Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

Same chaps got hammered within 72 hours in Hostomel and Kiev when their whole doctrine and training was shown as obsolete.

They had to be rebuilt from scratch.

Anyways not the thread and topic.

No they didn't. They captured the airfields but they were expecting reinforcements after 72 hours. They are paratroopers for god's sakes. They do not have enough supply or strength it to hold out against a heavier regular mechanized force and they did held for 3-4 more days before finally withdrawing.

Size comparison between PLAN's Type 055 Destroyer and Japanese ASEV. Japan’s planned Aegis system equipped vessel (ASEV) - 190 meters long, - 25 meters wide, (12,000 tons standard displacement), 128 VLS cells (SM-6/SM-3 Block IIA/Tomahawk) and Type 12 anti-ship missiles.​

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From Reddit

Which one is which?
Which one is which?
Japanese one is bigger battle cruiser.
Although I don't get how their displacement difference is just 1000T, 12kT vs 11kT only. Japanese one should be touching 15kT with that size.
Could be that the weight cited is not full load?
It never is. No one cites full load tonnage. It's always standard tonnage, a clever bondoongle of a definition brought out by the Brits after the Washington Naval Treaty of 1935.

Essentially, liquid storage is not counted. As in water and fuel.
Indian Navy needs to establish forward basing areas near the Malacca Straits for AShM and fuel/supply depots ASAP.

PLAN is preparing for A2/AD for the second layer of defence (Indian Navy-US Navy-Australian Navy) post a breakout of the island chain defence.

Nicobar island is still under developed.
It's close to the mouth of the Malacca strait.

All those missiles, Pralay, Nirbhay, Brahmos, AkashNG could be placed on that island to give the PLAN a taste of their own A2/AD medicine.

Yet from google earth images seems 90% of that island is still heavily forested with only a small presence of Indian citizens
Where did this come from?

From here

DRDO indigenous submarine proposal to go for CCS approval in couple of months; eight years for first sub​

> Design to take 3 years from project sanction
> First sub to take 5 years to build
> 3000 tons displacement, cruise missile from torpedo tubes
> Continuation of ATV program( methinks this is ofc a Kilo-class pro plus max clone )
> The project is aiming for 90% to 95% indigenous content, with major systems being sourced domestically including the weapons, missiles, combat management system, sonars, communications, electronic warfare suite, mast, and periscope.( they forgot about the diesel engine i guess :bplease: )
> This means that the P-75I and P-76 programmes will progress almost in parallel, if the development of the latter goes as per plan.

DRDO will also have to make an upscaled AIP for this 3k ton submarine, patrakar hasn't given any details about this.

Let's hope this goes through smoothly and we start building the P76 subs like the chings did with their Type 39A which is a Kilo class with Chinese Characteristics
The Chinese have started playing the same tricks as they did in the South China Sea.

Without forward deployment, I can see a dedicated PLAN Carrier Battle Group in the IOR by the early 2030s.

Another 1-2 PLAN CBG would be in the SCS and 0-1 PLAN CBG would be undergoing refits.

People missed this -




Live fire exercise in Tasman sea, international waters just off Aus/NZ

Apparently notice was given but at the last minute.

A Chinese scholar in an article stated that couturiers should get used to such exercises.


AUS/NZ joined their Massa in muscle flexing in "south China" sea, but are not so enthusiastic when the reverse happens.

We should expect something similar, a live fire exercise close to our shores but obviously in international waters anytime.

Flexing is happening
People missed this -

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Live fire exercise in Tasman sea, international waters just off Aus/NZ

Apparently notice was given but at the last minute.

A Chinese scholar in an article stated that couturiers should get used to such exercises.

View attachment 26166

AUS/NZ joined their Massa in muscle flexing in "south China" sea, but are not so enthusiastic when the reverse happens.

We should expect something similar, a live fire exercise close to our shores but obviously in international waters anytime.

Flexing is happening

Nicobar island has to be militarized

Tamal, India’s last imported warship, likely to be commissioned in June


The Indian Navy crew that will operate Tamal, the stealth frigate under construction in Russia, reached St. Petersburg last week in preparation for its commissioning, which is expected to take place in early June.
The commissioning crew of around 200 personnel reached St. Petersburg around 10 days ago for training as the ship will undergo a series of trials leading up to its commissioning, officials sources in the know confirmed.
Tamal has completed manufacturer trials and is currently undergoing State Committee Trials. It will then go through delivery acceptance trials, both in harbour and at sea, which will be spread over 45 to 50 days, sources said, explaining the process. The ship’s weapons will also be fired after which it will be ready for commissioning.

India’s maritime sector: High potential of military-civilian shipbuilding synergy​

Article contains a good listing of minor private sector shipyards, aside from the big DPSU ones and L&T are known by everyone

They should establish a large shipyard in Odisha and Karnataka also, iirc those are the only coastal states with no big shipyard.

Hope Govt goes big into supporting commercial shipbuilding by private sector, it is a good employment generator, will give good forex and ofc will help the Navy also to ship-maxxx in the future, that's how the Chings crank out so many warships, they have the largest market share of commercial shipbuilding
I came across these two articles while digging about the current submarine boogaloo

It seems as if the Admirals were sitting on submarine design inspite of having the capability to build in-house like they do with the ships.

In the first article, there's a retired Vice Admiral PC Bhasin who was DG of the ATV project talking in an interview about how they imported an SSN design with all the "know why" which they then used as the basis for the Arihant SSBN,

It's a very good read, the Admiral here talks about how the Navy was fully involved, and how the Govt roped in the private sector aka L&T for production and DRDO produced the sub-systems

One was that we did not want to reinvent the wheel, so we decided that we would buy the design from an international agency and proceed with that. Here, we primarily wanted the ‘know how’ and the ‘know why’ of the design. We were also fortunate that we were able to get the normatives from the suppliers—the norms around which the design of a particular item, like a car, a motorcycle, a ship or a submarine is established. Companies [generally] never tell you anything of the normatives—this is their [intellectual property]. Our supplier was very kind—though we paid a very tidy sum for it, we got the normatives. The advantage was that with these, we could alter the design to our requirements or update it. For example, [suppose] we had designed a submarine with a maximum diving depth of 100 metres, but [later] wanted to increase that to 150 or 200 metres. To do that, we do not have to reinvent the wheel—we already have the normatives, so we update the design and change it as required. With this we had made designs for an SSBN. We have also been quite successful in [modifying] the design for an SSN (non-ballistic nuclear submarine). Though we didn’t have the build parameters for this, we are quite happy with [our design].

Yes it has, because of the design ability and the normatives, which we are now building up. So that’s why we paid a lot of money for the normatives—it’s not being kept in somebody’s almirah. It’s being used by the industry, by the [systems] designers, by the professional directorates, it’s all available. This information was distributed to the concerned people. [Thanks to this information], we can enter the design and modify it as necessary

Now since they have the design and know why, they could also make SSNs or diesel electrics based on it, but nothing happened :notsure:

the P77 SSN is supposed to have a bigger reactor( apparently same one used by S5 SSBN ) so it will be a different and larger design, made by Navy's submarine design department of WDB since the funds are sanctioned now.

In this second article, blue prints and other such design documents were transferred from both HDW and later Armaris/Naval Group to MDL and then to the Navy submarine design group, but once again they seemingly sat on it?

What did MDL do with the Transfer of Design Documents (TDD) it received from Armaris, the Franco-Spanish consortium (including DCNS--now Naval Group) that sold the Scorpenes. This TDD went from France to MDL and from the MDL to the DG SDG. It was never utilised. In the 1980s, HDW transferred to MDL all the design blueprints on thousands of microfilms, and microfilm readers were supplied to interpret those designs. These were not utilised because the firm was blacklisted.

So in summary
  • Navy WDB has a certain Russian SSN design with all the know-why and successfully modified an SSBN out of it
  • Navy WDB also has enough skills to make a larger P77 SSN and S5 SSBN
  • L&T can produce submarine hull etc and Navy SBC in Vizag can assemble them
  • MDL can do both production of hull sections and assembly of conventional submarines
  • DRDO can produce sub-systems like sonar domestically and also weapons like EHWT
  • As for Engines they could be imported from Kraut or Russi
  • If DRDO sonar/electronics is too outdated it can be imported ofc, just like for surface ships, Koreans have done this
There is design capability on Navy's end, there is build capability on MDL and L&Ts side, so there is no technical bottleneck, so it's either some budget issue or doctrine issue, I lean on the latter, the Admirals seem to not want the "numbers game" for the submarine fleet but want high tech subs in smaller numbers, otherwise we could have produced ATV derived diesel-electric subs long back, it's not even AIP since the Kalvaris don't have them either.

It also means any "ToT" from the Type-214 we get are fully jhumla, it isn't *necessary* to build subs domestically but it's a good add-on if the Admirals find it necessary to get into the Numbers Game like chings are doing for the last 20 years, and Russians have been doing since the Cold War

Anyway per that patrakar's report earlier it will be good if there are two lines cranking out the P75I German u-boots with their high tech angular hull, electronics and "proven" AIP, while the other produces the deshi P76 submarine based on ATV design and with DRDO AIP, should be enough to replace our existing 11 Kilo and Type 209 boats from the 80s and add additional subs.
NASM-MR has over 350km range, powered by Manik STFE as per this Door Darshan feature


It is also air launched, so Mig29k or Rafale-M integration possible, they also say it exceeds Harpoon and Exocet performance


Do we have exact spec for this Missile.

Slowly missile were coming up. Navy getting an low cost anti-ship solution.

At present we have

2. Brahmos
3. Nirbhay - Variant. (Will not call that word salad of abbreviations)

Next Anti air defense
2. Barak - 8
3. Kusha M1, M2, M3
Do we have exact spec for this Missile.

Slowly missile were coming up. Navy getting an low cost anti-ship solution.

At present we have

2. Brahmos
3. Nirbhay - Variant. (Will not call that word salad of abbreviations)

Next Anti air defense
2. Barak - 8
3. Kusha M1, M2, M3

You are correct but Barak-8 should be replaced by Kusha M1, the relation between the both is pic related


NASM-MR will enable the IN to bulk up the ships on the cheap, no need to stick brahmos on everything, all the time.
You are correct but Barak-8 should be replaced by Kusha M1, the relation between the both is pic related

View attachment 26307

NASM-MR will enable the IN to bulk up the ships on the cheap, no need to stick brahmos on everything, all the time.

NASM-MR. Will be used in small ships owing to cheaper price tags. For our Frigates, Destroyers we need chonky boi Nirbhay

So Kusha M1 will be replacing the Barak 8.

In this case. Our air defense will be like this.


Hope DRDO/Navy may figure out an way to build at least UVLS for Air defense missile, since all of them will be hot launched.
NASM-MR. Will be used in small ships owing to cheaper price tags. For our Frigates, Destroyers we need chonky boi Nirbhay

So Kusha M1 will be replacing the Barak 8.

In this case. Our air defense will be like this.


Hope DRDO/Navy may figure out an way to build at least UVLS for Air defense missile, since all of them will be hot launched.

Nope, it's even for the frigates and destroyers not just small ships.

8x Exocet/Harpoon style missiles in slant launchers are standard loadout on Western ships currently, however many like France and Korea are waking up to supersonic long range anti ship cruise missiles like our Brahmos, which are launched from VLS, Uncle Sam ofc was the first to do this with Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from Mk41 VLS.

afaik the Nirbhay derivative can be launched from the Brahmos VLS also.

Anyway the progress on missiles is good, hope we see progress in the radar department also

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