua on the phenomenon called Fauji Foundation & their MO which was so close to the truth that it landed her in a lot of trouble & forced her into exile.

Correct if I am wrong. They have 550,000 active military personnel and another 550,000 reserve personnel. That is a massive number for a country which is technically bankrupt. Imagine the amount you need to pay for the salaries and pensions in addition to maintaining and acquiring high tech weapons, that budget $8-10 billion they get every year is not going to cut it. So obviously most soldiers are getting paid peanuts with less training. Lot of soldiers are indeed cannon fodder for them.

It is impossible to satisfy million soldiers with all the goodies of modern life. I am sure only the top military elite are smoking and enjoying the good stuff. All that money which comes from their military enterprise and real estate is definitely not going to everyone in the military. There is definitely some hierarchy at play here. I believe they won't be able to continue this system for too long without breaking/destroying the abomination that is Pakistan.

Realistically, I don't see Pakistan lasting beyond a couple of decades. Forget about everything else, it's their population that's going to destroy them. They are expected to hit 400M by 2050 and they simply don't have the resources to sustain that population. The resulting food crisis alone will kill them. They're already importing massive amounts of flour btw

It will more or less resemble Syria/Somalia with various non state actors taking control and tearing each other apart.

In fact, I'd argue that the whole reason Pakistan even survived till now is due to 2 important events. The first being the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the second being the global war on terror. Both wars allowed them to whore themselves out to the Yanks and receive 100's of billions of aid $$ for many decades

Their only trump card is providing some kind of access to Afghanistan, either their airspace or through some other means. That's pretty much gone now with with world having given up on Afghanistan.

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